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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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Operating-Cost Clerk (clerical) 216.382-034
operating engineer (any industry) 950.362-014
operating engineer (any industry) 950.382-026
OPERATING ENGINEER (construction; mine & quarry) 859.683-010
OPERATING-ENGINEER APPRENTICE (construction; mine & quarry) 859.683-014
operating-engineer apprentice, stationary (any industry) 950.382-030
operating-room technician (medical ser.) 079.374-022
OPERATING-TABLE ASSEMBLER (furniture) 706.381-026
OPERATIONAL TEST MECHANIC (aircraft mfg.) 806.261-050
operations agent (air trans.) 912.367-014
operations chief (tel. & tel.) 822.131-010
operations clerk (financial) 216.362-046
operations clerk (financial) 216.482-034
operations inspector (government ser.) 168.264-010
operations manager (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.; water trans.)
OPERATIONS MANAGER (motor trans.) 184.167-118
operations manager (retail trade) 185.117-014
OPERATIONS MANAGER (tel. & tel.) 184.117-070
OPERATIONS OFFICER (financial) 186.137-014
operations officer (government ser.) 375.137-014
Operations Officer, Branch Office (financial) 186.137-014
Operations Officer, Trust Department (financial) 186.137-014
OPERATIONS-RESEARCH ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 020.067-018
operations supervisor (government ser.) 185.167-066
Operations Technician (tel. & tel.) 822.281-010
operative supervisor (motion picture) 962.134-010
OPERATOR, AUTOMATED PROCESS (electron. comp.) 590.382-010
OPERATOR, CATALYST CONCENTRATION (plastic-synth.) 550.382-026
OPERATOR, CAVITY PUMP (elec. equip.) 729.682-010
operator, circuit (any industry) 379.362-014
Operator, Coating Furnace (cutlery-hrdwr.) 554.685-014
operator, control room (petrol. refin.) 546.382-010
operator, direct wire (any industry) 379.362-014
operator, lights (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 962.362-014
OPERATOR, PREFINISH (millwork-plywood) 562.685-018
Operator, Scales (plastic-synth.) 929.687-062
Ophthalmic-Lens Inspector (optical goods) 716.381-010
OPHTHALMIC PHOTOGRAPHER (medical ser.) 143.362-014
OPHTHALMIC TECHNICIAN (medical ser.) 078.361-038
ophthalmic-technician apprentice (optical goods; retail trade) 716.280-010
OPHTHALMOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070.101-058
Optical-Brightener Maker (chemical) 559.682-018
Optical-Brightener-Maker Helper (chemical) 550.687-010
optical designer (profess. & kin.) 019.061-018
OPTICAL-EFFECTS-CAMERA OPERATOR (motion picture) 143.260-010
OPTICAL-EFFECTS LAYOUT PERSON (motion picture) 962.361-010
optical-effects-line-up person (motion picture) 962.361-010
OPTICAL-ELEMENT COATER (optical goods) 716.382-014
OPTICAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 019.061-018
OPTICAL-GLASS ETCHER (optical goods) 716.681-022
optical-glass inspector (optical goods) 716.687-034
OPTICAL-GLASS SILVERER (optical goods) 574.484-010
OPTICAL-INSTRUMENT ASSEMBLER (optical goods) 711.381-010
optical mechanic (optical goods; retail trade) 716.280-014
optical-mechanic apprentice (optical goods; retail trade) 716.280-010
optical model maker and tester (optical goods) 716.280-018
optical technician (optical goods) 716.382-018
OPTICIAN (optical goods; retail trade) 716.280-014
OPTICIAN (optical goods) 716.280-018
OPTICIAN APPRENTICE (optical goods; retail trade) 716.280-010
OPTICIAN APPRENTICE, DISPENSING (optical goods; retail trade) 299.361-014
Optician, Contact-Lens Dispensing (optical goods; retail trade) 299.361-010
OPTICIAN, DISPENSING (optical goods; retail trade) 299.361-010
OPTOMECHANICAL TECHNICIAN (optical goods; photo. appar.) 007.161-030
OPTOMETRIC ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 079.364-014
OPTOMETRIST (medical ser.) 079.101-018

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