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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .

MICA through MIX

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MICA INSPECTOR (mine & quarry) 779.687-026
MICA-LAMINATING-MACHINE FEEDER (mine & quarry) 579.686-018
Mica-Parts Sprayer (electron. comp.) 741.687-018
MICA PATCHER (mine & quarry) 579.687-026
MICA-PLATE LAYER (mine & quarry) 579.685-026
MICA-PLATE LAYER, HAND (mine & quarry) 579.684-022
MICA SIZER (mine & quarry) 779.687-030
MICA SPLITTER (mine & quarry) 779.681-010
MICA-WASHER GLUER (mine & quarry) 729.687-022
MICROBIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-058
MICROBIOLOGY TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.261-014
MICROCOMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.) 039.264-010
microelectronics processor (electron. comp.) 726.684-034
MICROELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN (electron. comp.) 590.362-022
MICROFICHE DUPLICATOR (business ser.) 976.381-014
MICROFILM-CAMERA OPERATOR (business ser.) 976.682-022
MICROFILM MOUNTER (clerical) 208.685-022
MICROFILM PROCESSOR (business ser.) 976.385-010
Micrographics-Services Supervisor (clerical) 207.137-010
microgrinder operator (tex. prod., nec) 586.685-018
micromatic-hone operator (machine shop) 603.685-070
Micropaleontologist (profess. & kin.) 024.061-042
MICROPHONE-BOOM OPERATOR (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 962.384-010
Microwave Engineer (radio-tv broad.) 193.262-018
MIDDLE-CARD TENDER (nonmet. min.; textile) 680.665-018
Middle Stitcher (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-050
MIGRANT LEADER (agriculture) 180.167-050
MIGRANT WORKER (agriculture) term
Milanese-Knitting-Machine Operator (knitting) 685.665-018
Mileage Clerk (r.r. trans.) 216.382-062
MILK DRIVER (dairy products) 905.483-010
MILKER, MACHINE (agriculture) 410.685-010
milk hauler (dairy products) 905.483-010
milking-machine operator (agriculture) 410.685-010
MILKING-SYSTEM INSTALLER (agric. equip.; retail trade) 809.381-018
milk-of-lime slaker (concrete prod.) 570.685-034
MILK-POWDER GRINDER (dairy products) 521.685-222
MILK RECEIVER (dairy products) 222.585-010
MILK-RECEIVER, TANK TRUCK (dairy products) 222.485-010
MILK SAMPLER (agriculture) 410.357-010
MILL-AND-COAL-TRANSPORT OPERATOR (utilities) 544.665-010
mill attendant (leather mfg.; tex. prod., nec) 582.685-050
mill attendant (mine & quarry; smelt. & refin.) 939.362-014
MILL ATTENDANT I (chemical) 555.565-010
MILL ATTENDANT II (chemical) 555.685-038
Milled-Lumber Grader (woodworking) 669.687-030
milled-rice broker (grain-feed mills) 162.167-018
MILLED-RUBBER TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire) 553.685-078
MILLER (any industry) term
MILLER (beverage) 521.585-014
MILLER (cement) 570.685-046
MILLER (mine & quarry) 570.685-038
MILLER, DISTILLERY (beverage) 521.362-014
miller, first (grain-feed mills) 521.130-010
miller, head (grain-feed mills) 521.130-010
MILLER, HEAD, ASSISTANT, WET PROCESS (grain-feed mills) 629.684-014
MILLER, HEAD, WET PROCESS (grain-feed mills) 629.261-014
MILLER HELPER, DISTILLERY (beverage) 521.687-082
MILLER I (chemical) 570.685-042
MILLER II (chemical) 555.682-010
Miller, Kiln-Dried Salt (chemical) 555.682-010
Miller, Rod-Mill (cement) 570.685-046
MILLER SUPERVISOR (grain-feed mills) 521.130-010
MILLER, WET PROCESS (grain-feed mills) 521.662-010
MILLER, WOOD FLOUR (woodworking) 564.682-018
MILL FEEDER (grain-feed mills) 520.685-134
MILL HAND (any industry) term
MILL HAND (grain-feed mills) term
MILL HAND, PLATE MILL (steel & rel.) 613.667-014
MILL HELPER (nonfer. metal) 502.684-014
MILLINER (retail trade) 784.261-010
milling-machine operator (machine shop) 605.282-018
milling-machine operator, gear (machine shop) 602.382-022
MILLING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR I (machine shop) 605.280-010
MILLING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR II (machine shop) 605.282-010
MILLING-MACHINE TENDER (machine shop) 605.685-030
milling-planer operator (machine shop) 605.282-018
milling superintendent (grain-feed mills) 183.167-014
MILLING SUPERVISOR (brick & tile) 570.132-014
mill laborer (woodworking) 769.687-054
MILL-LABOR SUPERVISOR (smelt. & refin.) 519.131-014
MILL OPERATOR (any industry) 599.685-058
mill operator (bakery products) 520.585-010
MILL OPERATOR (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.382-010
mill operator (chemical) 555.685-034
mill operator (grain-feed mills) 521.130-010
mill operator (grain-feed mills) 521.682-026
MILL OPERATOR (grain-feed mills) 521.685-226
mill operator (utilities) 544.665-010
mill operator, head (plastic-synth.) 559.132-042
MILL-OPERATOR HELPER (any industry) 599.686-010
MILL OPERATOR, ROLLS (any industry) 613.682-030
MILL PLATFORM SUPERVISOR (sugar & conf.) 521.132-010
Mill Recorder (nonfer. metal) 221.382-018
MILL RECORDER, COMPUTERIZED MILL (steel & rel.) 221.367-046
mill-roll operator (plastic-synth.) 554.682-018
MILL-ROLL REWINDER (plastic-synth.) 690.585-010
millroom supervisor (any industry) 921.137-010
Millroom Supervisor (mfd. bldgs.; vehicles, nec) 869.131-030
Millroom Supervisor (rubber goods) 559.137-014
Millroom Supervisor (rubber reclaim.) 559.132-058
Millroom Supervisor (rubber tire) 750.130-010
MILL STENCILER (steel & rel.) 659.685-026
MILL SUPERVISOR (nonmet. min.) 559.132-034
MILL SUPERVISOR (smelt. & refin.) 515.130-010
Mill Tender, Break-Down (rubber goods; rubber tire) 550.685-102
Mill Tender, Warm-Up (rubber goods; rubber tire) 550.685-102
Mill Tender, Washing (rubber goods; rubber tire) 550.685-102
MILL WORKER (any industry) term
MILLWRIGHT (any industry) 638.281-018
MILLWRIGHT APPRENTICE (any industry) 638.281-022
MILLWRIGHT HELPER (any industry) 638.484-010
MILLWRIGHT SUPERVISOR (any industry) 638.131-030
MIME (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-022
mimic (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-018
MINCEMEAT MAKER (can. & preserv.) 520.485-018
mincing-machine operator (meat products) 521.685-170
Mind Reader (amuse. & rec.) 159.647-018
mine captain (mine & quarry) 939.137-018
MINE-CAR REPAIRER (mine & quarry) 622.381-030
Mine Electrician (mine & quarry) 824.261-010
MINE INSPECTOR (mine & quarry) 168.267-074
Mine Inspector, Federal (government ser.) 168.267-074
Mine Inspector, State (government ser.) 168.267-074
Mine-Machinery Mechanic (mine & quarry) 620.261-022
MINER (construction) 850.381-010
MINERALOGIST (profess. & kin.) 024.061-038
Mineral-Wool-Insulation Supervisor (construction) 863.134-010
Miner Helper (construction) 869.687-026
MINER I (mine & quarry) 939.281-010
MINER II (mine & quarry) term
Miner, Pick (mine & quarry) 939.281-010
MINER, PLACER (mine & quarry) 939.684-014
MINE SUPERINTENDENT (mine & quarry) 181.117-014
MINGLER OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 520.665-010
miniature-model maker (auto. mfg.) 693.380-014
miniature-set builder (motion picture) 962.381-018
MINIATURE-SET CONSTRUCTOR (motion picture) 962.381-018
Miniature Set Designer (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 142.061-046
MINING ENGINEER (mine & quarry) 010.061-014
mining-machine operator (mine & quarry) see MACHINE RUNNER
minister (profess. & kin.) 120.107-010
Mink Farmer (agriculture) 410.161-014
Mint-Lozenge Mixer (sugar & conf.) 520.685-122
Mint-Machine Operator (sugar & conf.) 521.685-102
Mint-Wafer Depositor (sugar & conf.) 529.682-018
MIRROR-FINISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (jewelry-silver.) 603.682-022
mirror inspector (glass products) 779.687-022
MIRROR INSTALLER (construction) 865.361-010
MIRROR-MACHINE FEEDER (glass products) 579.686-022
mirror silverer (glass products) 574.684-014
MIRROR SPECIALIST (glass products; wood prod., nec) 779.684-038
misdraw hand (textile) 683.384-010
Missile-Control Pilot (aircraft mfg.) 196.263-026
MISSILE FACILITIES REPAIRER (military ser.) 828.281-018
Missile Inspector, Preflight (aircraft mfg.) 806.261-038
Missionary (profess. & kin.) 120.107-010
miter cutter (glass products) 775.381-010
MITER GRINDER OPERATOR (glass mfg.; glass products) 673.682-026
Miter Sawyer (woodworking) 667.682-086
Mitten Stitcher (glove & mit.) 784.682-010
MIX-CRUSHER OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 544.585-010
mixer (any industry) 550.684-018
MIXER (brick & tile) 579.685-074
mixer (build. mat., nec; nonmet. min.) 550.382-030
mixer (chemical; pharmaceut.) 550.685-090
MIXER (food prep., nec) 520.685-138
MIXER (glass mfg.) 570.685-054
MIXER (hat & cap) 680.685-062
MIXER (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 510.685-018
MIXER (nonmet. min.) 570.685-050
MIXER (paint & varnish) 550.685-078
mixer (pottery & porc.) 570.685-086
MIXER-AND-BLENDER (food prep., nec) 520.685-154
mixer-and-scaler (grain-feed mills) 520.485-010
MIXER, CHILI POWDER (food prep., nec) 520.685-158
MIXER, DIAMOND POWDER (nonmet. min.) 570.484-010
MIXER, DRY-FOOD PRODUCTS (food prep., nec) 520.685-162
MIXER, FOAM RUBBER (rubber goods) 550.685-086
Mixer, Hand, Cement Gun (construction) 869.687-026
MIXER HELPER (build. mat., nec) 550.686-026
mixer helper (build. mat., nec; nonmet. min.) 550.686-038
MIXER HELPER (concrete prod.) 530.384-010
mixer helper (construction) 579.665-014
MIXER I (chemical) 559.665-026
MIXER I (tex. prod., nec) 550.685-074
MIXER II (chemical) 737.687-090
MIXER II (tex. prod., nec) 789.687-098
mixer-machine feeder (grain-feed mills) 520.686-018
MIXER OPERATOR (beverage) 520.685-146
Mixer Operator (brick & tile) 570.382-010
MIXER OPERATOR (chemical; electron. comp.) 550.685-082
MIXER OPERATOR (concrete prod.) 570.685-058
mixer operator (concrete prod.) 579.682-010
mixer operator (fabrication, nec) 550.665-014
mixer operator (grain-feed mills) 520.485-010
mixer operator (motion picture; radio-tv broad.; recording) 194.262-018
mixer operator (nonmet. min.) 570.485-010
mixer operator (smelt. & refin.; steel & rel.) 570.685-070
MIXER OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 520.685-150
MIXER OPERATOR, CARBON PASTE (elec. equip.; smelt. & refin.) 540.585-010
MIXER OPERATOR HELPER, HOT METAL (steel & rel.) 509.566-010
MIXER OPERATOR, HOT METAL (steel & rel.) 509.362-010
MIXER OPERATOR I (chemical) 550.382-018
MIXER OPERATOR II (chemical) 520.685-142
Mixer Operator, Raw Salt (chemical) 520.685-142
MIXER OPERATOR, SNACK FOODS (food prep., nec) 520.685-230
Mixer Operator, Tablets (chemical) 520.685-142
Mixer Operator, Vacuum-Pan Salt (chemical) 520.685-142
mixer, pigment (leather mfg.; plastic-synth.; tex. prod., nec) 550.381-010
Mixer Tender (cement) 570.685-010
mixer tender (construction) 579.665-014
mixer tender (smelt. & refin.) 510.685-022
MIXER TENDER, BOARD (concrete prod.) 570.685-062
MIXER, WET POUR (concrete prod.) 579.682-010
MIXER, WHIPPED TOPPING (food prep., nec) 520.385-010
mix-house operator (glass mfg.) 570.685-054
MIX-HOUSE TENDER (smelt. & refin.) 510.685-014
mixing-and-dispensing supervisor (chemical) 559.132-030
mixing-and-molding-machine operator (pen & pencil) 570.685-066
mixing-house operator (chemical) 550.382-018
mixing-machine attendant (bakery products) 520.685-234
mixing-machine attendant (bakery products) 520.685-010
MIXING-MACHINE FEEDER (chemical) 550.686-030
MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any industry) 550.382-022
MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 520.685-166
MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabrication, nec) 680.685-066
MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (food prep., nec) 520.665-014
mixing-machine operator (hat & cap) 680.685-062
MIXING-MACHINE OPERATOR (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 550.685-134
MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (chemical; pharmaceut.) 550.685-090
MIXING-MACHINE TENDER (wood prod., nec) 560.585-010
Mixing-Machine Tender, Cork Gasket (wood prod., nec) 560.585-010
Mixing-Machine Tender, Cork Rod (wood prod., nec) 560.585-010
Mixing-Pan Tender (smelt. & refin.) 510.685-014
mixing-plant dumper (construction) 579.665-014
mixing-plant operator (chemical) 550.585-030
MIXING-ROLL OPERATOR (fabrication, nec) 590.662-018
MIXING SUPERVISOR (plastic prod.) 550.135-014
Mixing Supervisor (tex. prod., nec) 589.130-014
MIXING-TANK OPERATOR (oils & grease) 520.685-170
Mix Maker (dairy products) 529.382-018
Mix-Mill Tender (rubber goods; rubber tire) 550.685-102

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