TITLE(s): CABINETMAKER (woodworking) Sets up and operates variety of woodworking machines and uses various handtools to fabricate and repair wooden cabinets and high-grade furniture: Studies blueprints or drawings of articles to be constructed or repaired, and plans sequence of cutting or shaping operations to be performed. Marks outline or dimensions of parts on paper or lumber stock, according to blueprint or drawing specifications. Matches materials for color, grain, or texture. Sets up and operates woodworking machines, such as power saws, jointer, mortiser, tenoner, molder, and shaper, to cut and shape parts from woodstock. Trims component parts of joints to ensure snug fit, using handtools, such as planes, chisels, or wood files. Bores holes for insertion of screws or dowels by hand or using boring machine. Glues, fits, and clamps parts and subassemblies together to form complete unit, using clamps or clamping machine. Drives nails or other fasteners into joints at designated places to reinforce joints. Sands and scrapes surfaces and joints of articles to prepare articles for finishing. May repair high-grade articles of furniture. May dip, brush, or spray assembled articles with protective or decorative materials, such as stain, varnish, or paint. May install hardware, such as hinges, catches, and drawer pulls. May repair furniture, equipment, and fixtures and be designated Cabinetmaker, Maintenance (woodworking). May be designated according to products made as Piano-Case Maker (musical inst.). May cut, shape, and assemble wooden parts to construct frames for refrigeration equipment and be designated Refrigerator Cabinetmaker (svc. ind. mach.). GOE: 05.05.08 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 89311 Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters |
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CABINETMAKER (woodworking)
Sets up and operates variety of woodworking machines and uses various handtools to fabricate and
repair wooden cabinets and high-grade furniture: Studies blueprints or drawings of articles to be
constructed or repaired, and plans sequence of cutting or shaping operations to be performed. Marks
outline or dimensions of parts on paper or lumber stock, according to blueprint or drawing
specifications. Matches materials for color, grain, or texture. Sets up and operates woodworking
machines, such as power saws, jointer, mortiser, tenoner, molder, and shaper, to cut and shape parts
from woodstock. Trims component parts of joints to ensure snug fit, using handtools, such as planes,
chisels, or wood files. Bores holes for insertion of screws or dowels by hand or using boring
machine. Glues, fits, and clamps parts and subassemblies together to form complete unit, using
clamps or clamping machine. Drives nails or other fasteners into joints at designated places to
reinforce joints. Sands and scrapes surfaces and joints of articles to prepare articles for
finishing. May repair high-grade articles of furniture. May dip, brush, or spray assembled articles
with protective or decorative materials, such as stain, varnish, or paint. May install hardware,
such as hinges, catches, and drawer pulls. May repair furniture, equipment, and fixtures and be
designated Cabinetmaker, Maintenance (woodworking). May be designated according to products made as
Piano-Case Maker (musical inst.). May cut, shape, and assemble wooden parts to construct frames for
refrigeration equipment and be designated Refrigerator Cabinetmaker (svc. ind. mach.).
GOE: 05.05.08 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 89311 Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03