TITLE(s): PIE MAKER, MACHINE (bakery products) Performs any combination of following duties on pie-machine conveyor line: Loads dough into hopper of pie-dough scaling machine. Turns hand lever to adjust scaling cylinder of machine to produce lumps of dough of prescribed size. Removes lumps of dough deposited from scaling machine and places them in dough-rolling-machine hopper. Turns hand lever to adjust rollers of machine to produce dough disks of desired thickness, catches dough emerging from first set of rollers, and drops dough into second set of rollers. Catches dough emerging from rolling machine and places it in piepan as it moves on conveyor. Dumps pie filling from container into hopper of filling machine, using hoist. Observes pies being filled and adjusts mechanism to regulate feed of filling or fills pies by hand. Catches dough emerging from rolling machine and places it over filled pies. Perforates pie covers to identify filling, using hand stamp. Inserts pan containing pie in pie-crimping machine and depresses pedal to crimp and seal perimeter of pie. Trims excess dough from pie with knife. May be designated according to phase of operation performed as Pie Bottomer (bakery products); Pie-Crimping-Machine Operator (bakery products); Pie-Dough Roller (bakery products); Pie Filler (bakery products); Pie Topper (bakery products). GOE: 06.04.15 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77 |
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PIE MAKER, MACHINE (bakery products)
Performs any combination of following duties on pie-machine conveyor line: Loads dough into hopper
of pie-dough scaling machine. Turns hand lever to adjust scaling cylinder of machine to produce
lumps of dough of prescribed size. Removes lumps of dough deposited from scaling machine and places
them in dough-rolling-machine hopper. Turns hand lever to adjust rollers of machine to produce dough
disks of desired thickness, catches dough emerging from first set of rollers, and drops dough into
second set of rollers. Catches dough emerging from rolling machine and places it in piepan as it
moves on conveyor. Dumps pie filling from container into hopper of filling machine, using hoist.
Observes pies being filled and adjusts mechanism to regulate feed of filling or fills pies by hand.
Catches dough emerging from rolling machine and places it over filled pies. Perforates pie covers to
identify filling, using hand stamp. Inserts pan containing pie in pie-crimping machine and depresses
pedal to crimp and seal perimeter of pie. Trims excess dough from pie with knife. May be designated
according to phase of operation performed as Pie Bottomer (bakery products); Pie-Crimping-Machine
Operator (bakery products); Pie-Dough Roller (bakery products); Pie Filler (bakery products); Pie
Topper (bakery products).
GOE: 06.04.15 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03