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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .

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OIL BOILER (tex. prod., nec) 543.362-010
OIL-BURNER-SERVICER-AND-INSTALLER (any industry) 862.281-018
OIL DIPPER (woodworking) 769.684-026
oil dispatcher (petrol. & gas; petrol. refin.; pipe lines) 914.167-014
Oil Dispenser (can. & preserv.) 529.685-190
oil-distributor tender (construction) 853.665-010
OILER (any industry) 699.687-018
oiler (any industry) 950.685-014
oiler (any industry) 921.667-022
oiler (automotive ser.) 915.687-018
OILER (clock & watch) 715.684-146
oiler (mine & quarry) 850.684-018
oiler (water trans.) 911.584-010
oiler and greaser (any industry) 699.687-018
oiler and packer, gun parts (ordnance) 736.687-010
Oil-Expeller (grain-feed mills; oils & grease) 529.685-106
Oil-Expeller (meat products) 529.685-202
Oil Extractor (machine shop) 609.684-014
OIL-FIELD EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (petrol. & gas) 629.381-014
Oil-Field Pipeline Supervisor (petrol. & gas) 862.131-022
Oil-House Attendant (clerical) 222.387-058
Oiling-Machine Operator (leather mfg.; tex. prod., nec) 582.685-050
OILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.685-018
Oiling-Machine Operator (steel & rel.) 599.685-074
Oil-Paint Shader (paint & varnish) 550.381-014
OIL-PIPE INSPECTOR (petrol. & gas) 930.267-010
OIL-PIPE-INSPECTOR HELPER (petrol. & gas) 930.364-010
OIL PUMPER (petrol. & gas) 914.382-010
oil-pump-station operator, chief (pipe lines) 914.132-014
Oil-Rag Washer (any industry) 361.685-018
OIL-RECOVERY-UNIT OPERATOR (petrol. refin.) 549.382-014
OIL-SEAL ASSEMBLER (leather prod.) 739.684-138
OILSEED-MEAT PRESSER (oils & grease) 521.685-242
OIL-SPOT WASHER (tex. prod., nec; textile) 689.687-050
Oil Sprayer (construction) 869.687-026
oil sprayer (construction) 853.663-018
Oil Sprayer (leather mfg.) 584.687-014
oil-spreader operator (construction) 853.663-018
oil-spreader-truck operator (construction) 853.663-018
oil tester (petrol. refin.) 029.261-022
oil-well-electrical-wall-sampling-device operator (petrol. & gas) 931.361-010
oil-well-fishing-tool operator (petrol. & gas) 930.261-010
oil-well formation tester (petrol. & gas) 930.261-014
oil-well gun-perforator operator (petrol. & gas) 931.382-010
oil-well-logging engineer (petrol. & gas) 010.261-022
oil-well pumper (petrol. & gas) 914.382-010
OIL-WELL-SERVICE OPERATOR (petrol. & gas) 939.462-010
OIL-WELL-SERVICE-OPERATOR HELPER (petrol. & gas) 939.684-018
OIL-WELL-SERVICES SUPERVISOR (petrol. & gas) 939.132-014
oil-well shooter (petrol. & gas) 931.361-014
oil-well-sounding-device operator (petrol. & gas) 930.361-010
oil winterizer (oils & grease) 521.685-374
Ointment-Mill Tender (pharmaceut.) 550.685-090
Oleo-Hasher-And-Renderer (oils & grease) 529.685-158
OLIVE BRINE TESTER (can. & preserv.) 522.584-010
OLIVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 770.381-034
One-Piece-Expansion Maker, Hand (paper goods) 794.684-018
Onion Farmer (agriculture) 402.161-010
Onion-Harvesting Supervisor (agriculture) 409.131-010
OPAQUER (protective dev.) 712.684-030
OPEN-DEVELOPER OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-098
OPENER (rubber goods) 559.686-034
OPENER I (hat & cap) 784.687-054
OPENER II (hat & cap) 589.686-030
OPENER TENDER (textile) 680.685-070
OPENER-VERIFIER-PACKER, CUSTOMS (government ser.) 168.387-010
Open-Hearth Door-Liner (steel & rel.) 861.381-026
open-hearth-furnace laborer (steel & rel.) 512.687-014
open-hearth-furnace operator (steel & rel.) 512.362-010
open-hearth-furnace-operator helper (steel & rel.) 512.684-010
Opening-Machine Cleaner (textile) 699.687-014
opening-machine tender (textile) 680.685-070
Open-Shank Coverer (boot & shoe) 690.685-074
open-tenter operator (textile) 580.685-066

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