TITLE(s): GUIDE-BASE WINDER, MACHINE (toy-sport equip.) alternate titles: guide winder Tends bench machine that winds thread around specified areas of fishing rod blanks to form base for line guides: Clamps rod end in chuck and adjusts rod supporting fixtures by loosening setscrews and moving fixtures until rod is level. Feeds thread through playout device and needle eye. Turns setscrew to adjust tension on playout device to specified pressure. Slides playout devices along track until needles are adjacent to markings on rod, indicating where base winds start, and tightens setscrew. Pulls length of thread through needle and clamps or tapes end to rod. Depresses lever causing rod to rotate and playout devices to traverse along track as thread is wound around rod. Stops machine and cuts thread as each area is wound to specified length. Cements thread end to rod. Inspects rods to verify that they are wound to specification. Adjusts setup of machine to correct faulty winding. GOE: 06.04.09 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77 |
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GUIDE-BASE WINDER, MACHINE (toy-sport equip.) alternate titles: guide winder
Tends bench machine that winds thread around specified areas of fishing rod blanks to form base
for line guides: Clamps rod end in chuck and adjusts rod supporting fixtures by loosening setscrews
and moving fixtures until rod is level. Feeds thread through playout device and needle eye. Turns
setscrew to adjust tension on playout device to specified pressure. Slides playout devices along
track until needles are adjacent to markings on rod, indicating where base winds start, and tightens
setscrew. Pulls length of thread through needle and clamps or tapes end to rod. Depresses lever
causing rod to rotate and playout devices to traverse along track as thread is wound around rod.
Stops machine and cuts thread as each area is wound to specified length. Cements thread end to rod.
Inspects rods to verify that they are wound to specification. Adjusts setup of machine to correct
faulty winding.
GOE: 06.04.09 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03