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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .

DADO through DAY

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DADO OPERATOR (woodworking) 669.382-010
Dag Coater (electron. comp.) 725.684-022
Dag Sprayer (electron. comp.) 741.687-018
daily release and dupe printer (motion picture) 976.682-010
DAIRY-EQUIPMENT REPAIRER (dairy products) 629.281-018
Dairy Farmer (agriculture) 410.161-018
Dairy-Feed-Mixing Operator (grain-feed mills) 520.685-098
DAIRY HELPER (dairy products) 529.686-026
Dairy-Management Specialist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-018
dairy-manufacturing technologist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-022
Dairy-Nutrition Specialist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-018
Dairy-Powder-Mixer Operator (sugar & conf.) 520.685-074
DAIRY-PROCESSING-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (dairy products) 529.382-018
dairy-products technologist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-022
DAIRY SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-018
DAIRY TECHNOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-022
damage cutter (garment) 782.684-038
DAMPENER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 534.685-010
Dampproofer (construction) 869.664-014
dam tender (waterworks) 954.382-018
Dance-Hall Inspector (government ser.) 375.263-014
DANCER (amuse. & rec.) 151.047-010
DANCE THERAPIST (medical ser.) 076.127-018
darkroom worker (photofinishing) 976.681-010
darner (knitting) 782.684-030
Darning-Machine Operator (any industry) 787.682-030
data acquisition laboratory technician (aircraft mfg.) 002.262-010
DATA BASE ADMINISTRATOR (profess. & kin.) 039.162-010
DATA BASE DESIGN ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 039.162-014
data clerk (clerical) 209.687-010
DATA COMMUNICATIONS ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 031.262-010
DATA COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN (any industry) 823.261-030
data communications technician supervisor (any industry) 031.132-010
Data Dictionary Administrator (profess. & kin.) 039.162-014
DATA ENTRY CLERK (clerical) 203.582-054
data entry operator (clerical) 203.582-054
DATA-EXAMINATION CLERK (clerical) 209.387-022
DATA RECOVERY PLANNER (profess. & kin.) 033.162-014
data-reduction technician (profess. & kin.) 020.162-010
data security coordinator (profess. & kin.) 033.162-010
Date Puller (sugar & conf.) 521.687-066
DATER ASSEMBLER (pen & pencil) 733.687-030
Daub-Color Matcher (tex. prod., nec) 550.382-014
Daub-Color Mixer (tex. prod., nec) 550.382-014
dauber (steel & rel.) 543.687-014
day care worker (any industry) 359.677-018
Day Guard (any industry) 372.667-034
Day-Haul Youth Supervisor (agriculture) 913.363-010
DAY WORKER (domestic ser.) 301.687-014

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