TITLE(s): PATTERNMAKER (furniture) Lays out and cuts wooden furniture patterns following blueprints, specifications, or drawings, using handtools and woodworking machines: Consults blueprints, drawings, or written specifications to determine size and shape of pattern and machine setup required to cut pattern to specifications. Draws outline of pattern on stock with drawing instruments or transfers outline to stock by tracing over drawing on woodstock, using pencil. Sets up and operates woodworking machines, such as bandsaw, variety saw, planer, shaper, borer, lathe, router, or mortiser to cut, shape, and smooth pattern to specified shape. Measures and compares cut pattern with specifications, using rule and caliper. Adjusts woodworking machines to change shape or size of cut pattern to ensure cut stock conforms to drawings and specifications, using various handtools. Marks part number on pattern, using hand stamp or marking pencil, and maintains record of patterns for references. Issues patterns to designated machine operators. GOE: 05.05.08 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 86 ONET CROSSWALK: 89302A Patternmakers and Model Makers, Wood |
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PATTERNMAKER (furniture)
Lays out and cuts wooden furniture patterns following blueprints, specifications, or drawings,
using handtools and woodworking machines: Consults blueprints, drawings, or written specifications
to determine size and shape of pattern and machine setup required to cut pattern to specifications.
Draws outline of pattern on stock with drawing instruments or transfers outline to stock by tracing
over drawing on woodstock, using pencil. Sets up and operates woodworking machines, such as bandsaw,
variety saw, planer, shaper, borer, lathe, router, or mortiser to cut, shape, and smooth pattern to
specified shape. Measures and compares cut pattern with specifications, using rule and caliper.
Adjusts woodworking machines to change shape or size of cut pattern to ensure cut stock conforms to
drawings and specifications, using various handtools. Marks part number on pattern, using hand stamp
or marking pencil, and maintains record of patterns for references. Issues patterns to designated
machine operators.
GOE: 05.05.08 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 86
ONET CROSSWALK: 89302A Patternmakers and Model Makers, Wood
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03