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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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ROADABILITY-MACHINE OPERATOR (auto. mfg.) 806.383-010
Road Clerk (r.r. trans.) 221.362-026
Road Engineer, Freight (r.r. trans.) 910.363-014
Road Engineer, Passenger (r.r. trans.) 910.363-014
Road-Freight Firer (r.r. trans.) 910.363-010
road grader (construction) 850.663-022
road-hogger operator (construction) 850.663-022
Road Manager (amuse. & rec.) 191.117-038
ROAD-MIXER OPERATOR (construction) 859.683-026
road-oil distributor (construction) 853.663-018
ROAD-OILING-TRUCK DRIVER (construction) 853.663-018
Road-Passenger Firer (r.r. trans.) 910.363-010
ROAD-ROLLER OPERATOR (construction) 859.683-030
Road-Roller Operator, Hot Mix (construction) 859.683-030
ROADS SUPERVISOR (government ser.) 188.167-078
ROAD SUPERVISOR (motor trans.) 913.133-010
ROAD SUPERVISOR OF ENGINES (r.r. trans.) 910.137-034
road tester (auto. mfg.) 806.283-014
roaster (can. & preserv.) 529.685-174
roaster (cement; chemical; mine & quarry) 573.382-010
ROASTER, GRAIN (grain-feed mills) 523.585-034
roaster helper (sugar & conf.) 523.666-010
Roaster Supervisor (smelt. & refin.) 513.132-010
roast tier (meat products) 525.687-118
ROBOTIC MACHINE OPERATOR (aircraft mfg.) 606.382-026
robotic machine tender, production (machine shop) 609.685-018
robot technician (machinery mfg.) 638.261-026
Rockboard Lather (construction) 842.361-010
ROCK BREAKER (retail trade; stonework) 770.687-034
Rock Contractor (mine & quarry) 939.281-010
ROCK-DRILL OPERATOR I (construction) 850.683-034
ROCK-DRILL OPERATOR II (construction) 850.662-014
ROCK-DUST SPRAYER (mine & quarry) 939.687-026
Rocket-Assembly Operator (chemical) 590.464-010
Rocket-Control Technician (profess. & kin.) 003.261-010
ROCKET-ENGINE-COMPONENT MECHANIC (aircraft mfg.) 621.281-030
Rocket-Engine Mechanic, Liquid (aircraft mfg.) 693.261-022
ROCKET-MOTOR MECHANIC (aircraft mfg.) 693.261-022
ROCKET-TEST-FIRE WORKER (ordnance) 806.384-022
rock splitter (mine & quarry) 930.684-022
ROCK SPLITTER (stonework) 771.684-010
ROD-AND-TUBE STRAIGHTENER (plastic-synth.) 559.587-010
Rod-Bending-Machine Operator I (any industry) 617.482-010
Rod-Bending-Machine Operator II (any industry) 617.685-010
RODDING-ANODE WORKER (smelt. & refin.) 519.687-034
RODDING MACHINE TENDER (furniture) 665.685-038
Rod-Drawing Supervisor (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 614.132-010
Rodent Exterminator (business ser.) 389.684-010
RODEO PERFORMER (amuse. & rec.) 159.344-014
Rod Inspector (construction) 182.267-010
Rod-Machine Operator (paper & pulp) 533.685-022
Rod-Mill Operator (any industry) 599.685-058
ROD-MILL TENDER (cement; smelt. & refin.) 519.685-030
ROD-PULLER AND COILER (nonfer. metal) 619.685-078
ROD TAPE OPERATOR (electron. comp.) 726.685-042
roll attendant (any industry) 570.685-022
ROLL BUILDER (rubber goods) 759.484-010
ROLL BUILDER (steel & rel.) 801.664-018
roll-calender tender (tex. prod., nec; textile) 583.685-026
roll changer (rubber goods; rubber tire) 554.665-010
roll-coating-machine operator (carpet & rug; tex. prod., nec) 584.562-010
roll-contour grinder (rubber reclaim.) 629.682-010
ROLL COVERER, BURLAP (textile) 929.687-042
ROLL CUTTER (rubber goods) 690.685-322
roll-cutting operator (any industry) 699.682-030
roll-dough divider (bakery products) 520.685-086
Roll-Edge Stitcher, Hand (furniture) 780.684-070
Rolled-Gold Plater (jewelry-silver.) 813.482-010
Rolled-Ham Lacer (meat products) 529.687-034
Rolled-Oats-Mill Operator (grain-feed mills) 521.685-122
Rolled-Seat Trimmer (boot & shoe) 690.685-434
roll-embosser operator (paper goods) 649.682-022
ROLLER (jewelry-silver.) 613.682-018
roller (jewelry-silver.) 735.687-042
ROLLER (ship-boat mfg.) 806.687-046
roller (textile) 689.685-046
roller (tobacco) 922.687-026
roller-bearing assembler (machinery mfg.; motor-bicycles) 706.687-034
ROLLER-BEARING INSPECTOR (machinery mfg.; motor-bicycles) 706.687-034
Roller, Billet Mill (steel & rel.) 613.362-014
Roller, Blooming Mill (steel & rel.) 613.362-014
ROLLER CHECKER (textile) 682.684-010
ROLLER CLEANER (textile) 680.687-014
Roller-Coaster Operator (amuse. & rec.) 342.663-010
ROLLER COVERER (textile) 628.682-010
Roller-Die-Cutting-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 690.685-290
roller embosser (any industry) 583.685-030
ROLLER ENGRAVER, HAND (print. & pub.) 979.681-018
ROLLER, GOLD LEAF (metal prod., nec) 709.685-018
Roller Hand (recording) 559.686-010
ROLLER, HAND (tobacco) 790.684-022
ROLLER I (sugar & conf.) 520.684-014
Roller II (sugar & conf.) 524.687-014
Roller Inspector (textile) 979.381-026
roller inspector and mender (textile) 979.381-026
ROLLER-LEVELER OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 613.685-022
ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (leather mfg.) 583.685-094
ROLLER-MACHINE OPERATOR (metal prod., nec) 611.482-014
ROLLER MAKER (print. & pub.) 759.664-018
ROLLER MAKER (rubber goods) 690.685-502
roller maker (textile) 628.682-010
roller, merchant mill (steel & rel.) 613.130-014
roller-mill operator (grain-feed mills) 521.682-026
ROLLER-MILL OPERATOR (paint & varnish) 555.682-014
Roller-Mill Tender (pharmaceut.) 550.685-090
roller operator (construction) 859.683-030
ROLLER OPERATOR (hat & cap) 580.685-046
roller operator (metal prod., nec) 611.482-014
roller operator (sugar & conf.) 520.685-198
roller operator (tobacco) 521.685-330
ROLLER OPERATOR (toy-sport equip.) 652.685-078
roller painter (print. & pub.) 971.684-014
Roller, Plate Mill (steel & rel.) 613.130-018
roller, pneumatic (construction) 859.683-030
roller-presser operator (knitting; textile) 583.686-030
ROLLER, PRIMARY MILL (steel & rel.) 613.362-014
roller printer (print. & pub.) 971.685-010
roller printer (textile) 652.582-014
ROLLER-PRINT TENDER (print. & pub.) 971.685-010
ROLLER REPAIRER (textile) 979.381-026
roller-shop worker (textile) 628.682-010
ROLLER-SKATE ASSEMBLER (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-098
ROLLER-SKATE REPAIRER (any industry) 732.684-102
Roller, Slabbing Mill (steel & rel.) 613.362-014
Roller Stainer (leather prod.) 749.684-022
Roller Staker (clock & watch) 715.684-182
ROLLER-STITCHER (boot & shoe) 753.684-030
roller, structural mill (steel & rel.) 613.130-018
roller tender (grain-feed mills) 521.685-210
ROLLER VARNISHER (print. & pub.) 979.682-022
ROLL EXAMINER (paper & pulp) 640.687-010
Roll Filler (leather mfg.) 629.280-010
ROLL FINISHER (paper & pulp) 920.685-090
roll forger (forging) 612.682-014
roll former (any industry) 619.362-014
ROLL-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR I (any industry) 617.482-018
ROLL-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR II (any industry) 617.685-034
ROLL-FORMING-MACHINE SET-UP MECHANIC (any industry) 613.360-010
Roll-Forming Supervisor (any industry) 619.130-030
Roll Grinder (rubber goods) 690.680-010
ROLL GRINDER (rubber reclaim.) 629.682-010
Roll Grinder Operator (machine shop) 603.280-010
Roll Guider, Mold Goods (fabrication, nec) 590.686-014
Roll Icer (bakery products) 524.684-022
Roll Icer, Machine (bakery products) 524.685-034
ROLLING ATTENDANT (steel & rel.) 613.662-010
ROLLING-DOWN-MACHINE OPERATOR (knitting; textile) 589.685-086
rolling-machine operator (forging) 612.682-014
ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-070
ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 520.685-198
rolling-machine operator (textile) 689.685-046
ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 585.685-078
Rolling-Machine Operator, Automatic (any industry) 619.685-082
ROLLING-MACHINE TENDER (knitting) 689.685-114
ROLLING-MILL OPERATOR (nonfer. metal) 613.462-018
ROLLING-MILL-OPERATOR HELPER (nonfer. metal) 613.685-026
rolling-mill plugger (steel & rel.) 613.687-010
rolling supervisor, continuous-pipe mill (steel & rel.) 619.130-022
rolling-up-machine operator (knitting) 580.485-010
ROLL INSPECTOR (plastic-synth.) 554.587-010
roll-machine attendant (soap & rel.) 553.685-098
roll-machine operator (bakery products) 520.685-086
roll-mill operator (any industry) 616.685-042
roll molder (rubber goods) 559.482-010
roll operator (construction) 859.683-030
roll operator (grain-feed mills) 520.685-102
roll operator (grain-feed mills; oils & grease) 529.685-106
ROLL OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 554.682-018
Roll-Operator Helper (any industry) 619.687-014
ROLL OPERATOR I (any industry) 619.362-014
ROLL OPERATOR II (any industry) term
Roll Operator, Sheet Metal (any industry) 619.362-014
ROLL-OR-TAPE-EDGE-MACHINE OPERATOR (furniture) 787.682-038
roll-over loader (optical goods) 713.687-026
ROLL-OVER-PRESS OPERATOR (optical goods) 690.685-326
roll picker (textile) 680.687-014
roll-press operator (leather mfg.; tex. prod., nec) 589.685-098
ROLL RECLAIMER (paper goods) 640.685-062
Roll Repairer (smelt. & refin.) 630.281-026
Rolls Baker (hotel & rest.) 313.381-010
roll setter (print. & pub.) 651.686-022
roll setter (steel & rel.) 613.360-014
roll setter, pipe mill (steel & rel.) 613.360-014
ROLL-SHEETING CUTTER (tex. prod., nec) 699.682-026
roll skinner (paper & pulp) 539.686-010
ROLL-SLICING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil) 640.685-066
ROLL TENDER (chemical) 559.362-030
ROLL TENDER (print. & pub.) 651.686-022
ROLL-TENSION TESTER (plastic-synth.) 559.584-010
roll tester (textile) 652.685-090
ROLL-THREADER OPERATOR (nut & bolt) 619.462-010
ROLL-TUBE SETTER (steel & rel.) 613.360-014
ROLL TURNER (knitting) 689.685-110
ROLL-UP-GUIDER OPERATOR (fabrication, nec) 590.685-050
roll-up helper (fabrication, nec) 739.587-010
roll-up operator (fabrication, nec) 590.665-018
Roll Weigher (paper & pulp; paper goods; plastic-synth.) 222.387-074
roll winder (build. mat., nec) 549.685-022
roll winder (paper goods) 640.685-058
roll wrapper (paper & pulp) 920.685-090
ROOF ASSEMBLER I (mfd. bldgs.) 869.684-042
Roof Assembler II (mfd. bldgs.) 869.684-018
ROOF BOLTER (mine & quarry) 930.683-026
ROOF-CEMENT-AND-PAINT MAKER (build. mat., nec; nonmet. min.) 550.382-030
ROOF-CEMENT-AND-PAINT-MAKER HELPER (build. mat., nec; nonmet. min.) 550.686-038
ROOFER (construction) 866.381-010
ROOFER APPLICATOR (construction) 866.684-010
ROOFER APPRENTICE (construction) 866.381-014
Roofer, Gypsum (construction) 866.381-010
Roofer Helper (construction) 869.687-026
Roofer Helper, Vinyl Coating (construction) 869.687-026
Roofer, Metal (construction) 804.281-010
Roofer, Vinyl Coating (construction) 869.664-014
ROOF FITTER (railroad equip.) 806.684-126
Roof Framer (mfd. bldgs.; vehicles, nec) 869.684-010
ROOFING-MACHINE OPERATOR (build. mat., nec) 554.682-022
ROOFING-MACHINE TENDER (nonmet. min.) 590.685-098
ROOFING SUPERVISOR (construction) 866.131-010
Roofing-Tile Burner (brick & tile) 573.682-010
Roofing-Tile Sorter (brick & tile) 573.687-034
Roof-Panel Hanger (mfd. bldgs.; vehicles, nec) 809.684-030
Roof-Promenade-Tile Setter (construction) 861.381-054
ROOF-TRUSS-MACHINE TENDER (mfd. bldgs.) 669.685-070
room boss (mine & quarry) 939.137-018
Room Clerk (hotel & rest.) 238.367-038
Rooming-House Inspector (government ser.) 168.267-066
Room Service Assistant (hotel & rest.) 311.677-018
ROOM-SERVICE CLERK (hotel & rest.) 324.577-010
ROOTER OPERATOR (fabrication, nec) 731.685-010
ROPE CLEANER (textile) 699.687-022
rope-coiling-machine operator (tex. prod., nec) 681.685-086
ROPE-LAYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 681.685-086
ROPE-MACHINE SETTER (tex. prod., nec) 681.380-010
ROPE MAKER, MACHINE (nonmet. min.) 681.685-082
ROPE-MAKER, ROPEWALK (tex. prod., nec) 681.682-014
Roper (agriculture) 929.687-030
roper (hat & cap) 580.684-010
roper (meat products) 529.687-150
rope rider (any industry) 932.664-010
roper operator (plastic-synth.) 559.562-010
ROPE-SILICA-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-114
rope-twisting-machine operator (tex. prod., nec) 681.685-086
Roping Machine Tender (button & notion) 739.685-058
Rose-Farm Laborer (agriculture) 405.687-014
Rose Grader (agriculture) 409.687-010
Rose Grower (agriculture) 405.161-014
ROSIN-BARREL FILLER (chemical) 920.687-150
rotary-bar operator (steel & rel.) 619.682-042
ROTARY CUTTER (boot & shoe) 585.685-082
ROTARY-CUTTER FEEDER (paper & pulp) 640.686-010
ROTARY-CUTTER OPERATOR (rubber goods) 551.585-022
ROTARY DERRICK OPERATOR (petrol. & gas) 930.382-022
ROTARY-DRIER FEEDER (chemical) 553.686-038
rotary-drier operator (chemical) 553.685-050
rotary-drier operator (smelt. & refin.) 511.565-014
ROTARY DRILLER (petrol. & gas) 930.382-026
ROTARY-DRILLER HELPER (petrol. & gas) 930.684-026
Rotary Driller, Marine Operations (petrol. & gas) 930.382-026
rotary driller, prospecting (petrol. & gas) 930.382-018
Rotary-Drill Operator (construction; mine & quarry) 930.382-010
rotary-drill-rig operator (construction) 859.362-010
Rotary-Drum Dyer (knitting) 582.685-170
Rotary-Dump Operator (mine & quarry; steel & rel.) 921.685-038
ROTARY-ENGINE ASSEMBLER (engine-turbine) 801.261-018
Rotary-Envelope-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-042
rotary-filter operator (paper & pulp) 533.682-010
rotary-furnace operator (foundry; steel & rel.) 512.362-018
ROTARY-FURNACE TENDER (chemical) 553.685-094
rotary helper (petrol. & gas) 930.684-026
ROTARY-KILN OPERATOR (cement; chemical; mine & quarry) 573.382-010
Rotary-Kiln Operator (concrete prod.) 573.462-010
ROTARY-KILN OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 513.682-010
Rotary-Machine Operator (bakery products) 520.682-034
Rotary-Peel Oven Tender (bakery products) 526.685-030
Rotary Planer Set-Up Operator (machine shop) 605.282-014
Rotary Preformer (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 556.685-058
rotary profile-shaper operator, automatic (woodworking) 665.682-026
Rotary Pump Operator (electron. comp.) 599.382-014
ROTARY-RIG ENGINE OPERATOR (petrol. & gas) 950.382-022
Rotary-Rock-Drilling-Machine Operator (any industry) 850.683-034
rotary-saw operator (stonework) 677.462-010
ROTARY-SHEAR OPERATOR (any industry) 615.482-030
rotary-slicing-machine operator (millwork-plywood) 664.662-010
rotary-soil-stabilizer operator (construction) 859.683-026
rotary-surface grinder (machine shop) 603.280-014
Rotary-Swaging-Machine Operator (forging) 612.682-014
rotary-veneer-machine operator (millwork-plywood) 664.662-010
rotating field assembler (elec. equip.) 721.684-026
ROTOGRAVURE-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 651.362-026
roto-mixer operator (construction) 859.683-026
rotor-and-armature bander (any industry) 724.684-010
ROTOR ASSEMBLER (clock & watch) 715.687-114
Rotor Balancer (elec. equip.) 724.384-014
ROTOR CASTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 502.482-018
rotor-lamination inspector (elec. equip.) 729.687-018
Rotor Winder (elec. equip.) 721.484-010
ROUGE MIXER (optical goods) 570.685-082
Rouge Mixer (pharmaceut.) 550.685-090
rouge presser (pharmaceut.) 556.685-026
ROUGE SIFTER AND MILLER (optical goods) 579.685-046
ROUGH-AND-TRUEING-MACHINE OPERATOR (toy-sport equip.) 690.685-330
roughener (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
Rougher (glass products) 775.684-010
ROUGHER (steel & rel.) 613.362-018
Rougher, Bar Mill (steel & rel.) 613.362-018
Rougher For Cement (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
Rougher, Hot-Strip Mill (steel & rel.) 613.362-018
Rougher, Merchant Mill (steel & rel.) 613.362-018
ROUGHER OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 613.662-014
Rough-Lumber Grader (woodworking) 669.687-030
roughneck (petrol. & gas) 930.684-026
roughneck (petrol. & gas) 869.684-046
ROUGH OPENER, JEWEL HOLE (clock & watch) 770.684-018
Rough Patcher (concrete prod.) 579.687-042
Rough Patcher (fabrication, nec) 739.687-146
ROUGH PLANER TENDER (woodworking) 665.665-010
ROUGH-RICE GRADER (grain-feed mills) 529.367-026
ROUGH-RICE TENDER (grain-feed mills) 521.685-274
ROUGH-ROUNDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-334
Rough Sander (fabrication, nec) 761.684-030
Roulette Dealer (amuse. & rec.) 343.464-010
Round Boner (meat products) 525.684-010
ROUND-CORNER-CUTTER OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-074
round-cutter operator (hat & cap; tex. prod., nec) 585.685-086
rounder (boot & shoe) 690.685-334
ROUNDER (boot & shoe) 690.685-338
rounder (hat & cap; tex. prod., nec) 585.685-086
rounder (print. & pub.) 653.685-026
rounder and backer (print. & pub.) 653.685-026
ROUNDER, HAND (hat & cap) 784.684-050
Rounding-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 699.682-022
ROUNDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap; tex. prod., nec) 585.685-086
rounding-machine operator (wood. container) 667.685-066
ROUNDING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil) 663.685-026
round-kiln drawer (pottery & porc.) 573.667-010
ROUND-UP-RING HAND (concrete prod.) 579.587-010
roustabout (leather mfg.) 589.686-026
roustabout (petrol. & gas) 939.687-018
ROUSTABOUT (petrol. & gas) 869.684-046
roustabout, head (petrol. & gas) 862.131-022
ROUTE AIDE (tel. & tel.) 239.687-010
route clerk (clerical) 222.687-022
ROUTE-DELIVERY CLERK (clerical) 222.587-034
route driver (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 292.353-010
route driver, coin machines (business ser.) 292.483-010
route driver helper (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 292.667-010
ROUTER (clerical) 222.587-038
router (clerical) 222.687-022
ROUTER (print. & pub.) 979.682-026
Route Returner (clerical) 222.387-050
ROUTER MACHINE OPERATOR (plastic prod.) 605.685-054
ROUTER OPERATOR (any industry) 605.382-034
ROUTER OPERATOR (stonework) 676.462-010
ROUTER OPERATOR (woodworking) 665.682-030
ROUTER OPERATOR, HAND (aircraft mfg.; railroad equip.) 806.684-150
Router Operator, Pin (aircraft mfg.) 605.382-034
Router Operator, Radial (aircraft mfg.) 605.382-034
ROUTER, PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS (electron. comp.) 605.682-034
Router Setter (woodworking) 669.280-010
ROUTER TENDER (furniture) 665.685-042
route supervisor (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 292.137-014
ROUTE SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.) 239.137-018
ROUTING CLERK (clerical) 222.687-022
routing clerk (clerical) 222.587-038
ROUTING CLERK (nonprofit org.) 249.367-070
ROUTING-EQUIPMENT TENDER (grain-feed mills) 521.685-278
routing-machine operator (woodworking) 665.682-030
roving changer (textile) 689.686-026
roving-frame tender (textile) 681.685-106
roving selector (glass mfg.) 689.687-038
ROVING SIZER (textile) 680.367-010
Roving Stock Handler (textile) 929.687-030
roving technician (textile) 589.384-010
roving tender (textile) 680.685-098
roving tester, laboratory (textile) 689.384-014
ROVING-WEIGHT GAUGER (textile) 680.687-018
ROVING WINDER, FIBERGLASS (textile) 681.485-010
row boss (agriculture) 180.167-022
ROW BOSS, HOEING (agriculture) 409.137-014

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