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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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Feather Baler (tex. prod., nec) 920.685-010
Feather Boner (button & notion) 734.684-010
feather-crushing-machine operator (tex. prod., nec) 589.686-018
FEATHER-CURLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 589.686-018
FEATHER-CUTTING-MACHINE FEEDER (tex. prod., nec) 585.686-010
FEATHER-DRYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 581.686-034
FEATHER-DUSTER WINDER (tex. prod., nec) 734.684-014
featheredge-machine operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-166
FEATHEREDGER AND REDUCER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-166
featherer (cutlery-hrdwr.) 701.687-030
Feather Grader (tex. prod., nec) 929.687-062
FEATHER MIXER (tex. prod., nec) 589.685-050
FEATHER RENOVATOR (laundry & rel.) 362.685-010
feather renovator (tex. prod., nec) 589.685-082
FEATHER SAWYER (toy-sport equip.) 732.685-014
FEATHER SEPARATOR (tex. prod., nec) 589.685-054
FEATHER SHAPER (button & notion) 734.684-010
FEATHER STITCHER (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-050
Feather Trimmer (button & notion) 734.684-010
FEATHER WASHER (tex. prod., nec) 582.685-066
FEATURED PLAYER (amuse. & rec.) term
FEDERAL AID COORDINATOR (government ser.) 188.167-054
Federal-Housing-Administration-Loan Auditor (insurance) 210.382-010
FEED AND FARM MANAGEMENT ADVISER (agriculture; retail trade) 096.127-018
feed-and-pellet operator (grain-feed mills) 520.685-178
FEED BLENDER (grain-feed mills) 520.685-094
feed-cup-sewing-machine operator (garment) 786.682-122
Feed-Drier Tender (grain-feed mills) 523.685-058
feed elevator worker (grain-feed mills) 920.685-058
feeder (garment; glove & mit.) 781.687-010
feeder (hat & cap) 586.686-018
feeder (nonmet. min.) 570.685-050
feeder (optical goods) 575.686-014
FEEDER (print. & pub.) 651.686-014
FEEDER-CATCHER, TOBACCO (tobacco) 529.686-038
feeder loader (grain-feed mills) 520.686-018
feeder operator (concrete prod.) 575.664-010
feeder operator (grain-feed mills) 520.685-098
Feeder Operator, Automatic (grain-feed mills) 520.685-098
FEEDER-SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR (utilities) 952.362-014
feeder tender (tex. prod., nec; textile) 680.686-018
feeder worker power-unit operator (construction; retail trade; wholesale tr.)
FEED GRINDER (grain-feed mills) 521.685-122
Feed Inspection Supervisor (government ser.) 168.167-090
Feed-in Tender, Dehairing Machine (meat products) 525.685-018
FEED-IN WORKER (grain-feed mills) 929.686-022
feed miller (grain-feed mills) 521.682-026
FEED MIXER (grain-feed mills) 520.685-098
FEED-MIXER HELPER (grain-feed mills) 520.686-018
Feed-Preparation Operator (mine & quarry) 511.685-050
FEED-RESEARCH AIDE (agriculture) 049.364-010
FEED WEIGHER (grain-feed mills) 920.685-058
feller (garment) 786.682-126
Feller-Buncher Operator (logging) 454.683-010
Feller, Hand (garment) 782.684-058
feller operator (logging) 454.683-010
felling-machine operator (garment) 786.682-106
FELT CARBONIZER (tex. prod., nec) 586.687-010
felt cementer (toy-sport equip.) 795.687-030
felt-coating-and-mixing supervisor (tex. prod., nec) 589.130-014
felt coverer (toy-sport equip.) 795.687-026
FELT CUTTER (ordnance) 686.685-026
FELT-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 686.682-018
Felt-Dyeing-Machine Tender (tex. prod., nec) 582.685-070
felter (furniture; tex. prod., nec) 680.685-054
felter, tennis balls (toy-sport equip.) 795.687-026
felt finisher (tex. prod., nec) 586.685-038
Felt-Finishing Supervisor (tex. prod., nec) 589.130-014
FELT-GOODS SUPERVISOR, NEEDLE PROCESS (tex. prod., nec) 689.130-014
FELT HANGER (build. mat., nec) 549.686-014
Felt-Hat-Flanging Operator (hat & cap) 784.684-026
Felt-Hat Inspector And Packer (hat & cap) 784.687-042
Felt-Hat-Mellowing-Machine Operator (hat & cap) 585.685-066
felt-hat-pouncing operator, hand (hat & cap) 784.687-018
FELT-HAT STEAMER (hat & cap) 582.687-018
felting-machine operator (furniture; tex. prod., nec) 680.685-054
FELTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 586.662-010
FELTING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (tex. prod., nec) 586.686-014
FELTMAKER AND WEIGHER (tex. prod., nec) 586.685-022
Felt-Pad Cutter (button & notion) 781.687-030
Felt-Pad Cutter (tex. prod., nec) 585.687-014
felt puller (hat & cap) 580.684-010
FELT-STRIP FINISHER (tex. prod., nec) 586.685-018
FELT-TIPPING-MACHINE TENDER (pen & pencil) 686.686-010
FELT-WASHING-MACHINE TENDER (tex. prod., nec) 582.685-070
Female Impersonator (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-018
FENCE ERECTOR (construction) 869.684-022
FENCE-ERECTOR SUPERVISOR (construction) 869.134-010
Fence-Gate Assembler (construction) 869.684-022
FENCE-MAKING MACHINE OPERATOR (metal prod., nec) 616.582-010
Fence-Post Cutter (agriculture) 454.684-026
Fence Setter (construction) 869.684-022
Fence Stretcher (construction) 869.684-022
FERMENTATION OPERATOR (beverage) 522.382-014
FERMENTATION OPERATOR (chemical) 558.682-018
Fermenter, Champagne (beverage) 522.685-062
fermenter helper (food prep., nec) 522.686-014
FERMENTER OPERATOR (pharmaceut.) 559.685-070
FERMENTER, WINE (beverage) 522.685-062
Ferris-Wheel Operator (amuse. & rec.) 342.663-010
ferruler (fabrication, nec) 739.687-014
FERRYBOAT CAPTAIN (water trans.) 197.163-010
Ferryboat Deckhand (water trans.) 911.687-022
ferryboat helper (water trans.) 911.667-010
FERRYBOAT OPERATOR (water trans.) 911.363-010
FERRYBOAT OPERATOR, CABLE (water trans.) 911.664-010
FERRYBOAT-OPERATOR HELPER (water trans.) 911.667-010
ferry operator (water trans.) 911.664-010
ferry operator (water trans.) 911.363-010
ferry-terminal agent (water trans.) 911.137-026
FERTILIZER MIXER (chemical) 550.665-018
FETTLER (brick & tile) 779.684-018
fettler (pottery & porc.) 774.684-018
fettler (nonfer. metal; smelt. & refin.; steel & rel.) 512.684-014

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