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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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Pianist (amuse. & rec.) 152.041-010
Piano-And-Organ Refinisher (woodworking) 763.381-010
Piano Bench Assembler (musical inst.) 763.684-058
PIANO CASE AND BENCH ASSEMBLER (musical inst.) 763.684-058
Piano-Case Maker (musical inst.) 660.280-010
piano-machine operator (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.582-010
PIANO REGULATOR-INSPECTOR (musical inst.) 730.681-010
Piano-Sounding-Board Matcher (musical inst.) 761.684-018
PIANO STRINGER (musical inst.) 730.684-054
PIANO TECHNICIAN (any industry) 730.281-038
PIANO TUNER (any industry) 730.361-010
picker (nonfer. metal) 509.686-018
picker (nonmet. min.) 739.687-102
picker (optical goods) 573.686-014
PICKER (saw. & plan.) 669.687-022
picker (textile) 680.685-074
PICKER (tobacco) 521.687-098
picker-box operator (oils & grease) 520.565-010
Picker Feeder (nonmet. min.) 570.686-018
Picker Feeder (tex. prod., nec; textile) 680.686-018
PICKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (furniture) 680.685-078
PICKER TENDER (textile) 680.685-074
Picket, Labor Union (nonprofit org.) 299.687-014
picking-belt operator (can. & preserv.) 521.687-086
PICKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any industry) 680.685-082
Picking-Machine-Operator Helper (tex. prod., nec) 586.686-022
PICKING-TABLE WORKER (sugar & conf.) 521.687-102
pickle maker (can. & preserv.) 522.684-010
pickle processor (can. & preserv.) 522.684-010
PICKLE PUMPER (meat products) 522.685-086
pickler (any industry) 503.685-030
PICKLER (can. & preserv.) 522.684-010
Pickler (leather mfg.) 582.482-014
PICKLER (meat products) 522.687-034
PICKLER, CONTINUOUS PICKLING LINE (any industry) 503.362-010
pickler operator (any industry) 503.362-010
pickle-water-pump operator (meat products) 522.685-086
Pickling-Drum Operator (meat products) 582.685-126
pickling grader (meat products) 529.687-106
pickling operator (any industry) 503.685-030
pickling-solution maker (can. & preserv.) 522.685-018
PICKLING SOLUTION MAKER (meat products) 522.485-010
pickling-tank operator (any industry) 503.685-030
PICK REMOVER (textile) 689.687-058
Pick-Up Driver (motor trans.) 906.683-022
PICK-UP OPERATOR (textile) 689.685-098
PICTURE FRAMER (retail trade; wood prod., nec) 739.684-146
Pie Bottomer (bakery products) 526.685-038
piece-dyeing-machine tender (textile) 582.665-014
piece-dye worker (textile) 582.665-014
Piece-Goods Packer (textile) 920.587-018
Piece Hand (textile) 681.685-154
piece marker, small arms (ordnance) 652.582-010
piece-meat trimmer (meat products) 521.687-106
Piece Presser (garment) 363.684-018
piecer-up (garment; glove & mit.) 781.687-010
piece trimmer (meat products) 521.687-106
pie chef (hotel & rest.) 313.361-038
Pie-Crimping-Machine Operator (bakery products) 526.685-038
Pie-Crust Mixer (bakery products) 520.685-234
Pie-Dough Roller (bakery products) 526.685-038
Pie Filler (bakery products) 526.685-038
Pie-Filling Mixer (bakery products) 520.685-114
Pie Icer (bakery products) 524.684-022
Pie Icer, Machine (bakery products) 524.685-034
PIE MAKER (hotel & rest.) 313.361-038
PIE MAKER, MACHINE (bakery products) 526.685-038
piercer operator (nonfer. metal) 613.482-014
PIERCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal) 613.482-014
PIERCING-MILL OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 613.685-018
pier hand (water trans.) 911.364-014
pier hand helper (water trans.) 911.687-010
Pie Topper (bakery products) 526.685-038
PIG-MACHINE OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 514.362-010
PIG-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (steel & rel.) 514.667-014
Pigment And Lacquer Mixer (chemical) 550.685-106
pigment blender (chemical) 550.685-014
PIGMENT FURNACE TENDER (chemical) 553.685-086
Pigment Mixer (paint & varnish) 550.685-078
Pigment Presser (chemical) 551.685-082
PIGMENT PROCESSOR (chemical; paint & varnish) 559.685-130
PIGMENT PUMPER (rubber reclaim.) 914.665-010
pigment supplier (rubber reclaim.) 914.665-010
pigment weigher (fabrication, nec) 590.487-010
Pigskin Trimmer (meat products) 525.687-046
PILE DRIVER (construction) term
PILE-DRIVER OPERATOR (construction) 859.682-018
Pile-Driver Operator, Barge Mounted (construction) 859.682-018
Pile-Driving Setter (construction) 869.664-014
Pile-Fabric Knitter (knitting) 685.665-014
pile operator (profess. & kin.) 015.362-014
pill coater (pharmaceut.) 554.382-010
PILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 556.685-058
Pillow-And-Cushion-Department Supervisor (tex. prod., nec) 789.132-010
Pillowcase Cleaner (tex. prod., nec) 689.687-050
pillowcase cutter (tex. prod., nec) 686.685-014
Pillowcase Folder (tex. prod., nec) 589.687-014
Pillowcase Sewer (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-026
Pillowcase Sewer, Automatic (tex. prod., nec) 787.685-014
PILLOWCASE TURNER (tex. prod., nec) 583.685-078
pillow cleaner (laundry & rel.) 362.685-010
PILLOW CLEANER (tex. prod., nec) 789.687-122
Pillow Filler (tex. prod., nec) 780.684-066
pilot (air trans.) 196.263-014
pilot (textile) 582.685-130
Pilot-Boat Deckhand (water trans.) 911.687-022
pilot-can router (tobacco) 920.685-086
PILOT-CONTROL OPERATOR (chemical; plastic-synth.) 559.382-046
PILOT-CONTROL-OPERATOR HELPER (chemical; plastic-synth.) 559.664-014
PILOT, HIGHWAY PATROL (government ser.) 375.163-014
pilot-plant-operator helper (chemical; plastic-synth.) 559.664-014
Pilot-Plant Research-Technician (petrol. refin.) 008.261-010
pilot-plant technician (chemical; plastic-synth.) 559.382-046
PILOT, SHIP (water trans.) 197.133-026
Pilot, Steam Yacht (water trans.) 197.133-026
PILOT, SUBMERSIBLE (any industry) 029.383-010
Pilot, Tank Vessel (water trans.) 197.133-026
Pin Attacher (button & notion) 692.685-206
Pinball-Machine Repairer (business ser.) 639.281-014
Pin Cleaner (textile) 699.687-014
pin-drafting-machine operator (textile) 680.685-058
Pin-Feather-Machine Operator (tex. prod., nec) 589.685-054
PIN-GAME-MACHINE INSPECTOR (svc. ind. mach.) 729.381-014
Pin Inserter (any industry) 920.685-034
Pin Inserter (clock & watch) 715.684-182
PIN INSERTER, REGULATOR (clock & watch) 715.684-166
Pinion Inspector (clock & watch) 715.384-022
PINION POLISHER (clock & watch) 715.685-042
Pinion Staker (clock & watch) 715.684-182
pinker (boot & shoe; garment) 686.685-042
PINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe; garment) 686.685-042
PINKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (button & notion) 692.685-130
pin-machine operator (furniture) 763.684-046
pin-machine tender (textile) 680.685-058
pinmaker (button & notion) 609.482-014
PIN MAKER (pottery & porc.) 575.686-018
pinner (cutlery-hrdwr.) 701.687-010
PINNER (garment; tex. prod., nec) 782.687-026
pinner (medical ser.) 712.687-014
Pinner (metal prod., nec) 706.684-090
PINNER (tex. prod., nec) 782.684-054
pinner, jewel bearing (clock & watch) 770.682-010
PINNER, PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS (electron. comp.) 699.685-046
PIN-OR-CLIP FASTENER (jewelry-silver.) 735.687-022
Pin Puller (smelt. & refin.) 630.684-010
PINSETTER ADJUSTER, AUTOMATIC (toy-sport equip.) 829.381-010
PINSETTER MECHANIC, AUTOMATIC (any industry) 638.261-022
PINSETTER-MECHANIC HELPER (any industry) 829.667-014
Pin Sorter And Bagger (laundry & rel.) 361.687-018
pin-tenter operator (textile) 580.685-066
Pin-Ticket-Machine Operator (any industry) 652.685-098
Pin Worker (laundry & rel.) 361.687-018
PIPE-AND-TANK FABRICATOR (wood. container) 669.380-018
Pipe-And-Test Supervisor (construction) 899.131-010
Pipe-Bending-Machine Operator (construction) 617.482-010
PIPE BUFFER (construction) 705.684-054
Pipe Caulker (construction) 869.664-014
PIPE CHANGER (mine & quarry) 891.564-010
Pipe-Cleaning-Machine Operator (construction) 862.662-010
Pipe Coater (steel & rel.) 740.684-022
PIPE COVERER AND INSULATOR (ship-boat mfg.) 863.381-014
PIPE CUTTER (construction) term
PIPE CUTTER (mfd. bldgs.) 862.682-010
Piped-Buttonhole-Machine Operator (garment) 786.685-022
PIPE FINISHER (brick & tile) 779.684-042
PIPE FITTER (construction) 862.281-022
PIPE FITTER (ship-boat mfg.) 862.261-010
pipe fitter (utilities) 862.361-014
Pipe Fitter, Ammonia (construction) 862.281-022
PIPE-FITTER APPRENTICE (construction) 862.281-026
PIPE FITTER, DIESEL ENGINE I (engine-turbine) 862.361-018
PIPE FITTER, DIESEL ENGINE II (engine-turbine) 862.381-022
Pipe Fitter, Fire-Sprinkler Systems (construction) 862.281-022
Pipe Fitter, Gas Pipe (construction) 862.281-022
PIPE-FITTER HELPER (construction) 862.684-022
PIPE-FITTER HELPER (ship-boat mfg.) 862.684-018
Pipe Fitter, Maintenance (any industry) 862.281-022
pipe fitter, marine (ship-boat mfg.) 862.261-010
Pipe Fitter, Plastic Pipe (construction) 862.281-022
Pipe Fitter, Soft Copper (construction) 862.281-022
Pipe Fitter, Street Service (utilities) 862.361-014
PIPE-FITTER SUPERVISOR (construction) 862.131-010
PIPE-FITTER SUPERVISOR (ship-boat mfg.) 862.131-014
Pipe-Fitter Supervisor, Maintenance (any industry) 862.131-010
Pipe Fitter, Welding (construction) 862.281-022
Pipe-Fittings Molder (brick & tile) 575.684-042
pipe inspector (construction) 862.687-010
pipe inspector (petrol. & gas) 930.267-010
PIPE INSTALLER (construction; utilities) 869.381-018
pipe jeeper (construction) 862.687-014
Pipe Layer (construction) 869.664-014
Pipe-Layer Helper (construction) 869.687-026
Pipe-Laying Supervisor (construction) 899.131-010
PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (construction) 869.367-018
pipe-line gauger (petrol. & gas; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.384-010
Pipeline Inspector (construction) 182.267-010
pipeline maintenance supervisor (pipe lines) 869.134-018
PIPELINER (pipe lines) 899.684-026
Pipeline Superintendent, District (pipe lines) 184.167-198
Pipeline Superintendent, Division (pipe lines) 184.167-198
PIPE-LINE SUPERVISOR (construction) term
Pipeline Worker (construction) 869.664-014
Pipe-Machine Operator (construction) 869.687-026
PIPE-ORGAN BUILDER (musical inst.) 730.281-042
PIPE-ORGAN INSTALLER (musical inst.) 730.381-046
PIPE-ORGAN TUNER AND REPAIRER (any industry) 730.361-014
pipe processor (steel & rel.) 619.662-014
pipe puller (petrol. & gas) 930.382-030
piper (engine-turbine) 862.361-018
PIPE RACKER (fabrication, nec) 749.687-034
Pipe Racker (petrol. & gas) 930.684-026
PIPE-SMOKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabrication, nec) 739.687-150
pipe smoking machine operator (fabrication, nec) 563.686-018
pipe steamer (garment) 789.687-166
PIPE STEM ALIGNER (fabrication, nec) 739.687-210
PIPE STEM REPAIRER (fabrication, nec) 739.684-186
PIPE STRIPPER (concrete prod.) 575.687-026
PIPE TESTER (petrol. & gas) 930.382-014
PIPE THREADER, HAND (construction) term
Pipe-Threading-Machine Operator (machine shop) 604.682-014
pipe-thread inspector (petrol. & gas) 862.381-038
Pipe Washer (dairy products) 599.684-010
PIPE-WRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction; pipe lines) 862.682-014
Piping Blocker (boot & shoe) 699.685-014
Piping-Cutting-Machine Operator (garment) 686.685-066
Pirn Winder (textile) 681.685-154
Piston-Cup Inspector (rubber goods) 759.684-074
PISTON MAKER (musical inst.) 730.681-014
pit boss (amuse. & rec.) 153.167-014
pit car repairer (mine & quarry) 622.381-030
PITCH FILLER (any industry) 619.687-018
Pitch Flaker (chemical) 559.685-074
Pitching Coach (amuse. & rec.) 153.227-010
PITCH WORKER (optical goods) 551.666-010
pit-furnace melter (foundry; steel & rel.) 512.362-018
pit inspector (railroad equip.) 622.281-010
PIT STEWARD (amuse. & rec.) 153.167-014
PIT SUPERVISOR (mine & quarry) 939.137-014
pit tanner (leather mfg.) 582.482-018
Pit-Worker, Power Shovel (any industry) 921.667-022
pivot-end polisher (clock & watch) 715.685-026
Pivot Polisher (clock & watch) 715.685-042
placement interviewer (profess. & kin.) 166.267-010
PLACER (insurance) 239.267-010
Placer Miner, Hydraulic (mine & quarry) 939.684-014
Placing Judge (amuse. & rec.) 153.267-014
plain-clothes officer (government ser.) 375.267-010
plain-goods hemmer (any industry) 787.682-026
plaiter (textile) 589.685-074
PLAN CHECKER (government ser.) 168.267-102
Planer-Chain Offbearer (saw. & plan.) 669.686-018
planer feeder (saw. & plan.) 665.686-014
Planer Feeder (woodworking) 669.686-030
Planer-Mill Grader (saw. & plan.) 669.687-030
Planer Offbearer (woodworking) 669.686-034
PLANER OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 675.682-014
planer operator (saw. & plan.) 665.482-018
PLANER OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.682-022
Planer Setter (woodworking) 669.280-010
PLANER SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (machine shop) 605.282-014
PLANER, STONE (stonework) 675.682-018
Planer-Type Milling-Machine Operator, Numerical Control (machine shop)
Planetarium Sky Show Technician (museums) 739.261-010
PLANETARIUM TECHNICIAN (museums) 962.261-010
PLANIMETER OPERATOR (government ser.) 219.387-022
PLANING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 605.685-034
planing-machine operator (stonework) 675.682-018
planing machine operator (woodworking) 665.682-022
PLANISHER (jewelry-silver.) 700.687-054
planishing-hammer operator (aircraft mfg.) 617.382-014
PLANISHING-PRESS OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 690.682-058
planner, chief (profess. & kin.) 012.167-050
PLANNER, PROGRAM SERVICES (government ser.) 188.167-110
planning assistant (profess. & kin.) 199.364-010
planning-division superintendent (utilities) 184.167-210
planning engineer (profess. & kin.) 012.167-018
planning engineer (utilities) 003.167-026
planning supervisor (profess. & kin.) 012.167-050
PLANT BREEDER (profess. & kin.) 041.061-082
PLANT-CARE WORKER (agriculture) 408.364-010
plant chief (tel. & tel.) 184.117-082
plant clerk (clerical) 221.382-018
Plant Cytologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-042
Plant Ecologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-038
PLANT ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 007.167-014
PLANTER (agriculture) term
plant machinist (utilities) 631.261-010
plant-maintenance worker (any industry) 899.261-014
PLANT OPERATOR (concrete prod.; construction) 570.682-014
PLANT OPERATOR, CHANNEL PROCESS (chemical) 542.685-010
PLANT OPERATOR, FURNACE PROCESS (chemical) 559.362-026
plant-operator helper (chemical) 542.685-018
Plant Packer (agriculture) 920.687-134
PLANT PATHOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-086
Plant Physiologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-078
PLANT PROPAGATOR (agriculture) 405.361-010
Plant-Protection Supervisor (any industry) 372.167-014
plant superintendent (pipe lines) 914.132-010
plant superintendent, industrial organization (any industry) 189.117-022
plant supervisor (any industry) 183.117-014
PLANT SUPERVISOR (grain-feed mills) 529.132-014
plant supervisor (petrol. refin.) 542.130-010
Plant Taxonomist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-038
plant tender (agriculture) 408.364-010
plant tour guide (any industry) 353.367-018
Plant Wrapper (agriculture) 920.687-134
Plaque Maker (nonmet. min.) 779.684-046
Plasma-Cutting-Machine Operator (welding) 816.482-010
PLASMA ETCHER, PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS (electron. comp.) 590.685-094
Plaster-Block Layer (construction) 861.381-018
PLASTER-DIE MAKER (pottery & porc.) 774.684-026
PLASTERER (construction) 842.361-018
PLASTERER (furniture) 749.687-026
PLASTERER APPRENTICE (construction) 842.361-022
Plasterer, Finish (construction) 842.361-018
Plasterer Helper (construction) 869.687-026
Plasterer, Maintenance (construction) 842.361-018
PLASTERER, MOLDING (concrete prod.; construction) 842.361-026
plasterer, ornamental (concrete prod.; construction) 842.361-026
Plasterer, Rough (construction) 842.361-018
plasterer, spot (furniture) 749.687-026
Plasterer, Spray Gun (construction) 842.361-018
plasterer, stucco (construction) 842.381-014
PLASTER-MACHINE TENDER (construction) 842.665-010
PLASTER MAKER (nonmet. min.) 779.684-046
PLASTER MIXER, MACHINE (concrete prod.) 570.382-014
PLASTER MOLDER I (foundry) 777.381-034
PLASTER MOLDER II (foundry) 518.484-010
Plaster-of-Paris Molder (elec. equip.) 729.684-030
PLASTER-PATTERN CASTER (machine tools) 777.381-038
plaster whittler (hat & cap) 784.361-010
plastic ball buffer (toy-sport equip.) 690.685-038
PLASTIC-CARD GRADER, CARDROOM (amuse. & rec.) 343.687-010
PLASTIC-DESIGN APPLIER (boot & shoe) 690.686-046
PLASTIC DUPLICATOR (machine tools) 754.684-038
Plastic-Extruding-Machine Operator (nonfer. metal) 691.382-010
plastic-eye technician (optical goods) 713.261-014
PLASTIC-FIXTURE BUILDER (machine shop) 601.381-030
Plastic-Frame Inserter (optical goods) 713.681-010
plastic insert molder (boot & shoe) 788.687-094
plastic installer (foundry) 849.484-010
PLASTIC-JOINT MAKER (brick & tile) 590.687-014
plastic-machine folder (boot & shoe) 690.685-070
PLASTIC MOLDER (fabrication, nec) 779.684-050
Plastic Outfitter (ship-boat mfg.) 806.684-146
Plastic-Panel Installer (construction; retail trade) 863.684-014
Plastic Parts Fabricator (aircraft mfg.) 754.381-018
Plastic Parts Fabricator-Trimmer (aircraft mfg.) 754.684-042
plastic-press molder (plastic prod.) 556.685-022
PLASTIC ROLLER (plastic prod.) 690.685-498
plastics bench mechanic (aircraft mfg.; plastic prod.) 754.381-018
PLASTICS FABRICATOR (aircraft mfg.; plastic prod.) 754.381-018
plastics fabricator and assembler (aircraft mfg.; plastic prod.) 754.381-018
Plastic-Sheeting Cutter (plastic prod.) 699.682-026
Plastic-Sign Fabricator (plastic prod.) 754.381-018
Plastics Plater (plastic prod.) 500.380-010
PLASTICS REPAIRER (plastic prod.) 754.684-046
Plastics Rework And Repair Mechanic (aircraft mfg.) 754.381-018
PLASTICS-SEASONER OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 553.665-042
plastics-sheet-finishing-press operator (plastic-synth.) 690.682-058
PLASTICS-SPREADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 554.382-014
Plastic Surgeon (medical ser.) 070.101-094
PLASTICS WORKER (aircraft mfg.) 754.684-042
Plastic-Tile Layer (construction; retail trade) 861.381-034
PLASTIC TOOL MAKER (machine shop) 601.381-026
PLASTIC-TOP ASSEMBLER (furniture) 763.684-062
Plastic-Top Installer (furniture) 763.684-050
Plastic-Tubing-Insulation Supervisor (nonfer. metal) 691.130-010
plastic-welding-machine operator (any industry) 690.685-154
Plate-And-Frame-Filter Operator (any industry) 551.685-082
plate-and-weld inspector (any industry) 619.261-010
PLATE ASSEMBLER, SMALL BATTERY (elec. equip.) 727.684-026
Plate Boner (meat products) 525.684-010
plate colorer (print. & pub.) 970.681-030
PLATE CONDITIONER (steel & rel.) 819.664-010
Plate-Drying-Machine Tender (elec. equip.) 590.685-026
plate embosser (clerical) 208.582-014
plate embosser (clerical) 208.682-010
plate filler (ordnance) 737.685-014
plate fin assembler (svc. ind. mach.) 706.684-010
PLATE FINISHER (print. & pub.) 659.360-010
plate finisher, photoengraving (print. & pub.) 971.381-030
PLATE FORMER (elec. equip.) 500.684-018
PLATE GAUGER (print. & pub.) 979.687-018
Plate-Glass Installer (construction) 865.381-010
PLATE GRAINER (print. & pub.) 972.682-010
PLATE-GRAINER APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 972.682-014
plate grouper, machine (elec. equip.) 692.382-014
Plate Inspector (clock & watch) 715.384-022
PLATE INSPECTOR (print. & pub.) 972.687-010
Plate Inspector (steel & rel.) 619.381-010
platemaker (print. & pub.) 972.381-010
PLATEMAKER, SEMICONDUCTOR PACKAGES (electron. comp.) 972.384-014
Plate Maker, Zinc (print. & pub.) 971.381-022
PLATE MOLDER (pen & pencil; print. & pub.) 556.582-010
plate mounter (paper goods) 659.684-010
PLATEN BUILDER-UP (print. & pub.) 651.384-010
platen-drier operator (millwork-plywood) 563.685-026
PLATEN GRINDER (office machines) 690.385-010
platen operator, metal bond (aircraft mfg.) 553.382-026
PLATEN-PRESS FEEDER (print. & pub.) 651.685-022
PLATEN-PRESS OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.682-026
PLATEN-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 651.362-018
PLATEN-PRESS-OPERATOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 651.362-022
plate preparer (print. & pub.) 972.682-010
plate printer (print. & pub.) 651.382-030
Plate-Put-in Worker (elec. equip.) 727.687-058
plater (agriculture) 418.381-010
PLATER (electroplating) 500.380-010
PLATER (inst. & app.) 500.684-034
plater (paper & pulp) 649.686-026
PLATER APPRENTICE (electroplating) 500.380-014
PLATER, BARREL (electroplating) 500.362-014
plater helper (any industry) 599.685-062
plater helper (electroplating) 500.686-010
PLATER, HOT DIP (galvanizing) 501.685-010
plater, machine (electroplating) 500.362-014
Plate Roller (any industry) 613.662-022
PLATER, PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD PANELS (electron. comp.) 500.684-026
plater production (electroplating) 500.685-014
plater supervisor (electroplating) 500.131-010
PLATE SETTER, FLEXOGRAPHIC PRESS (print. & pub.) 659.381-010
plate-shear operator (any industry) 615.682-018
plate-shop helper (any industry) 619.686-022
plate-shop inspector (any industry) 619.261-010
PLATE SLITTER-AND-INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 727.685-010
PLATE STACKER, HAND (elec. equip.) 729.687-026
plate stacker, machine (any industry) 692.682-054
PLATE STACKER, MACHINE (elec. equip.) 692.382-014
PLATE-TAKE-OUT WORKER (elec. equip.) 500.687-010
Plate Washer (elec. equip.) 727.687-058
PLATE WORKER (paper & pulp) 535.685-010
plate worker (plastic prod.) 690.682-062
plate-worker helper (any industry) 801.687-014
PLATFORM ATTENDANT (food prep., nec) 299.377-010
platform beater (boot & shoe) 690.685-470
Platform Cementer (boot & shoe) 690.686-018
platform inspector (can. & preserv.; wholesale tr.) 529.387-018
Platform Loader (any industry) 929.687-030
Platform Presser (boot & shoe) 690.685-074
Platform Stapler (boot & shoe) 690.685-162
Platform Stitcher (boot & shoe) 690.682-078
Platform Supervisor (any industry) 922.137-018
platform worker (glass mfg.) 575.687-010
platform worker (wood prod., nec) 561.665-010
plating-department helper (electroplating) 500.686-010
PLATING EQUIPMENT TENDER (electroplating) 500.685-014
plating inspector (amuse. & rec.) 153.287-010
PLATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 649.686-026
plating-press operator (leather mfg.; leather prod.) 690.682-030
Plating Stripper (electroplating) 500.380-010
Plating-Tank Cleaner (electron. comp.) 891.687-022
plating-tank operator (electroplating) 500.380-010
plating-tank-operator apprentice (electroplating) 500.380-014
Platinumsmith (jewelry-silver.) 700.281-010
playback operator (petrol. & gas) 194.382-010
Player-Manager (amuse. & rec.) 153.117-010
PLAYER-PIANO TECHNICIAN (musical inst.) 730.381-050
PLAYGROUND-EQUIPMENT ERECTOR (retail trade) 801.684-018
PLAYROOM ATTENDANT (any industry) 359.677-026
PLAYWRIGHT (profess. & kin.) 131.067-038
pleater (any industry) 787.682-082
PLEATER (tex. prod., nec) 787.685-026
PLEATER (textile) 589.685-074
PLEATER, HAND (tex. prod., nec) 583.684-010
PLEATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any industry) 583.685-082
pleating-machine operator (knitting; textile) 589.685-086
PLEAT PATTERNMAKER (garment; tex. prod., nec) 781.484-010
Pleat Presser (laundry & rel.) 363.681-010
PLEAT TAPER (tex. prod., nec) 789.487-010
plier worker (jewelry-silver.) 735.687-014
Plisse-Machine Operator (textile) 652.382-010
Plisse-Machine Operator Helper (textile) 652.686-010
PLODDER OPERATOR (soap & rel.) 556.682-018
plodding-machine operator (soap & rel.) 556.682-018
plotter (motion picture) 962.361-010
PLOW-AND-BORING-MACHINE TENDER (woodworking) 665.685-018
plow holder (construction) 850.663-014
plow shaker (construction) 850.663-014
plug-and-mold finisher (concrete prod.; ship-boat mfg.) 806.684-086
Plug Assembler (elec. equip.) 729.687-010
Plug Builder (ship-boat mfg.) 661.281-010
PLUG CUTTER (pen & pencil) 690.685-306
plug-cutter (tobacco) 529.685-182
plug-cutting-and-wrapping-machine operator (tobacco) 529.685-182
plug-drill operator (mine & quarry) 930.684-018
PLUGGER (steel & rel.) 613.687-010
PLUGGER (wood. container) 764.687-098
PLUGGING-MACHINE OPERATOR (woodworking) 669.682-062
plug maker (plastic prod.) 754.381-014
plug-making operator (tobacco) 529.685-062
PLUG-OVERWRAP-MACHINE TENDER (tobacco) 529.685-186
PLUG SHAPER, HAND (tobacco) 520.687-050
PLUG SHAPER, MACHINE (tobacco) 520.686-034
PLUG SORTER (woodworking) 769.687-034
Plug Stitcher (boot & shoe) 690.682-078
PLUG WIRER (elec. equip.) 726.687-014
PLUMBER (construction) 862.381-030
PLUMBER (mfd. bldgs.) 862.681-010
PLUMBER APPRENTICE (construction) 862.381-034
Plumber Helper (construction) 869.664-014
Plumber, Maintenance (any industry) 862.381-030
plumber, pipe fitting (construction) 862.281-022
PLUMBER SUPERVISOR (construction) 862.131-018
Plumber Supervisor, Maintenance (construction) 862.131-018
PLUMBING ASSEMBLER-INSTALLER (mfd. bldgs.) 862.684-026
PLUMBING-HARDWARE ASSEMBLER (plumbing-heat.) 706.684-086
Plum Packer (agriculture; wholesale tr.) 920.687-134
Plunger-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-042
PLUSH WEAVER (textile) 683.682-030
Plycor Operator (woodworking) 569.685-046
ply cutter (rubber tire) 690.682-022
ply splicer (rubber tire) 759.684-058
Plywood Builder (millwork-plywood) 762.687-026
Plywood Patcher (millwork-plywood) 769.684-030
PLYWOOD-SCARFER TENDER (millwork-plywood) 665.685-022
Plywood-Stock Grader (millwork-plywood) 569.687-034

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