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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .

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LEACHER (paper & pulp) 551.685-090
LEACHER (smelt. & refin.) 511.582-010
lead assembler (elec. equip.) 691.685-018
lead bender (elec. equip.) 691.685-018
lead blender (petrol. refin.) 540.462-010
LEAD BURNER (elec. equip.) 727.684-022
LEAD BURNER (welding) 819.281-010
LEAD-BURNER APPRENTICE (welding) 819.281-014
LEAD-BURNER HELPER (elec. equip.) 727.687-070
LEAD BURNER, MACHINE (elec. equip.) 727.662-010
LEAD-BURNER SUPERVISOR (welding) 819.131-010
LEAD CASTER (elec. equip.) 502.684-010
LEAD-CASTER HELPER (elec. equip.) 502.687-018
Lead Coater (galvanizing) 501.485-010
leader (any industry) see SUPERVISOR
leader (any industry) see GROUP LEADER
leader assembler (toy-sport equip.) 732.687-038
leader, print rubber (rubber goods) 652.462-010
LEADER TIER (toy-sport equip.) 732.687-038
lead fabricator (plumbing-heat.) 619.382-014
LEAD FORMER (elec. equip.) 691.685-018
LEAD FORMER (pen & pencil) 575.685-050
LEAD HAND, INSPECTING AND TESTING (electron. comp.) 726.364-010
LEAD HANDLER (ordnance) 599.687-018
Leadite Heater (construction) 869.685-010
lead janitor (any industry) 381.137-010
lead-laying-and-gluing-machine operator (pen & pencil) 692.685-094
Lead Loader (smelt. & refin.) 921.683-050
leadman, turbine assembly (engine-turbine) 600.261-010
LEAD-NITRATE PROCESSOR (chemical) 558.585-030
LEAD OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 630.381-018
LEAD-OXIDE-MILL TENDER (elec. equip.) 558.685-042
LEAD PONY RIDER (amuse. & rec.) 153.674-014
lead presser (pen & pencil) 575.685-050
LEAD-PRESS OPERATOR (nonfer. metal) 691.382-014
lead printer (print. & pub.) 979.130-014
lead-relay tester (utilities) 729.131-014
lead rider (agriculture) 410.137-014
LEAD-SECTION SUPERVISOR (ordnance) 619.132-010
lead-sheet cutter (nonfer. metal) 502.684-014
lead-shop operator (chemical) 558.585-030
Lead-Supply Worker (elec. equip.) 502.687-018
lead ticket-sales agent (air trans.) 238.137-022
Lead Tinner (elec. equip.) 691.685-018
Lead-Tong Worker (petrol. & gas) 930.684-026
lead welder (welding) 819.281-010
LEAD WORKER, WAFER POLISHING (electron. comp.) 673.364-010
LEAD WORKER, WAFER PRODUCTION (electron. comp.) 590.364-010
leaf binner (tobacco) 922.687-010
leaf blender (tobacco) 520.387-010
LEAF CONDITIONER (tobacco) 522.687-026
LEAF-CONDITIONER HELPER (tobacco) 522.687-030
LEAF COVERER (smelt. & refin.) 519.684-014
Leaf-Fat Scraper (meat products) 525.687-010
LEAF-SIZE PICKER (tobacco) 529.687-142
LEAF SORTER (tobacco) 529.687-134
leaf stamper (any industry) 652.682-030
leaf stemmer, hand (tobacco) 521.687-134
leaf sticker (button & notion) 734.687-090
Leaf-Sucker Operator (government ser.) 919.683-022
LEAF TIER (tobacco) 529.687-138
leaf tinner (tobacco) 922.687-010
Leak-Gang Supervisor (utilities) 862.137-010
LEAK HUNTER (beverage) 764.687-090
leak locator (pipe lines; utilities) 953.367-010
Leak Operator, Paraffin Plant (petrol. refin.) 541.682-010
Leak Patcher (meat products) 525.687-010
LEAK TESTER, SEMICONDUCTOR PACKAGES (electron. comp.) 726.685-034
lease agent (petrol. & gas) 186.117-046
LEASE BUYER (mine & quarry; petrol. & gas) 191.117-030
LEASE-OUT WORKER (textile) 683.684-022
LEASE PICKER (textile) 689.684-018
leaser (mine & quarry; petrol. & gas) 191.117-030
leases-and-land supervisor (petrol. & gas) 186.117-046
lease supervisor (petrol. & gas) 939.131-014
LEASING AGENT, OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (business ser.) 254.357-010
LEASING AGENT, RESIDENCE (real estate) 250.357-014
LEASING-MACHINE TENDER (textile) 681.685-054
Leather Baler (leather mfg.) 920.685-010
Leather-Belt-Loop Cutter (leather prod.) 690.685-266
LEATHER-BELT MAKER (leather prod.) 690.685-266
Leather-Belt Puncher (leather prod.) 690.685-266
Leather-Belt Shaper (leather prod.) 690.685-266
Leather-Cartridge-Belt Maker (leather prod.) 690.685-266
leather-case finisher (leather prod.) 739.684-034
LEATHER CLEANER (laundry & rel.) 362.684-026
LEATHER COATER (leather mfg.) 584.687-010
leather colorer (leather mfg.) 582.482-010
Leather Coverer (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-026
Leather Crafter (leather prod.) 142.061-018
Leather Cutter (glove & mit.; leather prod.) 789.382-010
LEATHER CUTTER (leather prod.) 783.684-022
leather dresser (leather mfg.) 584.687-010
LEATHER ETCHER (garment) 583.685-066
LEATHER FINISHER (laundry & rel.) 363.682-010
Leather Fitter (hat & cap) 784.682-014
Leather Flanger (hat & cap) 690.686-058
leather grader (boot & shoe) 788.387-010
LEATHER GRADER (glove & mit.) 784.387-014
leather leveler (leather mfg.) 690.686-054
Leather-Novelty-Parts Cutter (leather prod.) 699.682-022
leather patcher (leather mfg.) 585.687-022
leather-piece inspector (glove & mit.) 781.687-034
leather polisher (leather mfg.) 583.685-094
leather pourer (leather mfg.) 584.687-014
leather repairer (boot & shoe) 788.684-022
leather repairer (leather mfg.) 585.687-022
leather sander (leather mfg.) 585.685-018
LEATHER SOFTENER (boot & shoe) 788.687-090
Leather Softener, Drum (leather mfg.) 582.482-010
leather sorter (glove & mit.) 784.387-014
leather sorter (leather mfg.) 589.387-010
leather sprayer (leather mfg.) 584.687-014
LEATHER STAMPER (leather prod.) 781.381-018
leather-stripping-machine operator (leather prod.) 585.685-038
LEATHER TOOLER (furniture) 763.684-054
leather tooler (leather prod.) 781.381-018
LEATHER WORKER (leather prod.) 783.684-026
Leather Worker (protective dev.) 712.684-010
Lecturer (education) 090.227-010
legal aid (profess. & kin.) 119.267-026
legal assistant (profess. & kin.) 119.267-026
legal assistant (profess. & kin.) 119.267-022
LEGAL INVESTIGATOR (profess. & kin.) 119.267-022
LEGAL SECRETARY (clerical) 201.362-010
Legal Stenographer (clerical) 202.362-014
Legal Transcriber (clerical) 203.582-058
Leg Assembler (toy-sport equip.) 732.384-010
LEGEND MAKER (fabrication, nec) 979.684-018
Legger-Press Operator (laundry & rel.) 363.682-018
legislative advocate (profess. & kin.) 165.017-010
Legislative Aide (government ser.) 199.267-034
LEGISLATIVE ASSISTANT (government ser.) 169.167-066
Leg Skinner (meat products) 525.684-046
lehr attendant (glass mfg.) 573.685-026
Lehr Cutter (glass mfg.) 779.684-054
lehr operator (glass mfg.) 573.685-026
lehr stripper (glass mfg.) 573.685-026
LEHR TENDER (glass mfg.) 573.685-026
lei maker (retail trade) 291.454-010
LEI SELLER (retail trade) 291.454-010
Lemon Grower (agriculture) 403.161-010
length control tester (knitting) 684.684-014
leno sewer (carpet & rug; retail trade) 787.682-014
lens assorter (optical goods) 716.687-026
lens assorter (optical goods) 716.687-022
LENS-BLANK GAUGER (optical goods) 716.687-026
LENS-BLOCK GAUGER (optical goods) 716.687-030
lens cutter (optical goods) 716.682-010
Lens-Edge Grinder, Machine (optical goods) 716.685-022
LENS EXAMINER (optical goods) 716.687-022
LENS-FABRICATING-MACHINE TENDER (optical goods) 716.685-022
Lens-Generating-Machine Tender (optical goods) 716.685-022
lens grinder (optical goods) 716.382-018
lens-grinder apprentice (optical goods) 716.382-022
lens grinder, rough (optical goods) 673.685-074
LENS HARDENER (optical goods) 573.685-030
LENS INSERTER (optical goods) 713.687-026
lens inspector (optical goods) 716.687-022
lens inspector (optical goods) 716.381-010
LENS MATCHER (optical goods) 713.687-030
lens molder (glass mfg.) 575.685-054
LENS-MOLDING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (glass mfg.) 575.685-054
LENS-MOLD SETTER (optical goods) 713.381-010
Lens Mounter I (optical goods) 690.685-014
LENS MOUNTER II (optical goods) 713.681-010
LENS POLISHER, HAND (optical goods) 716.681-018
letter carrier (government ser.) 230.367-010
letterer (any industry) 979.684-034
letterer (any industry) 970.381-026
Letterer (garment) 787.682-022
LETTERER (machinery mfg.) 979.681-010
LETTERER (profess. & kin.) 970.661-014
lettering-machine operator (any industry) 652.682-030
LETTER-OF-CREDIT CLERK (financial) 219.367-050
letter-stamping-machine operator (clerical) 208.685-026
Lettuce Trimmer (agriculture) 920.687-134
levee superintendent (construction) 851.137-010
leveler (boot & shoe) 690.685-382
Leveler Helper (wood. container) 669.685-010
LEVELER I (wood. container) 764.687-094
Leveler II (wood. container) 669.682-014
LEVEL-GLASS-FORMING-MACHINE OPERATOR (cutlery-hrdwr.) 679.665-010
LEVEL-GLASS-VIAL FILLER (cutlery-hrdwr.) 692.685-114
leveling-machine operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-382
LEVEL-VIAL CURVATURE GAUGER (cutlery-hrdwr.) 701.687-022
LEVEL-VIAL INSIDE GRINDER (cutlery-hrdwr.) 673.685-066
LEVEL-VIAL INSPECTOR-AND-TESTER (cutlery-hrdwr.) 701.687-026
LEVEL-VIAL MARKER (cutlery-hrdwr.) 775.684-046
LEVEL-VIAL SEALER (cutlery-hrdwr.) 779.684-034
LEVEL-VIAL SETTER (cutlery-hrdwr.) 701.684-018
LEVER MILLER (clock & watch) 605.685-026
LEVERS-LACE MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 683.682-026
LEVER TENDER (forging) 612.685-010
lexicographer (profess. & kin.) 132.067-018

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