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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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insulating-machine operator (any industry) 599.685-046
INSULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal) 691.682-018
INSULATION CUTTER AND FORMER (elec. equip.) 721.484-018
Insulation Installer (construction) 869.664-014
INSULATION-POWER-UNIT TENDER (construction; retail trade; wholesale tr.)
insulation supervisor (construction) 863.134-010
INSULATION WORKER (construction) 863.364-014
INSULATION-WORKER APPRENTICE (construction) 863.364-010
insulation worker, interior surface (construction) 863.381-010
Insulator (elec. equip.) 724.684-026
insulator apprentice (construction) 863.364-010
Insulator Cutter And Former (elec. equip.) 724.684-026
INSULATOR TESTER (utilities) 729.387-026
insurance adjustor (business ser.; insurance) 241.217-010
insurance agent (insurance) 250.257-010
insurance and benefits clerk (clerical) 205.567-010
insurance and risk manager (any industry) 186.117-066
Insurance Application Investigator (insurance) 241.267-030
INSURANCE ATTORNEY (insurance) 110.117-014
Insurance Broker (insurance) 250.257-010
INSURANCE CHECKER (insurance) 219.482-014
insurance-claim approver (business ser.; insurance) 241.267-018
insurance-claim auditor (business ser.; insurance) 241.267-018
insurance-claim representative (business ser.; insurance) 241.217-010
INSURANCE CLERK (clerical) 219.387-014
Insurance Clerk (financial) 249.362-014
INSURANCE CLERK (financial; insurance) 219.367-014
INSURANCE CLERK (medical ser.) 214.362-022
Insurance Collector (insurance) 241.367-010
insurance counsel (insurance) 110.117-014
insurance investigator (business ser.; insurance) 241.217-010
Insurance Licensing Supervisor (government ser.) 168.167-090
intake worker (social ser.) 195.107-010
Integral Tank Sealer (aircraft mfg.) 806.384-038
INTEGRATED CIRCUIT FABRICATOR (electron. comp.) 590.684-042
INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LAYOUT DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 003.261-018
INTELLIGENCE CLERK (military ser.) 249.387-014
INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.) 059.167-010
INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST (government ser.) 059.267-010
INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST (military ser.) 059.267-014
Intercell-Connector Placer (elec. equip.) 727.687-070
interceptor operator (business ser.) 235.662-026
inter-com installer (any industry) 829.281-022
inter-com servicer (any industry) 829.281-022
inter-fold roll cutter (pen & pencil) 640.685-066
Interior Decorator (profess. & kin.) 142.051-014
INTERIOR DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 142.051-014
interior horticulturist (agriculture) 408.364-010
interior paneler, partition setter (mfd. bldgs.) 869.684-038
Interior Wall Assembler (mfd. bldgs.) 869.684-018
INTERLACER (boot & shoe) 788.684-070
INTERLINE CLERK (motor trans.; r.r. trans.) 214.382-022
Interlocking Tower Operator (r.r. trans.) 910.362-010
intermediate-card tender (nonmet. min.; textile) 680.665-018
INTERNAL CARVER (plastic prod.) 754.381-010
Internal-Grinder Tender (machine shop) 603.685-062
internal grinder, tool (machine shop) 603.280-022
internal-grinding-machine hand (machine shop) 603.280-022
internal-grinding-machine operator (machine shop) 603.280-022
internal medicine specialist (medical ser.) 070.101-042
International Banking Officer (financial) 186.267-018
International-Trade Economist (profess. & kin.) 050.067-010
INTERNIST (medical ser.) 070.101-042
Interpretative Dancer (amuse. & rec.) 151.047-010
INTERPRETER (profess. & kin.) 137.267-010
INTERPRETER, DEAF (profess. & kin.) 137.267-014
interviewer (clerical) 205.367-054
interviewer (clerical) 205.362-014
Interviewer (radio-tv broad.) 166.167-010
Inventory-Audit Clerk (clerical) 210.382-010
inventory clerk (clerical) 219.387-030
INVENTORY CLERK (clerical) 222.387-026
Inventory Clerk, Physical (clerical) 222.387-026
inventory control clerk (clerical) 219.387-030
Inventory Transcriber (business ser.) 216.482-022
Invertebrate Zoologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-090
Inverter-And-Clipper (leather prod.) 789.687-182
Investigation Division Captain (government ser.) 375.167-014
Investigation Division Lieutenant (government ser.) 375.167-014
Investigation Division Sergeant (government ser.) 375.167-014
investigator (any industry) 376.367-014
investigator (business ser.) 376.267-022
INVESTIGATOR (clerical) 241.267-030
INVESTIGATOR (government ser.) 168.267-062
INVESTIGATOR (utilities) 376.367-022
INVESTIGATOR, CASH SHORTAGE (retail trade) 376.267-010
Investigator, Claims (government ser.) 168.267-062
investigator, communicable disease (government ser.) 168.167-018
INVESTIGATOR, DEALER ACCOUNTS (financial) 241.367-038
INVESTIGATOR, FRAUD (retail trade) 376.267-014
INVESTIGATOR, INTERNAL AFFAIRS (government ser.) 375.267-034
Investigator, Internal Revenue (government ser.) 168.267-062
INVESTIGATOR, NARCOTICS (government ser.) 375.267-018
investigator operator (business ser.) 376.367-010
INVESTIGATOR, PRIVATE (business ser.) 376.267-018
INVESTIGATOR, VICE (government ser.) 375.267-022
Investigator, Welfare (government ser.) 168.267-062
INVESTMENT ANALYST (financial; insurance) 160.267-026
investment executive (financial) 250.257-018
Invoice-Classification Clerk (clerical) 210.382-030
invoice clerk (clerical) 214.382-014
INVOICE-CONTROL CLERK (clerical) 214.362-026
invoicing-machine operator (clerical) 214.482-010
inweaver (personal ser.) 782.381-022
ION EXCHANGE OPERATOR (beverage) 521.685-190
ION-EXCHANGE OPERATOR (chemical) 558.685-034
ION-EXCHANGE OPERATOR (pharmaceut.) 558.685-038
ION-EXCHANGE OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 558.685-030
ION IMPLANT MACHINE OPERATOR (electron. comp.) 590.382-022
IRISH-MOSS BLEACHER (fishing & hunt.) 447.687-014
IRISH-MOSS GATHERER (fishing & hunt.) 447.687-018
IRISH-MOSS OPERATOR (chemical) 529.382-030
iron-and-steel-work supervisor (construction) 809.131-018
ironer (boot & shoe) 788.684-130
IRONER (button & notion) 590.685-042
IRONER (domestic ser.) 302.687-010
ironer (glove & mit.; laundry & rel.) 363.687-010
ironer (hat & cap) 584.685-026
ironer (hat & cap) 583.685-022
ironer (knitting) 583.685-070
ironer (wood prod., nec) 739.684-098
iron erector (construction) 801.361-014
ironer, hand (any industry) 363.684-018
ironer, machine (any industry) 363.682-018
IRONER, SOCK (laundry & rel.) 363.687-014
IRON-LAUNDER OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 511.565-018
IRON-PLASTIC BULLET MAKER (ordnance) 590.365-010
ironworker (construction) 801.361-014
ironworker apprentice (construction) 801.361-018
ironworker apprentice, shop (any industry) 619.361-018
Ironworker Helper, Shop (any industry) 619.686-022
IRONWORKER-MACHINE OPERATOR (any industry) 615.482-018
ironworker, wire-fence erector (construction) 869.684-022
IRRADIATED-FUEL HANDLER (chemical) 921.663-034
irradiation technician (profess. & kin.) 015.362-018
Irrigating-Pump Operator (agriculture) 914.682-010
IRRIGATION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 005.061-022
IRRIGATION SYSTEM INSTALLER (construction) 851.383-010
IRRIGATOR, GRAVITY FLOW (agriculture) 409.687-014
IRRIGATOR, HEAD (agriculture) 409.137-010
irrigator, overhead (agriculture) 409.685-014
IRRIGATOR, SPRINKLING SYSTEM (agriculture) 409.685-014
IRRIGATOR, VALVE PIPE (agriculture) 409.684-010
Islamic Butcher (meat products) 525.361-010
Isobutylene Operator, Chief (chemical) 559.132-078
Isolation-Washer (laundry & rel.) 361.665-010
isotope-production technician (profess. & kin.) 015.362-022

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