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CODE: 973.381-010Buy the DOT: Download
TITLE(s): COMPOSITOR (print. & pub.) alternate titles: typesetter; typographer

Sets type by hand and machine, and assembles type and cuts in galley for printing articles, headings, and other printed matter, determining type size, style, and compositional pattern from work order: Measures copy with line gauge to determine length of line. Sets composing stick to line length indicated on line gauge. Selects type from type case and sets it in compositional sequence, reading from copy. Inserts spacers between words or units to balance and justify lines. Transfers type from stick to galley when setup is complete. Inserts leads, slugs, or lines of quads between lines to adjust length of setup. Prepares proof copy of setup, using proof press. Examines proof for errors, corrects setup, and forwards it to imposing stone or bank. Cleans type after use and distributes it to specified boxes in type case. May set type to print copy that is unaccompanied by specifications, using knowledge of composition and printing processes. May be designated Job Compositor (print. & pub.) when setting type in commercial printing establishments or Ad Compositor (print. & pub.) when assembling type and cuts for display advertisements.
GOE: 05.05.13 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 89702 Hand Compositors and Typesetters

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CODE: 973.381-010 Buy the DOT: Download
TITLE(s): COMPOSITOR (print. & pub.) alternate titles: typesetter; typographer

Sets type by hand and machine, and assembles type and cuts in galley for printing articles, headings, and other printed matter, determining type size, style, and compositional pattern from work order: Measures copy with line gauge to determine length of line. Sets composing stick to line length indicated on line gauge. Selects type from type case and sets it in compositional sequence, reading from copy. Inserts spacers between words or units to balance and justify lines. Transfers type from stick to galley when setup is complete. Inserts leads, slugs, or lines of quads between lines to adjust length of setup. Prepares proof copy of setup, using proof press. Examines proof for errors, corrects setup, and forwards it to imposing stone or bank. Cleans type after use and distributes it to specified boxes in type case. May set type to print copy that is unaccompanied by specifications, using knowledge of composition and printing processes. May be designated Job Compositor (print. & pub.) when setting type in commercial printing establishments or Ad Compositor (print. & pub.) when assembling type and cuts for display advertisements.
GOE: 05.05.13 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 89702 Hand Compositors and Typesetters

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