TITLE(s): MASKER (clock & watch) Brushes lacquer in second track recess of timepiece dial to prevent removal of finish during polishing and brushes lacquer over trylons (numerical markings) of dial to prevent trylons from being plated during dial-plating operation. GOE: 06.04.33 STRENGTH: S GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 93947E Hand Painting, Coating, or Decorating Workers |
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CODE: 715.687-086 Buy the DOT: Download
MASKER (clock & watch)
Brushes lacquer in second track recess of timepiece dial to prevent removal of finish during
polishing and brushes lacquer over trylons (numerical markings) of dial to prevent trylons from
being plated during dial-plating operation.
GOE: 06.04.33 STRENGTH: S GED: R1 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 93947E Hand Painting, Coating, or Decorating Workers
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03