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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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guard (any industry) 372.667-030
guard (business ser.) 372.667-038
guard (government ser.) 372.667-018
Guard, Captain (any industry) 372.167-014
GUARD, CHIEF (any industry) 372.167-014
Guard, Convoy (any industry) 372.667-034
Guard, Dance Hall (amuse. & rec.) 376.667-010
Guard, Deputy (government ser.) 372.667-018
GUARD, IMMIGRATION (government ser.) 372.567-014
Guard, Lieutenant (any industry) 372.167-014
Guard, Museum (museums) 372.667-034
guard, range (government ser.) 379.167-010
GUARD, SCHOOL-CROSSING (government ser.) 371.567-010
GUARD, SECURITY (any industry) 372.667-034
Guard, Sergeant (any industry) 372.167-014
Guest-History Clerk (hotel & rest.) 203.362-010
Guidance Counselor (education) 045.107-010
GUIDE (personal ser.) 353.367-010
GUIDE, ALPINE (personal ser.) 353.164-010
GUIDE-BASE WINDER, MACHINE (toy-sport equip.) 732.685-022
GUIDE, CHIEF AIRPORT (air trans.) 353.137-010
Guide, Cruise (personal ser.) 353.167-010
Guide, Delegate (personal ser.) 353.367-010
Guide, Domestic Tour (personal ser.) 353.167-010
guide escort (personal ser.) 359.367-010
GUIDE, ESTABLISHMENT (any industry) 353.367-014
guide, excursion (personal ser.) 353.167-010
Guide, Foreign Tour (personal ser.) 353.167-010
GUIDE, HUNTING AND FISHING (amuse. & rec.) 353.161-010
Guide-Installer, Type-Bar-And-Segment (office machines) 706.684-026
guide, itinerary (personal ser.) 353.167-010
GUIDE, PLANT (any industry) 353.367-018
GUIDER (fabrication, nec) 590.686-014
Guide-Rail Cleaner (textile) 699.687-014
GUIDE SETTER (steel & rel.) 613.361-010
GUIDE, SIGHTSEEING (amuse. & rec.; personal ser.) 353.363-010
guide, tour (any industry) 353.367-014
guide, tour (personal ser.) 353.167-010
GUIDE, TRAVEL (personal ser.) 353.167-010
guide, visitor (personal ser.) 353.367-010
guide winder (toy-sport equip.) 732.685-022
GUIDE WINDER (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-086
guillotine cutter (stonework) 677.685-046
Guillotine Operator (pen & pencil) 699.685-014
guillotine operator (tex. prod., nec; textile) 680.686-018
Guinea-Pig Breeder (agriculture) 410.161-010
Guitar Maker, Hand (musical inst.) 730.281-022
Guitar Repairer (any industry) 730.281-026
Gum Coater (sugar & conf.) 524.382-010
Gum Maker (sugar & conf.) 526.382-014
gummed-tape-press operator (paper goods) 640.685-050
gummer (boot & shoe) 788.687-030
Gum Mixer (textile) 550.585-018
GUM PULLER (sugar & conf.) 520.687-038
gum-rolling-machine tender (sugar & conf.) 520.682-022
GUM-SCORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 520.682-022
Gum Sprayer (leather mfg.) 584.687-014
Guncotton Packer (chemical) 920.587-018
GUN EXAMINER (ordnance) 736.281-010
Gun Examiner And Repairer (ordnance) 736.281-010
GUNNER (grain-feed mills) 523.382-010
gun numberer (ordnance) 652.582-010
gun perforator (petrol. & gas) 931.382-010
GUN-PERFORATOR LOADER (petrol. & gas) 931.384-010
GUN-REPAIR CLERK (ordnance) 222.387-022
Gun-Sealing-Machine Operator (electron. comp.) 725.684-022
GUNSMITH (any industry) 632.281-010
gunstock repairer (ordnance) 761.381-038
Gunstock-Spray-Unit Adjuster (ordnance) 599.382-010
Gunstock-Spray-Unit Feeder (ordnance) 599.686-014
gun striper (any industry) 741.687-022
GUN SYNCHRONIZER (ordnance) 632.381-010
gusset folder (leather prod.) 690.685-178
Gusset Maker (paper goods) 794.684-018
gusset ripper (boot & shoe) 788.687-042
Gut Puller (meat products) 525.687-010
Gut Sorter (meat products) 525.687-010
gutter (meat products) 525.687-010
Gutter-Mouth Cutter (construction) 861.381-038
gut winder (protective dev.) 712.687-034
guyline operator (construction) 850.683-042
GYNECOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070.101-034
gypsum dry-wall systems installer (construction) 842.361-030

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