TITLE(s): FUND RAISER I (nonprofit org.) Plans fund raising program for charities or other causes, and writes to, telephones, or visits individuals or establishments to solicit funds or gifts-in-kind: Compiles and analyzes information about potential contributors to develop mailing or contact list and to plan selling approach. Writes, telephones, or visits potential contributors and persuades them to contribute funds or gifts-in-kind by explaining purpose and benefits of fund raising program. Takes pledges or funds from contributors. Records expenses incurred and contributions received. May organize volunteers and plan social functions to raise funds. May prepare fund raising brochures for mail-solicitation programs. May train volunteers to perform certain duties to assist fund raising. GOE: 11.09.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 87 ONET CROSSWALK: 43099B Fund Raisers and Solicitors |
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FUND RAISER I (nonprofit org.)
Plans fund raising program for charities or other causes, and writes to, telephones, or visits
individuals or establishments to solicit funds or gifts-in-kind: Compiles and analyzes information
about potential contributors to develop mailing or contact list and to plan selling approach.
Writes, telephones, or visits potential contributors and persuades them to contribute funds or
gifts-in-kind by explaining purpose and benefits of fund raising program. Takes pledges or funds
from contributors. Records expenses incurred and contributions received. May organize volunteers and
plan social functions to raise funds. May prepare fund raising brochures for mail-solicitation
programs. May train volunteers to perform certain duties to assist fund raising.
GOE: 11.09.02 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M3 L4 SVP: 6 DLU: 87
ONET CROSSWALK: 43099B Fund Raisers and Solicitors
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03