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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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adapter (profess. & kin.) 152.067-010
ad clerk (print. & pub.) 247.367-010
Ad Compositor (print. & pub.) 973.381-010
Adding-Machine Servicer (any industry) 633.281-018
additive-plant operator (mine & quarry; smelt. & refin.) 939.362-014
Address-Change Clerk (insurance) 203.582-066
ADDRESSER (clerical) 209.587-010
addressing clerk (clerical) 209.587-010
ADDRESSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 208.582-010
Adhesion Tester (rubber goods) 759.684-074
ADHESIVE-BANDAGE-MACHINE OPERATOR (protective dev.) 692.685-014
ADHESIVE PRIMER (toy-sport equip.) 732.687-010
Adhesive Sprayer (any industry) 795.687-014
Ad Hoc Arbitrator (profess. & kin.) 169.107-010
ADJUDICATOR (government ser.) 119.167-010
Adjustable-Die Cutter (paper goods) 699.682-022
adjuster (any industry) see MACHINE ADJUSTER
ADJUSTER (furniture) 709.684-010
Adjuster (office machines) 706.381-030
ADJUSTER, ALARM MECHANISM (clock & watch) 715.684-010
adjuster and inspector (clock & watch) 715.381-050
ADJUSTER, ELECTRICAL CONTACTS (elec. equip.) 724.381-010
adjuster leader (ordnance) 619.137-010
adjuster, piano action (musical inst.) 730.681-010
adjustment clerk (clerical) 241.367-014
adjustment clerk (radio-tv broad.; tel. & tel.; utilities; waterworks)
Adjustment Clerk (retail trade; tel. & tel.) 219.362-010
ADMEASURER (government ser.) 169.284-010
administrative analyst (any industry) 169.167-010
administrative analyst (education) 090.167-018
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (any industry) 169.167-010
administrative assistant (education) 205.367-010
administrative assistant, special education (education) 094.167-014
ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (clerical) 219.362-010
administrative officer (any industry) 169.167-010
Administrative Officer (government ser.) 188.117-106
ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY (any industry) 169.167-014
ADMINISTRATOR, HEALTH CARE FACILITY (medical ser.) 187.117-010
Administrator, Pesticide (government ser.) 188.117-134
ADMINISTRATOR, SOCIAL WELFARE (profess. & kin.) 195.117-010
Administrator, Structural Pest Control (government ser.) 188.117-134
admissions clerk (medical ser.) 205.362-018
ADMISSIONS EVALUATOR (education) 205.367-010
ADMITTING OFFICER (medical ser.) 205.162-010
Adobe-Ball Mixer (smelt. & refin.) 570.685-070
Adobe Maker (brick & tile) 575.684-042
adsorption-and-absorption engineer (profess. & kin.) 008.061-010
ad-terminal-makeup operator (print. & pub.) 208.382-010
ADVANCE AGENT (amuse. & rec.) 191.167-010
ADVERTISING CLERK (business ser.) 247.387-010
advertising clerk (retail trade) 216.382-066
ADVERTISING-DISPATCH CLERK (print. & pub.) 247.387-014
Advertising-Display Rotator (business ser.) 869.684-054
advertising-sales representative (print. & pub.) 254.357-014
advertising solicitor (print. & pub.) 254.357-014
ADVERTISING-SPACE CLERK (print. & pub.) 247.387-018
adviser (any industry) 187.167-186
advisor (auto. mfg.) 806.134-010
advocate (profess. & kin.) 110.107-010
Adzing-And-Boring-Machine Feeder (wood prod., nec) 669.686-030
Adzing-And-Boring-Machine Helper (wood prod., nec) 561.686-010
ADZING-AND-BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood prod., nec) 669.682-010
aerial-applicator pilot (agriculture) 196.263-010
AERIALIST (amuse. & rec.) 159.247-014
aerial navigator (air trans.) 196.167-014
AERIAL-PHOTOGRAPH INTERPRETER (government ser.) 029.167-010
AERIAL-TRAM OPERATOR (mine & quarry) 932.685-010
AERODYNAMICIST (aircraft mfg.) 002.061-010
aerodynamics engineer (aircraft mfg.) 002.061-010
AERONAUTICAL-DESIGN ENGINEER (aircraft mfg.) 002.061-022
AERONAUTICAL ENGINEER (aircraft mfg.) 002.061-014
AERONAUTICAL PROJECT ENGINEER (aircraft mfg.) 002.167-018
AERONAUTICAL-RESEARCH ENGINEER (aircraft mfg.) 002.061-026
AERONAUTICAL TEST ENGINEER (aircraft mfg.) 002.061-018
aerophysics engineer (aircraft mfg.) 002.061-010
Aerosol-Line Operator (any industry) 920.685-078
AEROSPACE ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) term
aerospace project engineer (aircraft mfg.) 002.167-018
AGATE SETTER (office machines) 710.684-010
Agency Cashier (insurance) 211.362-010
Agency Clerk (insurance) 219.362-010
agent (any industry) 183.117-010
AGENT-CONTRACT CLERK (insurance) 241.267-010
AGENT-LICENSING CLERK (insurance) 209.367-010
agents'-records clerk (insurance) 209.367-010
agent-telegrapher (r.r. trans.) 910.137-038
Ager (motion picture) 840.681-010
AGER OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 553.482-010
AGER OPERATOR (textile) 582.585-010
Aggregate-Conveyor Operator (construction) 579.665-014
aging room operator (plastic-synth.) 559.585-018
agitator operator (chemical; steel & rel.) 551.682-010
Agri-Business Agent (government ser.) 096.127-010
agricultural agent (government ser.) 096.127-010
AGRICULTURAL AIDE (agriculture) term
agricultural-aircraft pilot (agriculture) 196.263-010
AGRICULTURAL-CHEMICALS INSPECTOR (government ser.) 168.267-082
Agricultural Commodity Grading Supervisor (government ser.) 188.117-134
Agricultural Economist (profess. & kin.) 050.067-010
AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 013.061-010
Agricultural-Extension Specialist (government ser.) 096.127-014
AGRICULTURAL-RESEARCH ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 013.061-014
AGRICULTURIST (profess. & kin.) term
AGRONOMIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-010
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