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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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grade and center marker (toy-sport equip.) 732.381-014
GRADE CHECKER (construction) 850.467-010
GRADER (can. & preserv.) 529.687-098
Grader (construction) 869.687-026
grader (leather mfg.) 585.684-010
grader (leather mfg.) 589.387-010
GRADER (woodworking) 669.687-030
GRADER, DRESSED POULTRY (meat products) 529.687-102
grade recorder (education) 219.467-010
GRADER, GREEN MEAT (meat products) 529.687-106
GRADER MARKER (garment) 781.381-034
GRADER, MEAT (meat products) 525.387-010
grader operator (any industry) 850.683-010
Grader, Sausage And Wiener (meat products) 920.587-018
GRADER TENDER (agriculture) 521.685-154
Grade Tamper (construction) 869.687-026
GRADING CLERK (education) 219.467-010
grading-machine feeder (can. & preserv.) 521.685-318
GRADUATE ASSISTANT (education) 090.227-014
graduate tucker (any industry) 787.682-082
grain blender (grain-feed mills) 520.485-014
grain cleaner (grain-feed mills) 521.685-254
Grain-Cleaner-And-Transfer Operator (beverage) 521.362-014
Grain Distributor (grain-feed mills) 921.662-018
GRAIN DRIER (beverage) 523.685-086
GRAIN-DRIER OPERATOR (grain-feed mills) 523.685-090
grain-elevator agent (grain-feed mills; wholesale tr.) 162.167-010
GRAIN ELEVATOR CLERK (beverage; grain-feed mills) 222.567-010
Grain-Elevator-Motor Starter (grain-feed mills) 921.685-026
Grain-Elevator Operator (grain-feed mills) 921.662-018
Grainer (jewelry-silver.) 700.687-058
GRAINER, MACHINE (any industry) 652.686-014
grain farmer (agriculture) 401.161-010
Graining-Machine Operator (leather mfg.) 583.685-094
Graining Operator (chemical) 555.685-066
GRAINING-PRESS OPERATOR (chemical) 557.682-010
Grain Miller (beverage) 521.362-014
grain-miller helper (beverage) 521.687-082
GRAIN MIXER (grain-feed mills) 520.485-014
GRAIN PICKER (grain-feed mills) 529.687-110
GRAIN RECEIVER (grain-feed mills) 921.365-010
grain trader (financial; wholesale tr.) 162.157-010
Grain Unloader (grain-feed mills) 921.667-018
Grain Unloader, Machine (grain-feed mills) 921.685-038
GRAIN-WAFER-MACHINE OPERATOR (bakery products) 523.685-094
grain weigher (beverage; grain-feed mills) 222.567-010
Granite Carver (stonework) 771.281-014
granite cutter apprentice (stonework) 771.381-010
granite polisher apprentice (stonework) 673.382-022
Granite Polisher, Hand (stonework) 775.664-010
Granite Polisher, Machine (stonework) 673.382-018
granite sandblaster apprentice (stonework) 673.382-014
Granite Setter (construction) 861.381-038
GRANT COORDINATOR (profess. & kin.) 169.117-014
Granular Operator (chemical) 553.685-090
Granulated-Tobacco Screener (tobacco) 521.685-270
granulating blender (tobacco) 520.387-010
granulator (pharmaceut.) 559.382-026
GRANULATOR-MACHINE OPERATOR (pharmaceut.) 559.382-026
granulator operator (chemical) 555.685-042
GRANULATOR OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 523.685-098
granulator operator (tobacco) 521.685-158
GRANULATOR TENDER (steel & rel.) 519.665-010
granulizing-machine operator (food prep., nec) 521.685-078
grape crusher (beverage) 521.685-094
Grape Grower (agriculture) 403.161-014
graphic artist (profess. & kin.) 141.061-022
graphic arts technician (print. & pub.) 979.382-018
GRAPHIC DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 141.061-018
Graphite-Disk Assembler (rubber goods) 752.684-038
graphite-mill operator (steel & rel.) 549.685-026
GRAPHITE PAN-DRIER TENDER (nonmet. min.) 549.685-014
GRAPHOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 199.267-038
grapple operator (logging) 921.683-058
Grapple Operator Helper (logging) 921.687-022
Grapple-Yarder Operator (logging) 921.663-066
Grass Farmer (agriculture) 405.161-014
Grass-Farm Laborer (agriculture) 405.687-014
GRATED-CHEESE MAKER (dairy products) 521.685-162
grating-machine operator (dairy products) 521.685-162
gravedigger (real estate) 406.684-010
GRAVEL INSPECTOR (construction) 859.281-010
GRAVES REGISTRATION SPECIALIST (military ser.) 355.687-014
Gravity-Meter Observer (mine & quarry; petrol. & gas) 010.261-018
gravity-prospecting operator (petrol. & gas) 010.261-018
gravity-prospecting-operator helper (petrol. & gas) 939.663-010
Gravity Prospector (petrol. & gas) 024.061-026
GRAY-CLOTH TENDER, PRINTING (textile) 652.686-018
Gray Mixing Operator (tex. prod., nec) 680.685-010
gray tender (textile) 652.686-018
GREASE-AND-TALLOW PUMPER (oils & grease) 559.585-014
GREASE BUFFER (jewelry-silver.) 705.684-022
Grease-Machine Worker (smelt. & refin.) 519.565-014
GREASE MAKER (petrol. refin.) 549.682-010
GREASE MAKER, HEAD (petrol. refin.) 549.132-010
grease-press helper (oils & grease) 551.686-018
GREASER (agric. equip.) 624.684-010
greaser (any industry) 699.687-018
greaser (automotive ser.) 915.687-018
greaser (brick & tile) 575.665-014
Greaser (leather mfg.) 589.686-022
Greaser (metal prod., nec) 706.684-090
GREASER (ordnance) 736.687-010
greaser and oiler (any industry) 699.687-018
GREASE-REFINER OPERATOR (oils & grease) 551.685-086
grease remover (any industry) 503.685-030
GREASER OPERATOR (hat & cap) 582.685-082
Green-Chain Marker (saw. & plan.) 669.687-030
GREEN-CHAIN OFFBEARER (millwork-plywood) 663.686-018
Green-Chain Offbearer (saw. & plan.) 669.686-018
GREEN-COFFEE BLENDER (food prep., nec) 520.685-110
green-hide inspector (meat products) 525.687-042
Greenhouse Laborer (agriculture) 405.687-014
green house manager (agriculture) 405.131-010
Greenhouse Superintendent (agriculture) 405.131-010
Greenhouse Worker (agriculture) 405.684-014
GREEN INSPECTOR (elec. equip.) 726.367-010
Green-Lumber Grader (woodworking) 669.687-030
green-meat packer (meat products) 522.687-034
green-pipe inspector (brick & tile) 575.687-030
Green-Prize Packer (tobacco) 920.687-142
greenskeeper, head (any industry) 406.137-010
GREENSKEEPER I (any industry) 406.137-010
GREENSKEEPER II (any industry) 406.683-010
Greens Planter (motion picture) 406.381-010
GREENS TIER (wholesale tr.) 920.687-094
GREEN-TIRE INSPECTOR (rubber tire) 750.684-018
Greige-Goods Examiner (textile) 689.685-038
Greige-Goods Inspector (knitting) 789.687-070
GREIGE-GOODS MARKER (textile) 229.587-010
greige-goods worker (textile) see GREIGE-ROOM WORKER
Greige Mender (knitting) 782.684-030
GREIGE-ROOM WORKER (textile) term
grey inspector (knitting) 684.684-010
Grid Caster (elec. equip.) 502.684-010
grid-casting-machine-operator helper (elec. equip.) 502.686-010
Grid Inspector (elec. equip.) 502.687-018
grid-pasting-machine operator (elec. equip.) 505.482-010
grinder (office machines) 690.385-010
GRINDER (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 555.685-026
grinder (pottery & porc.) 774.684-010
Grinder (recording) 559.686-010
GRINDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.) 555.685-030
grinder (ship-boat mfg.) 809.684-022
grinder-and-honer operator, automatic (cutlery-hrdwr.) 603.685-058
grinder and plater (print. & pub.) 500.381-010
Grinder, Belt (any industry) 705.684-026
Grinder, Brake Lining (nonmet. min.) 579.687-010
GRINDER, CARBON PLANT (smelt. & refin.) 544.565-010
GRINDER-CHIPPER I (any industry) 705.684-030
GRINDER-CHIPPER II (any industry) 809.684-026
grinder-dresser (any industry) 705.684-030
GRINDER, GEAR (machine shop) 602.382-034
GRINDER, HAND (button & notion) 734.687-054
grinder, hand (machine shop) 603.280-014
grinder, hand (machine shop) 603.280-022
grinder, hand (machine shop) 603.280-010
GRINDER, HAND (optical goods) 716.685-018
GRINDER, HARDBOARD (wood prod., nec) 569.682-010
GRINDER I (any industry) 705.684-026
GRINDER I (clock & watch) 603.482-030
Grinder II (any industry) 705.684-030
GRINDER II (clock & watch) 715.685-030
Grinder III (any industry) 701.381-018
Grinder IV (any industry) 809.684-026
GRINDER, LAP (clock & watch) 603.685-066
Grinder, Lead (auto. mfg.) 705.684-026
GRINDER MACHINE SETTER (machine shop) 603.380-010
GRINDER-MILL OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 519.485-010
grinder, needle tip (comm. equip.) 770.382-014
grinder operator (cement) 570.685-046
GRINDER OPERATOR (chemical) 555.685-034
GRINDER OPERATOR (grain-feed mills) 521.682-026
GRINDER OPERATOR (grain-feed mills) 521.685-166
grinder operator (machine shop) 603.280-038
grinder operator (paint & varnish) see PAINT GRINDER
grinder operator (toy-sport equip.) 662.685-010
GRINDER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (cutlery-hrdwr.) 603.685-058
GRINDER OPERATOR, EXTERNAL, TOOL (machine shop) 603.280-010
GRINDER OPERATOR, SURFACE, TOOL (machine shop) 603.280-014
GRINDER OPERATOR, TOOL (machine shop) 603.280-018
grinder, outside diameter (clock & watch) 770.684-010
grinder, rough (any industry) 809.684-026
GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR (machine shop) 603.382-034
GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, CENTERLESS (machine shop) 603.382-014
Grinder Set-Up Operator, External (machine shop) 603.382-034
GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, GEAR, TOOL (machine shop) 602.360-010
Grinder Set-Up Operator, Internal (machine shop) 603.382-034
GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, INTERNAL (machine shop) 603.280-022
GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, JIG (machine shop) 603.280-026
Grinder Set-Up Operator, Surface (machine shop) 603.382-034
Grinder Set-Up Operator, Thread (machine shop) 603.382-034
GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, THREAD TOOL (machine shop) 603.260-010
GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, UNIVERSAL (machine shop) 603.280-030
grinder, watch parts (clock & watch) 603.482-030
Grinder, Wheel Or Disk (any industry) 705.684-026
grinding machine operator (electron. comp.) 673.382-026
grinding-machine operator (office machines) 690.385-010
GRINDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (button & notion) 690.685-194
GRINDING MACHINE TENDER (machine shop) 603.685-062
grinding-mill operator (mine & quarry; smelt. & refin.) 939.362-014
GRINDING-MILL OPERATOR (mine & quarry; smelt. & refin.) 515.382-010
Grinding Operator (tex. prod., nec) 550.382-014
grinding operator (wood prod., nec) 662.685-026
Grinding-Room Inspector (rubber reclaim.) 559.132-058
Grinding-Room Supervisor (chemical) 559.132-122
GRINDING-WHEEL INSPECTOR (nonmet. min.) 776.487-010
GRIP (amuse. & rec.; radio-tv broad.) 962.684-014
GRIP (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 962.687-022
GRIP ASSEMBLER (woodworking) 762.684-042
GRIP BOSS (motion picture) 962.137-010
grip checkerer, machine (ordnance) 665.685-034
gripper (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-082
Gripper Attacher (any industry) 699.685-018
GRIP WRAPPER (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-082
gristmiller (grain-feed mills) 521.682-026
Grit-Removal Operator (sanitary ser.) 955.362-010
Grit Station Attendant (sanitary ser.) 955.585-010
GRIZZLY WORKER (mine & quarry; smelt. & refin.) 933.687-010
Grocery Checker (retail trade) 211.462-014
Grocery Clerk (retail trade) 290.477-018
grocery packer (retail trade) 920.687-014
grommet-machine operator (any industry) 699.685-018
grommet maker (any industry) 699.685-018
groove-machine operator (glass mfg.; glass products) 673.682-026
GROOVER (any industry) 692.686-042
GROOVER (nonmet. min.) 673.685-062
Groover (optical goods) 713.684-018
GROOVER-AND-STRIPER OPERATOR (wood prod., nec) 669.685-102
GROOVER AND TURNER (boot & shoe) 690.685-198
groove turner (clock & watch) 715.685-014
GROOVING-LATHE TENDER (plastic prod.) 690.685-202
GROOVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 733.685-018
ground equipment mechanic (aircraft mfg.) 809.261-010
Ground Helper (tel. & tel.; utilities) 821.684-014
Ground Helper, Street Railway (r.r. trans.) 821.684-014
Grounding Engineer (utilities) 003.167-054
grounding-machine operator (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.682-018
ground instructor, advanced (air trans.) 099.227-018
Ground Instructor, Advanced (education) 097.227-010
Ground Instructor, Basic (education) 097.227-010
Ground Instructor, Instrument (education) 097.227-010
GROUND LAYER (pottery & porc.) 574.684-010
GROUND MIXER (chemical) 550.685-066
Grounds Guard, Arboretum (any industry) 372.667-034
Groundskeeper, Parks And Grounds (government ser.) 406.687-010
Ground Wirer (construction) 869.664-014
ground-wood supervisor (paper & pulp) 530.132-022
group assembler (engine-turbine) 706.481-010
group burner, machine (elec. equip.) 727.662-010
Group-Contract Analyst (insurance) 169.267-034
grouper (elec. equip.) 729.687-026
GROUP LEADER (agriculture) 180.167-022
group leader (any industry) see STRAW BOSS
GROUP LEADER (any industry) term
group leader (auto. mfg.) 806.367-010
group leader (social ser.) 195.227-010
group leader, river-and-harbor soundings (any industry) 911.667-018
GROUP LEADER, SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING (electron. comp.) 590.362-018
GROUP LEADER, SEMICONDUCTOR TESTING (electron. comp.) 726.362-010
group leader, wafer polishing (electron. comp.) 673.364-010
GROUP-SALES REPRESENTATIVE (amuse. & rec.) 259.357-010
group supervisor, yard (any industry) 899.133-010
GROUP WORKER (social ser.) 195.164-010
Grouter Helper (construction) 869.687-026
GROUT-MACHINE TENDER (smelt. & refin.) 519.685-014
Grout-Pump Operator (construction) 849.665-010
Grout Supervisor (construction) 869.131-014
grove superintendent (agriculture) 180.167-058
GROWTH-MEDIA MIXER, MUSHROOM (agriculture) 405.683-014

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