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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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hobbing-machine operator (machine shop) 602.382-010
HOBBING-PRESS OPERATOR (any industry) 617.682-018
Hob Grinder (machine shop) 603.280-038
hob mill operator (machine shop) 602.685-010
Hod Carrier (construction) 869.687-026
Hoer (agriculture) 409.687-018
HOG-CONFINEMENT-SYSTEM MANAGER (agriculture) 410.161-022
Hog Grader (meat products) 525.387-010
Hog-Head Singer (meat products) 525.687-098
hog operator (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.) 555.685-030
Hog Ribber (meat products) 525.684-010
hog-room supervisor (rubber reclaim.) 559.132-058
Hog Sawyer (meat products) 525.684-018
hogshead builder (wood. container) 764.687-074
HOGSHEAD COOPER I (wood. container) 764.684-026
HOGSHEAD COOPER II (wood. container) 764.687-070
HOGSHEAD COOPER III (wood. container) 764.687-074
Hogshead Dumper (tobacco) 929.687-030
hogshead filler (tobacco) 920.687-142
hogshead hand (tobacco) 920.687-102
hogshead head-matcher (wood. container) 667.685-010
HOGSHEAD HOOPER (wood. container) 764.687-078
HOGSHEAD INSPECTOR (tobacco) 529.367-014
hogshead liner (tobacco) 920.687-110
HOGSHEAD MAT ASSEMBLER (wood. container) 764.687-082
HOGSHEAD MAT INSPECTOR (wood. container) 764.687-086
HOGSHEAD OPENER (tobacco) 920.687-102
hogshead packer (tobacco) 920.687-142
hogshead-press operator (tobacco) 920.685-062
hogshead roller (tobacco) 922.687-026
Hogshead-Stock Clerk (tobacco) 222.387-058
hogshead stripper (tobacco) 920.687-102
hogshead unpacker (tobacco) 920.687-102
hogshead wrecker (tobacco) 920.687-102
Hog Sticker (meat products) 525.684-050
Hog Stomach Preparer (meat products) 529.687-034
HOG TENDER (woodworking) 564.685-018
Hoist-Cylinder Loader (chemical) 549.587-010
HOISTING ENGINEER (any industry) 921.663-030
hoisting engineer, pile driving (construction) 859.682-018
hoisting-machine operator (any industry) 921.663-030
HOIST OPERATOR (mine & quarry) 921.663-026
HOIST OPERATOR (petrol. & gas) 932.363-010
hoist worker (agriculture) 929.687-018
Holder, Pile Driving (construction) 869.664-014
hole-digger operator (construction; utilities) 859.682-010
Hole-Digger-Truck Driver (construction; tel. & tel.; utilities) 905.663-014
Hole Puncher, Strap (boot & shoe) 690.685-114
HOLIDAY-DETECTOR OPERATOR (construction) 862.687-014
Hollow-Core Door-Frame Assembler (wood prod., nec) 762.687-022
HOLLOW-HANDLE-KNIFE ASSEMBLER (jewelry-silver.) 700.684-042
Hollow-Tile-Partition Erector (construction) 861.381-018
Holster Maker (leather prod.) 783.684-026
HOLTER SCANNING TECHNICIAN (medical ser.) 078.264-010
holter technician (medical ser.) 078.264-010
home agent (government ser.) 096.121-010
home and school visitor (profess. & kin.) 195.107-038
HOME ATTENDANT (personal ser.) 354.377-014
home-demonstration agent (government ser.) 096.121-010
Home Economics Specialist (government ser.) 096.127-014
HOME ECONOMIST (profess. & kin.) 096.121-014
Home Economist, Consumer Service (profess. & kin.) 096.121-014
home-extension agent (government ser.) 096.121-010
Home Health Aide (medical ser.) 355.674-014
home health aide (personal ser.) 354.377-014
Home Health Nurse, Licensed Practical (medical ser.) 079.374-014
HOMEMAKER (social ser.) 309.354-010
HOME-SERVICE DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.) 096.161-010
Homicide-Squad Captain (government ser.) 375.167-010
Homicide-Squad Lieutenant (government ser.) 375.167-010
Homicide-Squad Sergeant (government ser.) 375.167-010
Homogenizer Operator (dairy products) 529.382-018
hone operator (machine shop) 603.382-018
honer (machine shop) 603.482-034
HONEYCOMB DECAPPER (food prep., nec) 521.687-070
HONEY EXTRACTOR (food prep., nec) 521.685-174
HONEY GRADER-AND-BLENDER (food prep., nec) 520.361-010
honey liquefier (food prep., nec) 520.361-010
HONEY PROCESSOR (food prep., nec) 522.685-070
honey producer (agriculture) 413.161-010
honing-machine operator (machine shop) 603.382-018
HONING-MACHINE OPERATOR, PRODUCTION (machine shop) 603.482-034
honing-machine operator, semiautomatic (machine shop) 603.482-034
honing-machine operator, tool (machine shop) 603.382-022
HONING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (machine shop) 603.382-018
HONING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (machine shop) 603.382-022
Honing-Machine Try-Out Setter (machine tools) 600.360-010
HOOD MAKER (tex. prod., nec) 804.481-010
HOOF AND SHOE INSPECTOR (amuse. & rec.) 153.287-010
Hook-And-Eye Attacher (garment) 782.684-058
Hook-And-Eye Attacher, Machine (garment) 699.685-018
hook-and-eye-sewing-machine operator (any industry) 787.685-010
hooker (any industry) 921.667-022
hooker (fishing & hunt.) 447.684-010
hooker (logging) 921.131-010
HOOKER INSPECTOR (textile) 689.685-078
HOOKER-LASTER (boot & shoe) 753.684-018
hooker operator (textile) 689.685-078
HOOKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 605.685-018
HOOKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 580.685-034
hooking-machine operator (textile) 689.585-014
Hook Loader (toy-sport equip.) 599.686-014
HOOK PULLER (narrow fabrics) 683.687-022
hook tender (any industry) 921.260-010
HOOK TENDER (logging) 921.131-010
hook-up driver (motor trans.) 909.663-010
HOOP BENDER, TANK (wood. container) 619.682-026
hoop-bending-machine operator (wood. container) 619.682-026
HOOP COILER (wood. container) 617.686-010
Hoop-Coiling-Machine Operator (wood. container) 669.685-014
Hoop-Driving-Machine Operator (wood. container) 669.682-014
Hoop-Driving-Machine-Operator Helper (wood. container) 669.685-010
hooper (wood. container) 764.687-078
Hoop-Flaring-Machine Operator (wood. container) 619.682-030
Hoop-Flaring-Machine-Operator Helper (wood. container) 619.686-014
HOOP-MAKER HELPER, MACHINE (wood. container) 619.686-014
HOOP MAKER, MACHINE (wood. container) 619.682-030
Hoop-Punch-And-Coiler Operator (wood. container) 619.682-030
Hoop-Punch-And-Coiler-Operator Helper (wood. container) 619.686-014
Hoop-Punch-Operator Helper (wood. container) 619.687-014
Hoop-Riveting Machine Operator (wood. container) 619.682-030
Hoop-Riveting-Machine-Operator Helper (wood. container) 619.686-014
hoop-rolls operator (wood. container) 617.686-010
Hoosier Pole Hand (construction) 869.687-026
Hop Grower (agriculture) 404.161-010
HOPPER ATTENDANT (sugar & conf.) 521.685-182
HOPPER FEEDER (oils & grease) 551.686-018
HOPPER FEEDER (ordnance) 619.686-018
hopper feeder (tex. prod., nec; textile) 680.686-018
hopper feeder (tobacco) 529.686-038
hopper loader (grain-feed mills) 520.686-018
hopper operator (plastic-synth.) 556.585-010
hop separator (beverage) 521.685-178
Hops Farmworker (agriculture) 404.687-010
Hop Sorter (agriculture) 529.687-186
HOP STRAINER (beverage) 521.685-178
HOP WEIGHER (beverage) 520.687-042
horizontal-boring-drilling-and-milling-machine operator (machine shop)
horizontal-boring-mill operator (machine shop) 606.280-014
horizontal-drill operator (mine & quarry) 930.482-010
Horizontal-Resaw Operator (saw. & plan.) 667.682-058
Horizontal-Stick-Turning-Machine Operator (tex. prod., nec) 689.685-146
Horse-And-Wagon Driver (any industry) 919.664-010
HORSE-RACE STARTER (amuse. & rec.) 153.267-010
HORSE-RACE TIMER (amuse. & rec.) 153.367-014
horseradish grinder (can. & preserv.) 529.685-142
HORSERADISH MAKER (can. & preserv.) 529.685-142
Horse Rancher (agriculture) 410.161-018
HORSESHOER (agriculture) 418.381-010
Horse Tender (any industry) 410.674-022
HORSE TRAINER (agriculture; amuse. & rec.) 419.224-010
Horticultural Agent (government ser.) 096.127-010
HORTICULTURAL THERAPIST (medical ser.) 076.124-018
HORTICULTURAL WORKER I (agriculture) 405.684-014
HORTICULTURAL WORKER II (agriculture) 405.687-014
HORTICULTURIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-038
hose builder (rubber goods) 752.684-030
hose cementer (rubber goods) 690.685-134
HOSE-COUPLING JOINER (rubber goods) 759.687-014
HOSE CUTTER, HAND (rubber goods) 751.687-010
HOSE CUTTER, MACHINE (rubber goods) 751.686-010
hose finisher (rubber goods) 690.685-134
hose handler (railroad equip.; retail trade; wholesale tr.) 863.664-010
Hose Inspector (rubber goods) 759.684-074
HOSE INSPECTOR AND PATCHER (rubber goods) 759.364-010
HOSE MAKER (rubber goods) 752.684-030
Hose-Suspender Cutter (garment) 699.685-014
Hose Tender (any industry) 899.664-010
Hose Tester (rubber goods) 759.684-074
HOSE-TUBING BACKER (rubber goods) 559.686-018
Hose Turner (knitting) 789.687-182
HOSE WRAPPER (rubber goods) 759.684-038
Hosiery Looper (knitting) 689.682-010
HOSIERY MENDER (knitting) 782.684-030
Hospital Administrator (medical ser.) 187.117-010
HOSPITAL-ADMITTING CLERK (medical ser.) 205.362-018
Hospital Collection Clerk (medical ser.) 241.357-010
hospital-insurance clerk (medical ser.) 214.362-022
hospital librarian (library) 100.167-022
hospital-receiving clerk (medical ser.) 205.362-018
HOSPITAL-TELEVISION-RENTAL CLERK (business ser.) 295.467-018
HOST/HOSTESS (any industry) 352.667-010
HOST/HOSTESS, DANCE HALL (amuse. & rec.) 349.667-010
HOST/HOSTESS, GROUND (air trans.) 352.377-010
HOST/HOSTESS, HEAD (amuse. & rec.) 349.667-014
host/hostess, railway (r.r. trans.) 352.677-010
HOST/HOSTESS, RESTAURANT (hotel & rest.) 310.137-010
hostler (any industry) 410.131-010
hostler (any industry) 699.687-018
HOSTLER (motor trans.) 909.663-010
HOSTLER (r.r. trans.) 910.683-010
hotbed operator (steel & rel.) 613.685-034
hotbed transfer operator (steel & rel.) 613.685-034
Hot-Billet-Shear Operator (smelt. & refin.; steel & rel.) 615.685-034
hot blaster (steel & rel.) 512.382-014
HOT BOX OPERATOR (metal prod., nec) 709.685-014
Hot-Bread Baker (hotel & rest.) 313.381-010
HOT-CAR OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 519.663-014
HOT-CELL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 015.362-018
Hot-Die Picker (boot & shoe) 690.682-050
Hot-Die-Press Feeder (boot & shoe) 690.682-050
HOT-DIE-PRESS OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 690.682-050
HOTEL CLERK (hotel & rest.) 238.367-038
Hot-Food Packer (hotel & rest.) 319.484-010
hot-frame tender (textile) 580.685-066
Hot-Header Operator (forging) 612.462-010
Hot-Head-Machine Operator (laundry & rel.) 363.681-010
HOTHOUSE WORKER (chemical) 549.687-014
hot-melt-machine operator (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.682-026
Hot-Metal Charger (steel & rel.) 512.683-010
Hot-Metal Crane Operator I (foundry; nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 921.663-010
Hot-Metal-Crane Operator II (foundry; smelt. & refin.; steel & rel.) 921.663-042
Hot-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal) 613.462-018
Hot-Mill Supervisor (nonfer. metal) 619.132-014
Hot-Plate Plywood-Press Feeder (millwork-plywood) 569.686-026
Hot-Plate Plywood-Press Offbearer (millwork-plywood) 569.686-026
HOT-PLATE-PLYWOOD-PRESS OPERATOR (millwork-plywood) 569.685-054
hot-plate-press operator (millwork-plywood) 569.685-054
HOT-PRESS OPERATOR (nonmet. min.) 575.685-042
hot-press operator (paper & pulp) 535.685-010
hot press operator (woodworking) 569.685-050
Hot-Roll Inspector (steel & rel.) 619.381-010
hot roll laminator (electron. comp.) 554.685-034
HOT-ROOM ATTENDANT (personal ser.) 335.677-014
Hot-Sealing-Machine Operator (any industry) 920.685-074
hot stamper (any industry) 652.682-030
HOT-STONE SETTER (button & notion) 734.687-058
Hot-Strip-Mill Inspector (steel & rel.) 619.381-010
HOT-TOP LINER (steel & rel.) 709.684-046
HOT-TOP-LINER HELPER (steel & rel.) 709.687-018
HOT-WIRE GLASS-TUBE CUTTER (glass products) 772.684-014
HOT-WORT SETTLER (beverage) 521.685-186
HOUSE BUILDER (construction) 869.281-014
House Carpenter (construction) 860.381-022
HOUSECLEANER (hotel & rest.) 323.687-018
Housecleaner, Floor (hotel & rest.) 323.687-018
house detective (amuse. & rec.) 376.667-010
house detective (hotel & rest.) 376.367-018
House-Furnishings Cutter, Machine (tex. prod., nec) 781.684-014
HOUSEHOLD-APPLIANCE INSTALLER (any industry) 827.661-010
housekeeper (any industry) 381.687-014
HOUSEKEEPER (hotel & rest.; medical ser.; real estate) 321.137-010
housekeeper, administrative (any industry) 187.167-046
housekeeper, head (any industry) 187.167-046
HOUSEKEEPER, HOME (domestic ser.) 301.137-010
housekeeper, home (domestic ser.) 301.474-010
housekeeper, hospital (medical ser.) 323.687-010
house manager (any industry) 187.167-186
house model (garment; retail trade; wholesale tr.) 297.667-014
HOUSE MOVER (construction) 869.261-010
HOUSE-MOVER HELPER (construction) 869.687-034
HOUSE-MOVER SUPERVISOR (construction) 869.131-022
HOUSE OFFICER (hotel & rest.) 376.367-018
house parent (any industry) 359.677-010
HOUSE-PIPING INSPECTOR (utilities) 953.367-018
HOUSE REPAIRER (construction) 869.381-010
HOUSE SITTER (domestic ser.) 309.367-010
housesmith (construction) 801.361-014
housesmith (construction) 809.381-022
house steward/stewardess (hotel & rest.) 310.137-018
house supervisor (agriculture; wholesale tr.) 920.137-010
Housewares Demonstrator (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 297.354-010
House Worker (domestic ser.) 301.687-010
HOUSE WORKER, GENERAL (domestic ser.) 301.474-010
HOUSING-MANAGEMENT OFFICER (government ser.) 188.117-110

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