TITLE(s): ROLLING-MILL OPERATOR (nonfer. metal) Sets up and operates hot or cold rolling mill to reduce or form nonferrous metal into plate, sheet, foil, flatwire, and rod of specified dimensions: Adjusts rollers, buffs, and guides according to size and dimensions of workpiece, using screwdowns, micrometer, steel tape, and handtools. Turns valves and observes gauges to regulate flow, temperature, and solution of roll lubricants and metal coolants. Starts entry or rolloff tables that feed metal to and from rolls. Threads sheet or rod through rolls for further reduction, or signals ROLLING-MILL-OPERATOR HELPER (nonfer. metal) 613.685-026 to feed separate sheets or rods through rolls. Controls speed of rolling mill and roll tables to synchronize flow of metal with tandem operations, using signals or communications system. Measures width and gauge of rolled metal, using linear tape and depth gauge and adjusts rolls to form metal to specifications. Observes rolling operation to detect curling, splitting, or buckling of metal. May change rolls on rolling machine, using chain or power hoist. May be designated according to type of mill operated as Tandem-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal); or condition of metal rolled as Cold-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal); Hot-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal). GOE: 06.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 6 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 91314 Rolling Machine Setters and Set-Up Operators, Metal and Plastic |
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CODE: 613.462-018 Buy the DOT: Download
Sets up and operates hot or cold rolling mill to reduce or form nonferrous metal into plate,
sheet, foil, flatwire, and rod of specified dimensions: Adjusts rollers, buffs, and guides according
to size and dimensions of workpiece, using screwdowns, micrometer, steel tape, and handtools. Turns
valves and observes gauges to regulate flow, temperature, and solution of roll lubricants and metal
coolants. Starts entry or rolloff tables that feed metal to and from rolls. Threads sheet or rod
through rolls for further reduction, or signals ROLLING-MILL-OPERATOR HELPER (nonfer. metal)
613.685-026 to feed separate sheets or rods through rolls. Controls speed of rolling mill and roll
tables to synchronize flow of metal with tandem operations, using signals or communications system.
Measures width and gauge of rolled metal, using linear tape and depth gauge and adjusts rolls to
form metal to specifications. Observes rolling operation to detect curling, splitting, or buckling
of metal. May change rolls on rolling machine, using chain or power hoist. May be designated
according to type of mill operated as Tandem-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal); or condition of metal
rolled as Cold-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal); Hot-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal).
GOE: 06.01.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 6 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 91314 Rolling Machine Setters and Set-Up Operators, Metal and Plastic
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03