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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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LUBRICATING-MACHINE TENDER (ordnance) 509.685-038
LUBRICATION-EQUIPMENT SERVICER (any industry) 630.381-022
LUBRICATION SERVICER (automotive ser.) 915.687-018
lubrication technician (automotive ser.) 915.687-018
lubricator (any industry) 699.687-018
LUBRICATOR-GRANULATOR (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 509.685-042
Lug-Breaker-And-Wire-Puller (elec. equip.) 727.687-058
luggage checker (air trans.; motor trans.) 357.477-010
LUGGAGE MAKER (leather prod.) 783.381-022
LUGGAGE REPAIRER (any industry) 365.361-010
Lugger (agriculture) 929.687-030
Lugger (elec. equip.) 691.685-018
Lumber-Carrier Driver (saw. & plan.) 921.683-070
Lumber Checker (woodworking) 221.587-030
LUMBER ESTIMATOR (wood. container) 221.482-014
lumber guider (saw. & plan.) 669.687-018
LUMBER HANDLER (woodworking) 922.687-070
lumber inspector (woodworking) 669.687-030
lumber piler (woodworking) 922.687-070
lumber-piler operator (woodworking) 569.685-066
lumber puller (woodworking) 922.687-074
lumber racker (woodworking) 922.687-070
Lumber Salvager (any industry) 929.687-022
LUMBER SCALER (woodworking) 221.487-010
LUMBER SORTER (woodworking) 922.687-074
lumber sorter, machine (saw. & plan.) 921.685-054
lumber stacker (woodworking) 922.687-070
lumber sticker (woodworking) 922.687-070
LUMBER STRAIGHTENER (saw. & plan.) 669.687-018
lumber tallier (woodworking) 221.487-010
Lumber-Yard Worker (woodworking) 929.687-030
LUMITE INJECTOR (boot & shoe) 690.685-278
lumper (can. & preserv.) 922.687-062
lumper (stonework) 679.664-010
LUMPIA WRAPPER MAKER (food prep., nec) 526.684-014
LUMP INSPECTOR (tobacco) 790.687-018
lump receiver (tobacco) 790.687-018
LUNCH-TRUCK DRIVER (hotel & rest.) 292.463-010
lunch-truck operator (hotel & rest.) 292.463-010
Lunch-Wagon Operator (hotel & rest.) 292.463-010
Lung Splitter (meat products) 525.684-038
lurer (hat & cap) 784.684-062
LUSTER APPLICATOR (glass mfg.; glass products) 740.381-014
lusterer (textile) 584.685-014
luster repairer (boot & shoe) 788.687-038
luter (steel & rel.) 543.687-014
LYE-PEEL OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 521.685-206
LYE TREATER (chemical; soap & rel.) 551.685-094
LYRICIST (profess. & kin.) 131.067-034
lyric writer (profess. & kin.) 131.067-034

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