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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .

TABBER through TAX

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TABBER (paper goods) 794.687-058
TAB-CARD-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 651.382-034
Table-And-Desk Finisher (furniture) 709.687-014
table and slab depiler (steel & rel.) 504.665-010
Table Assembler, Metal (furniture) 709.684-014
table attendant (amuse. & rec.) 340.477-010
table attendant, cafeteria (hotel & rest.) 311.677-010
TABLE-COVER FOLDER (tex. prod., nec) 920.687-186
Table-Cut-Off-Saw Operator (woodworking) 667.682-022
table draper (garment; tex. prod., nec) 782.687-026
Table Filler (sugar & conf.) 529.686-034
TABLE HAND (tobacco) 521.687-138
table inspector (textile) 689.387-010
table inspector (tobacco) 529.687-090
TABLE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 613.682-026
Table Operator (steel & rel.) 919.683-018
tabler (tex. prod., nec) 781.684-034
Table Setter (hotel & rest.) 311.677-018
tablet coater (pharmaceut.) 554.382-010
TABLE TENDER (smelt. & refin.) 511.685-062
Table Tender, Sludge (smelt. & refin.) 511.685-062
TABLET-MACHINE OPERATOR (dairy products) 529.685-238
tablet-machine operator (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 556.685-058
TABLET-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.682-042
TABLE-TOP TILE SETTER (brick & tile) 763.684-074
TABLET TESTER (pharmaceut.) 559.667-010
Table Worker (any industry) 920.587-018
TABLE WORKER (boot & shoe) 788.687-142
TABLE WORKER (fabrication, nec) 739.687-182
TABLE WORKER (leather prod.) 783.687-030
table worker (paper goods) 794.687-022
table worker (print. & pub.) 653.685-010
table worker (tex. prod., nec) 734.687-014
table worker, sewing (any industry) 782.684-058
TAB-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonmet. min.) 754.685-010
Tabular Typist (clerical) 203.582-066
tabulating clerk (clerical) 216.382-062
tacker (boot & shoe) 690.685-162
Tacker (elec. equip.) 787.685-042
tacker (fabrication, nec) 739.684-162
Tacker (garment) 782.684-058
Tacker (plastic prod.) 690.685-438
tacker (welding) 810.684-010
Tacker, Elastic Band (knitting) 787.682-074
TACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any industry) 787.685-042
TACKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (garment) 786.685-034
Tacking-Stitch Remover (textile) 689.686-050
TACK PULLER (boot & shoe) 788.687-146
TACK PULLER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-410
Taco Maker (food prep., nec) 520.687-046
Taffy-Candy Maker (sugar & conf.) 529.361-014
Taffy Puller (sugar & conf.) 520.685-046
Tag-And-Label Cutter (print. & pub.) 699.682-018
Tagger (forestry) 920.687-046
tagger (laundry & rel.) 369.687-026
tagger (paper goods) 794.687-058
tagger (textile) 229.587-018
TAG-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-118
tag-meter operator (tobacco) 529.687-162
TAG-PRESS OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.682-046
tail-end rider (any industry) 932.664-010
TAILER (mine & quarry) 930.666-014
tailer (woodworking) 669.686-034
tailing hand (textile) 689.686-014
Tailing-Machine Operator (textile) 681.685-154
TAILINGS-DAM LABORER (smelt. & refin.) 511.687-026
Tailings-Dam Pumper (smelt. & refin.) 914.682-010
TAILINGS MACHINERY TENDER (smelt. & refin.) term
Tailing-Thickener Operator (smelt. & refin.) 511.485-014
tailor (garment; personal ser.; retail trade) 785.261-014
TAILOR APPRENTICE, ALTERATION (garment; personal ser.; retail trade) 785.261-018
TAILOR APPRENTICE, CUSTOM (garment; personal ser.; retail trade) 785.261-022
Tailor, Men's Ready-To-Wear (retail trade) 785.261-010
Tailor, Women's-Garment Alteration (retail trade) 785.261-010
take-away attendant (textile) 589.686-010
Take-Down Inspector (photofinishing) 976.687-014
TAKE-DOWN SORTER (photofinishing) 976.665-010
taker-off (tex. prod., nec) 589.686-046
Taker-Off, Braker Machine (tex. prod., nec) 589.686-046
Taker-Off, Drying Kiln (tex. prod., nec) 589.686-046
TAKER-OFF, HEMP FIBER (tex. prod., nec) 589.686-046
Taker-Off, Scutcher Machine (tex. prod., nec) 589.686-046
TAKE-UP OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 557.685-034
Take-Up Supervisor (construction) 899.131-010
talent (radio-tv broad.) 159.147-018
talent agent (amuse. & rec.) 191.117-010
talent director (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 159.267-010
talk show host/hostess (radio-tv broad.) 159.147-018
TALLIER (clerical) 221.587-030
Tallow Pumper (meat products) 529.685-202
TAMALE-MACHINE FEEDER (food prep., nec) 520.686-038
Tamale Maker (food prep., nec) 520.687-046
tamper operator (construction) 869.683-018
TAMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction) 869.683-018
Tamping-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 692.482-010
Tamping-Machine Operator (r.r. trans.) 859.683-018
tamping-machine operator, road forms (construction) 869.683-010
tanbark peeler (logging) 454.687-014
Tandem-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal) 613.462-018
Tandem-Mill Roller (steel & rel.) 613.662-018
Tandem-Taping-And-Paper-Wrapping-Machine Operator (nonfer. metal) 691.682-018
tangled-yarn-spool straightener (tex. prod., nec; textile) 681.687-026
Tankage-Grinder Operator (meat products) 529.685-202
TANKAGE SUPERVISOR (construction) 869.131-034
tank-and-batch operator (glass mfg.) 572.382-010
TANK ASSEMBLER (wood. container) 764.684-030
Tank-Bottom Assembler (wood. container) 764.684-030
tank builder (petrol. & gas) 801.361-022
TANK BUILDER AND ERECTOR (construction) 860.381-066
tank-builder helper (petrol. & gas) 801.687-018
tank-builder supervisor (construction) 869.131-034
TANK CALIBRATOR (business ser.) 229.387-014
Tank-Car Cleaner (petrol. refin.) 891.687-022
TANK-CAR INSPECTOR (chemical) 622.684-022
TANK-CAR INSPECTOR (petrol. refin.) 910.384-010
tank-car loader (any industry) 914.667-010
Tank-Car Repairer (railroad equip.) 622.381-014
Tank Charger (meat products) 529.685-202
tank charger (oils & grease) 921.685-030
TANK CLEANER (any industry) 891.687-022
TANK CLEANER (chemical; plastic-synth.) 559.687-062
Tank Cleaner (elec. equip.) 727.687-058
TANK CLEANER (paint & varnish) 559.684-022
tank cooper (wood. container) 764.684-030
TANK CREWMEMBER (military ser.) 378.683-018
TANK ERECTOR (construction) 860.381-070
TANKER (wood prod., nec) 561.665-010
TANK-FARM ATTENDANT (chemical) 559.665-038
tank-farm gauger (petrol. & gas; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.384-010
Tank-Furnace Operator (glass mfg.) 572.382-010
TANK-HOUSE OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 519.362-014
TANK-HOUSE-OPERATOR HELPER (smelt. & refin.) 519.565-014
Tank Insulator, Rubber (machinery mfg.) 759.684-050
tank maker, wood (construction) 860.381-066
tank operator (fabrication, nec) 582.665-022
TANK PUMPER, PANELBOARD (beverage) 529.685-242
tank refinisher (beverage) 779.684-026
tankroom supervisor (paint & varnish) 559.132-134
TANKROOM TENDER (plastic-synth.) 559.585-018
TANK SETTER (petrol. & gas) 801.361-022
TANK-SETTER HELPER (petrol. & gas) 801.687-018
Tank-Shop Supervisor (any industry) 809.130-014
Tank-Stave Assembler (wood. container) 764.684-030
TANK TENDER (smelt. & refin.) 509.685-054
TANK TENDER (sugar & conf.) 529.585-014
TANK-TRUCK DRIVER (petrol. refin.; retail trade; wholesale tr.) 903.683-018
Tank Worker (plastic-synth.) 550.685-034
tanned-hide-cutter, machine (leather prod.) 585.685-038
tanner (leather mfg.) 582.482-018
tanner (leather mfg.) 589.361-010
TANNER, ROTARY DRUM, CONTINUOUS PROCESS (leather mfg.) 582.482-014
tannery gummer (leather mfg.) 584.687-010
TANNING-DRUM OPERATOR (leather mfg.) 582.482-018
TANNING-SOLUTION MAKER (chemical) 550.682-014
Tanning Supervisor (leather mfg.) 582.131-010
Tanning-Wheel Filler (leather mfg.) 582.685-050
TAP-AND-DIE-MAKER TECHNICIAN (clock & watch) 601.280-034
Tap Dancer (amuse. & rec.) 151.047-010
tape armorer (nonfer. metal) 691.685-010
tape calender (nonmet. min.) 583.585-010
TAPE COATER (nonmet. min.) 692.685-210
Tape Control Skin-Or-Spar-Mill Operator (machine shop) 605.380-010
Tape Cutter (garment; knitting) 699.682-030
Tape Cutter (garment) 699.685-014
Tape-Cutting-Machine Operator (garment; tex. prod., nec) 686.685-066
tape duplicator (radio-tv broad.; recording) 194.382-014
TAPE-FASTENER-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-122
TAPE-FOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods; tex. prod., nec) 689.685-134
Tape Keller Operator (machine shop) 605.380-010
TAPE LIBRARIAN (clerical) 206.367-018
tape machine tailer (millwork-plywood) 569.686-054
TAPE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 689.685-138
taper (any industry) 787.682-010
taper (any industry) 749.687-018
taper (boot & shoe) 690.685-414
taper (boot & shoe) 690.685-074
TAPER (construction; mfd. bldgs.) 842.664-010
taper (textile) 920.587-010
taper (textile) 628.684-014
taper and bedder (construction; mfd. bldgs.) 842.664-010
taper and floater (construction; mfd. bldgs.) 842.664-010
TAPE-RECORDER REPAIRER (any industry) 720.281-014
Tape-Recording-Machine Operator (radio-tv broad.; recording) 194.362-010
TAPER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-414
TAPER, MACHINE (fabrication, nec) 692.685-214
TAPER OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-126
TAPER, PRINTED CIRCUIT LAYOUT (electron. comp.) 017.684-010
tape-sewing-machine operator (print. & pub.) 653.685-014
Tape Stitcher (boot & shoe) 690.682-082
TAPE STRINGER (garment; knitting) 782.687-054
TAPE TRANSFERRER (radio-tv broad.; recording) 194.382-014
Tape Weaver (narrow fabrics; nonmet. min.) 683.682-046
Tape Winder (narrow fabrics; nonmet. min.) 689.685-014
Taping Machine Operator (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-066
Tap-Out Operator (wood. container) 669.682-014
TAPPER (beverage) 529.685-246
TAPPER (nonfer. metal; smelt. & refin.) 514.664-014
TAPPER, BALANCE-WHEEL SCREW HOLE (clock & watch) 715.682-022
TAPPER, BIT (fabrication, nec) 739.685-046
TAPPER, HAND (ordnance) 737.687-134
Tapper I (clock & watch) 604.685-026
TAPPER II (clock & watch) 715.685-062
Tapper Operator (machine shop) 606.682-014
TAPPER OPERATOR (nut & bolt) 606.682-022
TAPPER, SHANK (fabrication, nec) 739.685-050
TAPPER SUPERVISOR (smelt. & refin.) 514.134-010
Tapping-Machine Operator (construction) 869.664-014
Tapping-Machine Operator, Automatic (clock & watch) 606.685-030
Tapping-Machine Operator, Automatic (nut & bolt) 619.365-010
TAPROOM ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 312.677-010
tar-and-ammonia pump operator (steel & rel.) 541.362-014
tar chaser (steel & rel.) 549.687-010
TARE WEIGHER (meat products; sugar & conf.; tobacco) 221.587-034
TARGET AIRCRAFT TECHNICIAN (military ser.) 378.281-010
TARGETEER (ordnance) 736.684-042
Target-Face Maker (toy-sport equip.) 979.684-034
TARGET TRIMMER (toy-sport equip.) 732.687-078
Tar Heater (construction) 869.685-010
Tar-Heater Operator (chemical) 552.462-010
Tar Heat-Exchanger Cleaner (petrol. refin.) 891.687-030
TARIFF INSPECTOR (r.r. trans.) 214.362-034
TARIFF PUBLISHING AGENT (business ser.) 184.167-250
TARRING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 584.685-046
tar runner (steel & rel.) 549.687-010
TASSEL-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 689.685-142
TASTER (food prep., nec) 529.281-010
TATTOO ARTIST (personal ser.) 339.571-010
tattooer (personal ser.) 339.571-010
tattooist (personal ser.) 339.571-010
Tavern Inspector (government ser.) 168.267-066
tawer (leather mfg.) 582.482-018
tax agent (profess. & kin.) 110.117-038
Tax Analyst (government ser.) 160.167-038
TAX ATTORNEY (profess. & kin.) 110.117-038
TAX CLERK (clerical) 219.487-010
Tax Clerk (financial) 249.362-014
Tax Economist (profess. & kin.) 050.067-010
Tax Examiner (government ser.) 160.167-038
tax form preparer (business ser.) 219.362-070
TAXICAB COORDINATOR (motor trans.) 215.367-018
TAXICAB STARTER (motor trans.) 913.367-010
TAXIDERMIST (profess. & kin.) 199.261-010
TAXI DRIVER (motor trans.) 913.463-018
TAXIMETER REPAIRER (automotive ser.) 710.281-038
TAXI SERVICER (motor trans.) 915.687-030
TAX PREPARER (business ser.) 219.362-070
Tax-Record Clerk (utilities) 216.482-010
tax representative (profess. & kin.) 110.117-038
Tax Searcher (real estate) 209.367-046

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