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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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Rheostat Assembler (elec. equip.) 729.684-026
Rhinestone Setter (garment; tex. prod., nec) 789.685-010
Rhinestone Setter (jewelry-silver.) 735.687-034
Rhinologist (medical ser.) 070.101-062
Rib Bender (musical inst.) 569.685-014
ribber (meat products) 525.684-010
Ribbon Blocker (narrow fabrics) 689.685-014
Ribbon Cutter (garment) 699.685-014
Ribbon Cutter (hat & cap) 784.687-050
RIBBON CUTTER (narrow fabrics) 781.687-050
Rib Boner (meat products) 525.684-010
RIBBON-HANKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.385-010
RIBBON INKER (pen & pencil) 692.685-142
RIBBON-LAP-MACHINE TENDER (textile) 680.685-086
Ribbon-Sweatband Operator (hat & cap) 784.682-014
Ribbon Weaver (narrow fabrics) 683.682-046
RIBBON WINDER (pen & pencil) 733.685-022
Rib-Cloth Knitter (knitting) 685.665-014
rib matcher and fitter (ordnance) 736.381-014
rib-stiffener and heel-dipper (boot & shoe) 788.687-062
Rib-Trim Separator (knitting) 789.687-030
RICE CLEANING MACHINE TENDER (grain-feed mills) 521.665-022
Rice-Drier Operator (grain-feed mills) 523.685-090
Rice Farmer (agriculture) 401.161-010
rickshaw driver (amuse. & rec.) 349.477-010
RIDDLER OPERATOR (tobacco) 521.685-270
RIDE ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 342.677-010
RIDE OPERATOR (amuse. & rec.) 342.663-010
rider (agriculture) 410.674-014
Riding Double (amuse. & rec.) 961.364-010
RIDING-SILKS CUSTODIAN (amuse. & rec.) 346.677-014
Riffler Tender (paper & pulp) 533.685-022
Rifle-Case Repairer (leather prod.) 783.684-026
rigger (amuse. & rec.) 962.684-010
RIGGER (any industry) 921.260-010
RIGGER (construction) 869.683-014
rigger (fishing & hunt.) 449.664-010
RIGGER (logging) 921.664-014
RIGGER (radio-tv broad.) 823.281-022
RIGGER (ship-boat mfg.) 806.261-014
RIGGER (tex. prod., nec) 789.684-046
RIGGER APPRENTICE (ship-boat mfg.) 806.261-018
rigger, chief (radio-tv broad.; tel. & tel.) 823.131-014
RIGGER HELPER (any industry) 921.687-026
RIGGER HELPER (ship-boat mfg.) 806.684-122
RIGGER SUPERVISOR (radio-tv broad.; tel. & tel.) 823.131-014
RIGGER, THIRD (logging) 921.687-030
Rigging-Loft Repairer (ship-boat mfg.) 806.684-122
RIGGING SLINGER (logging) 921.364-010
RIGGING SUPERVISOR (construction) 921.130-010
RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT (any industry) 191.117-046
Right-of-Way Inspector (r.r. trans.) 376.667-018
RIGHT-OF-WAY SUPERVISOR (any industry) 191.117-050
right-of-way supervisor (construction) 869.133-010
rig operator (petrol. & gas) 930.382-030
rim-fire charger operator (ordnance) 694.685-050
RIM-FIRE-PRIMING OPERATOR (ordnance) 694.685-050
RIM-FIRE-PRIMING TOOL SETTER (ordnance) 632.380-022
Rim-Roller Setter (auto. mfg.) 616.260-014
Rim-Strip Tuber-Machine Operator (rubber tire) 690.662-014
RIM-TURNING FINISHER (clock & watch) 604.685-030
Ring Attacher (tex. prod., nec) 787.685-026
Ring-Barker Operator (saw. & plan.) 669.485-010
RING CONDUCTOR (amuse. & rec.) 159.367-010
Ring Facer (agriculture) 920.687-134
Ring-Grinder Operator (paper & pulp) 530.662-014
Ring Maker (chemical) 844.681-010
ring maker (jewelry-silver.) 700.684-010
RING MAKER (jewelry-silver.) 700.381-042
RING-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-098
Ring Packer (agriculture; wholesale tr.) 920.687-134
RING-ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber goods) 690.682-066
Ring Sewer (tex. prod., nec) 789.687-090
ring-shear operator (any industry) 615.482-030
RING STAMPER (jewelry-silver.) 700.684-066
ring striker (jewelry-silver.) 700.684-066
RIP-AND-GROOVE-MACHINE OPERATOR (furniture) 667.682-062
RIPENING-ROOM ATTENDANT (plastic-synth.) 559.682-038
ripening-room hand (plastic-synth.) 559.585-018
Ripening-Room Operator (plastic-synth.) 559.585-018
rip-machine operator (any industry) 699.682-030
RIPPER (furniture) 617.685-030
RIPPER (garment; retail trade; tex. prod., nec) 782.687-038
ripper (leather mfg.) 585.684-010
ripper operator (tobacco) 529.685-090
Riprap Placer (construction) 869.687-026
Ripsaw Grader (woodworking) 667.382-010
Ripsaw Matcher (woodworking) 667.682-066
RIPSAW OPERATOR (woodworking) 667.682-066
ripsawyer (woodworking) 667.682-066
RISK AND INSURANCE MANAGER (any industry) 186.117-066
ritual circumciser (profess. & kin.) 129.271-010
RIVER (logging) 454.684-022
riverboat captain (water trans.) 197.163-018
River-Crossing Supervisor (construction) 899.131-010
river tester (engine-turbine) 623.261-010
rivet bucker (any industry) 800.687-010
rivet catcher (any industry) 800.687-010
riveter (boot & shoe) 690.685-162
RIVETER (light. fix.) 616.685-054
RIVETER (railroad equip.) 800.684-010
Riveter, Automobile Brakes (automotive ser.) 620.685-010
RIVETER, HAND (any industry) 709.684-066
RIVETER, HAND (garment) 789.687-154
RIVETER HELPER (any industry) 800.687-010
RIVETER, HYDRAULIC (any industry) 800.662-010
RIVETER, PNEUMATIC (any industry) 800.684-014
Riveter, Portable Machine (any industry) 800.662-010
RIVETER, PORTABLE PINCH (any industry) 800.682-010
rivet-hammer-machine operator (furniture) 616.685-058
RIVET HEATER (heat treating) 504.485-010
Rivet Heater, Electric (heat treating) 504.485-010
Rivet Heater, Gas (heat treating) 504.485-010
rivet-hole-machine operator (garment) 686.685-054
RIVET-HOLE PUNCHER (garment) 686.685-054
RIVETING MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (aircraft mfg.) 806.380-010
RIVETING-MACHINE OPERATOR (furniture) 616.685-058
RIVETING-MACHINE OPERATOR I (any industry) 699.482-010
RIVETING-MACHINE OPERATOR II (any industry) 699.685-030
Riveting Machine Operator, Programmed Control (aircraft mfg.) 806.380-010
Riveting Machine Operator, Tape Control (aircraft mfg.) 806.380-010
Rivet Maker (nut & bolt) 612.462-010
Rivet Spinner (any industry) 699.685-030
rivet sticker (any industry) 800.687-010

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