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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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KAPOK-AND-COTTON-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 689.685-082
Keel Assembler (ship-boat mfg.) 860.361-010
keeper, head (amuse. & rec.) 412.137-010
keg inspector (wood. container) 764.687-022
keg-lathe operator, inside (wood. container) 664.682-010
keg raiser (wood. container) 764.684-018
KEG VARNISHER (wood. container) 749.687-014
KELP CUTTER (fishing & hunt.) 447.687-022
Kennel Attendant (agriculture) 410.674-010
KENNEL MANAGER, DOG TRACK (amuse. & rec.) 349.367-010
KENO WRITER (amuse. & rec.) 343.467-022
KERFER-MACHINE OPERATOR (furniture) 667.685-042
kersey-department supervisor (tex. prod., nec) 689.130-014
kettle chipper (chemical; plastic-synth.) 559.687-062
KETTLE OPERATOR (beverage) 522.682-010
KETTLE OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 558.382-042
kettle operator (plastic-synth.) 558.382-050
KETTLE OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 519.685-018
kettle operator, head (plastic-synth.) 559.132-042
KETTLE OPERATOR I (chemical) 558.382-038
Kettle Operator II (chemical) 559.682-018
Kettle-Room Helper (chemical) 559.687-050
KETTLE TENDER (any industry) term
KETTLE TENDER (beverage) 526.665-014
KETTLE TENDER (construction) 869.685-010
KETTLE TENDER (sugar & conf.) 520.685-118
kettle tender (textile) 582.685-130
kettle-tender helper (tex. prod., nec; textile) 582.686-030
KETTLE TENDER I (smelt. & refin.) 519.685-022
KETTLE TENDER II (smelt. & refin.) 511.685-030
KETTLE TENDER, PLATINUM AND PALLADIUM (smelt. & refin.) 511.685-034
KETTLE WORKER (soap & rel.) 553.685-070
Key-Bed Installer (musical inst.) 763.684-058
KEYBOARD-ACTION ASSEMBLER (musical inst.) 730.684-042
Keycase Assembler (leather prod.) 783.684-010
Key Clerk (hotel & rest.) 238.367-038
KEY CUTTER (any industry) 709.684-050
KEYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 652.685-042
keyliner (print. & pub.) 972.381-030
key maker (any industry) 709.684-050
KEYMODULE-ASSEMBLY-MACHINE TENDER (office machines) 692.685-274
KEYSEATING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR (machine shop) 605.382-018
keysmith (any industry) 709.684-050
key worker (any industry) 709.684-050

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Revised 2/10/97 Feedback