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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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Hide Buffer (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
hide cleaner (leather mfg.) 585.681-010
hide-cooking operator (chemical) 553.665-018
hide examiner (leather mfg.) 783.687-018
hide grader (meat products) 525.687-042
HIDE HANDLER (meat products; oils & grease) 525.687-038
HIDE INSPECTOR (leather mfg.) 783.687-018
HIDE INSPECTOR (meat products) 525.687-042
hide-measuring-machine operator (leather mfg.) 589.685-070
HIDE PULLER (meat products) 525.685-022
Hide Salter (meat products; oils & grease) 525.687-038
hide selector (meat products; oils & grease) 525.687-038
Hide Shaker (meat products; oils & grease) 525.687-038
hide sorter (leather mfg.) 589.387-010
HIDE SPLITTER (leather mfg.) 690.580-010
Hide Spreader (meat products) 525.687-038
HIDE STRETCHER, HAND (leather mfg.) 580.687-014
HIDE TRIMMER (meat products; oils & grease) 525.687-046
hide washer (meat products) 582.685-134
highballer (construction) 869.667-014
HIGH-DENSITY FINISHING OPERATOR (wood prod., nec) 539.562-010
high-density-press operator (paper & pulp) 535.685-010
High-Density-Talc-Coater Operator (wood prod., nec) 534.682-022
High-Heel Builder (boot & shoe) 690.685-206
High-Lead Yarder (logging) 921.663-066
High-Lighter (furniture) 742.684-010
High-Pressure Devulcanizer Operator (rubber reclaim.) 558.585-026
High-Pressure-Kettle Operator (chemical) 558.382-038
High-Raw-Sugar Boiler (sugar & conf.) 522.382-034
HIGH RIGGER (amuse. & rec.; radio-tv broad.) 962.664-010
High Scaler (construction) 859.261-010
high school teacher (education) 091.227-010
HIGHWAY-ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEER (government ser.) 005.167-022
Highway Engineer (government ser.) 005.061-038
Highway Inspector (construction) 182.267-010
Highway-Landscape Architect (profess. & kin.) 001.061-018
HIGHWAY-MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (government ser.) 899.134-010
HIGHWAY-MAINTENANCE WORKER (government ser.) 899.684-014
HIGHWAY SUPERVISOR (construction) term
highway worker (government ser.) 899.684-014
high-wire artist (amuse. & rec.) 159.347-022
hiker (utilities) 821.361-026
hired worker (agriculture) 421.683-010
histologic technologist (medical ser.) 078.261-030
histologist (medical ser.) 041.061-054
HISTOPATHOLOGIST (medical ser.) 041.061-054
HISTORIAN (profess. & kin.) 052.067-022
HISTORIAN, DRAMATIC ARTS (profess. & kin.) 052.067-026
Historical Archeologist (profess. & kin.) 055.067-018
HISTORY-CARD CLERK (utilities) 209.587-022
HISTOTECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.261-030
hitcher (any industry) 921.667-022

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