TITLE(s): ROLLER REPAIRER (textile) alternate titles: engraved-roller inspector; roller inspector and mender Examines engraved cloth-printing rollers for processing defects and repairs defects, using handtools: Lifts roller into brackets on table or turning device with aid of another worker and portable hoist. Examines rollers for defects, such as pinholes and scratches. Compares customer's design and printed proof to detect missed engravings, extra engravings, and uneven joining of design on circumference of roller, and examines roller to verify defects. Dusts engraved design with chalk and examines roller to determine whether engraving is too full or too dense to print desired effects on cloth. Plugs pinholes, extra engravings, and over-engraved areas with copper wire plugs, and forces plugs in place, using ball peen hammer and punch. Smooths rough spots, using file and removes scratches from roller surface, using burnishing tool. Traces outline of missed engraving on wax paper and transfers outline to roller, using scriber. Engraves additional lines or designs on roller surface freehand or following outline to fill in gaps in design or missing engravings, using gravers and magnifying lens. Rejects unrepairable rollers. Cleans and polishes rollers, using water, polishing paste, and cloth. May inspect rollers only and be designated Roller Inspector (textile). GOE: 01.06.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 85112 Machinery Maintenance Mechanics, Textile Machines |
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ROLLER REPAIRER (textile) alternate titles: engraved-roller inspector; roller inspector
and mender
Examines engraved cloth-printing rollers for processing defects and repairs defects, using
handtools: Lifts roller into brackets on table or turning device with aid of another worker and
portable hoist. Examines rollers for defects, such as pinholes and scratches. Compares customer's
design and printed proof to detect missed engravings, extra engravings, and uneven joining of design
on circumference of roller, and examines roller to verify defects. Dusts engraved design with chalk
and examines roller to determine whether engraving is too full or too dense to print desired effects
on cloth. Plugs pinholes, extra engravings, and over-engraved areas with copper wire plugs, and
forces plugs in place, using ball peen hammer and punch. Smooths rough spots, using file and removes
scratches from roller surface, using burnishing tool. Traces outline of missed engraving on wax
paper and transfers outline to roller, using scriber. Engraves additional lines or designs on roller
surface freehand or following outline to fill in gaps in design or missing engravings, using gravers
and magnifying lens. Rejects unrepairable rollers. Cleans and polishes rollers, using water,
polishing paste, and cloth. May inspect rollers only and be designated Roller Inspector (textile).
GOE: 01.06.01 STRENGTH: H GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 85112 Machinery Maintenance Mechanics, Textile Machines
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03