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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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Bias-Binding Cutter (tex. prod., nec) 686.685-066
bias-binding folder (rubber goods; tex. prod., nec) 689.685-134
bias-cutting-machine operator (rubber tire) 690.682-022
BIAS-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 686.682-014
Bias-Cutting-Machine Operator, Vertical (rubber tire) 690.682-022
BIAS-MACHINE OPERATOR (rubber tire) 690.682-022
BIAS-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (rubber tire) 690.686-014
Biazzi-Nitrator Operator (chemical) 558.382-046
BIBLIOGRAPHER (profess. & kin.) 100.367-010
bicycle mechanic (any industry) 639.681-010
BICYCLE-RENTAL CLERK (retail trade) 295.467-010
BICYCLE REPAIRER (any industry) 639.681-010
Bicycle Subassembler (motor-bicycles) 806.687-010
bid clerk (clerical) 249.367-066
Bight Maker (fabrication, nec) 590.662-022
Bill Adjuster (clerical) 241.367-014
Billboard-Erector Helper (construction) 869.664-014
bill clerk (clerical) 214.482-010
bill collector (clerical) 241.367-010
bill cutter (saw. & plan.) 667.482-018
biller (clerical) 214.482-010
BILLET ASSEMBLER (chemical) 614.684-010
billet header (nonfer. metal; smelt. & refin.) 514.584-010
Billet Inspector (steel & rel.) 619.381-010
Billiard-Table Repairer (retail trade; toy-sport equip.) 732.384-010
Billing Checker (clerical) 209.687-010
billing clerk (clerical) 214.382-014
billing clerk (clerical) 214.482-010
BILLING CLERK (clerical) 214.362-042
BILLING-CONTROL CLERK (utilities) 214.387-010
BILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clerical) 214.482-010
billing supervisor (utilities; waterworks) 214.137-022
BILLING TYPIST (clerical) 214.382-014
Bill-of-Lading Clerk (clerical) 214.382-014
BILLPOSTER (any industry) 299.667-010
BILLPOSTER (business ser.) 841.684-010
Bill-Recapitulation Clerk (utilities) 216.482-010
Bill Sorter (clerical) 209.687-022
BIN CLEANER (beverage; grain-feed mills) 529.687-014
BINDER (any industry) 787.682-010
binder (elec. equip.) 724.687-010
binder (rubber goods) 690.686-026
binder (tobacco) 790.684-010
binder (woodworking) 929.685-018
BINDER AND BOX BUILDER (textile) 628.684-010
BINDER-AND-WRAPPER PACKER (tobacco) 922.687-014
Binder Caser (tobacco) 522.687-026
BINDER, CHAINSTITCH (garment) 786.682-034
BINDER, COVERSTITCH (garment) 786.682-038
BINDER CUTTER, HAND (tobacco) 521.687-014
binder fixer (textile) 628.684-010
BINDER LAYER (tobacco) 529.685-018
BINDER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-042
binder operator (paper goods) 641.685-090
binder roller (tobacco) 790.684-010
BINDER SELECTOR (tobacco) 521.687-018
binder sorter (tobacco) 521.687-018
Binder Stripper, Hand (tobacco) 521.687-134
Binder Stripper, Machine (tobacco) 521.685-334
BINDER TECHNICIAN (glass mfg.) 550.585-010
bindery chief (print. & pub.) 653.131-010
bindery leadperson (print. & pub.) 653.360-018
BINDERY-MACHINE FEEDER-OFFBEARER (print. & pub.) 653.686-026
BINDERY-MACHINE SETTER (print. & pub.) 653.360-018
bindery operator (print. & pub.) 640.685-010
bindery operator (print. & pub.) 653.685-010
BINDERY WORKER (paper goods) 649.685-018
BINDERY WORKER (print. & pub.) 653.685-010
Binding Cementer, French Cord (boot & shoe) 690.686-018
Binding Cutter (garment; textile) 686.685-066
Binding Cutter (hat & cap) 699.682-030
BINDING CUTTER, SYNTHETIC CLOTH (tex. prod., nec) 699.682-010
binding-end stitcher (any industry) 787.682-010
BINDING FOLDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 788.684-018
binding-machine operator (any industry) 787.682-010
Binding Nicker (boot & shoe) 690.685-298
BINDING PRINTER (textile) 652.685-014
Binding Stitcher (boot & shoe) 690.682-082
BIN FILLER (tobacco) 922.687-010
Binitrotoluene Operator (chemical) 558.382-046
bin packer (tobacco) 922.687-010
bin piler (textile) 589.685-074
BIN TRIPPER OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 922.665-014
BIOCHEMIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-026
BIOCHEMISTRY TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.261-010
BIOGRAPHER (profess. & kin.) 052.067-010
BIOLOGICAL AIDE (agriculture) 049.364-018
BIOLOGICAL PHOTOGRAPHER (profess. & kin.) 143.362-010
biological-plant operator (chemical) 558.682-018
BIOLOGIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-030
BIOLOGY SPECIMEN TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 041.381-010
biomedical electronics technician (profess. & kin.) 019.261-010
biomedical engineering technician (profess. & kin.) 019.261-010
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 019.061-010
BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 019.261-010
BIOPHYSICIST (profess. & kin.) 041.061-034
BIRD-CAGE ASSEMBLER (metal prod., nec) 709.684-026
Bird Keeper (amuse. & rec.) 412.674-010
BIRTH ATTENDANT (medical ser.) 354.377-010
biscuit-machine operator (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 556.685-058
BISQUE CLEANER (pottery & porc.) 774.684-010
bisque finisher (pottery & porc.) 774.684-010
bisque grader (pottery & porc.) 774.684-010
BISQUE GRADER (pottery & porc.) 774.687-010
Bisque-Kiln Drawer (pottery & porc.) 573.667-010
Bisque-Kiln Placer (pottery & porc.) 573.686-026
Bisque-Tile Burner (brick & tile) 573.382-018
BIT BENDER (fabrication, nec) 752.684-018
BITE-BLOCK MAKER (protective dev.) 712.684-014
bit grinder (any industry) 603.685-026
bit grinder (mine & quarry) 603.685-030
Bit Sander (fabrication, nec) 761.684-030
bit setter (fabrication, nec) 739.687-014
BIT SHARPENER (any industry) 603.685-026
BIT-SHARPENER OPERATOR (mine & quarry) 603.685-030
BIT SHAVER (fabrication, nec) 754.684-018
Bit Tripoler (fabrication, nec) 739.684-026
bituminous-distributor operator (construction) 853.663-018
bituminous-paving-machine operator (construction) 853.663-010
BLACK-ASH-BURNER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 553.682-010
Black-Ash Worker (paint & varnish) 559.685-110
blackener (leather mfg.) 599.685-094
blacking-machine operator (leather mfg.) 599.685-094
Blacking-Wheel Tender (leather mfg.) 582.685-050
Black-Leather Buffer (leather mfg.) 585.685-018
Black-Leather Trimmer (leather mfg.) 585.684-010
BLACK-MILL OPERATOR (chemical) 553.665-014
BLACK OXIDE COATING EQUIPMENT TENDER (electron. comp.) 501.685-018
black oxide operator (electron. comp.) 501.685-018
BLACKSMITH (forging) 610.381-010
BLACKSMITH APPRENTICE (forging) 610.381-014
Blacksmith, Farm (agriculture) 610.381-010
blacksmith, hammer operator (aircraft mfg.; forging) 610.362-010
BLACKSMITH HELPER (forging) 610.684-010
blacksmith supervisor (forging) 612.131-010
blacktop-paver operator (construction) 853.663-010
blacktop spreader (construction) 853.663-010
Bladder Changer (rubber tire) 629.684-010
Bladder Trimmer (meat products) 525.684-038
blade aligner (elec. equip.) 706.687-018
BLADE BALANCER (agric. equip.) 701.687-014
Blade Boner (meat products) 525.684-010
blade-grader operator (construction) 850.663-022
BLADE GROOVER (cutlery-hrdwr.) 705.582-010
blanching-machine operator (can. & preserv.) 521.685-246
BLANCHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (can. & preserv.) 523.685-014
Blankbook Forwarder (print. & pub.) 794.687-026
Blankbook-Stitching-Machine Operator I (print. & pub.) 653.685-014
Blankbook-Stitching-Machine Operator II (print. & pub.) 653.682-010
blank driller (cutlery-hrdwr.) 709.684-082
blanker operator (paper goods) 649.685-118
blanker-press operator (paper goods) 649.682-026
Blanket Binder (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-010
Blanket Cutter, Hand (tex. prod., nec) 781.684-074
BLANKET-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 689.585-010
Blanket Folder (tex. prod., nec) 589.687-014
Blanket Inspector (tex. prod., nec) 789.587-014
BLANKET WASHER (smelt. & refin.) 511.687-010
BLANKET-WINDER HELPER (paper goods) 641.686-010
BLANKET-WINDER OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.682-010
Blanking-Machine Operator (any industry) 617.685-026
BLANKMAKER (glass mfg.) 579.382-022
BLASTER (any industry) 859.261-010
BLASTER (mine & quarry) 931.261-010
blaster (stonework) 771.281-010
BLASTER HELPER (any industry) 859.687-010
BLAST-FURNACE KEEPER (steel & rel.) 502.664-010
BLAST-FURNACE-KEEPER HELPER (steel & rel.) 502.687-010
BLASTING-CAP ASSEMBLER (ordnance) 737.687-018
BLEACH-BOILER FILLER (paper & pulp) 533.685-010
bleach-boiler packer (paper & pulp) 533.685-010
Bleach-Boiler Puller (paper & pulp) 539.587-010
Bleach Chlorinator (chemical) 558.382-030
bleacher (boot & shoe) 788.687-014
bleacher (plastic-synth.) 582.685-162
bleacher (textile) 582.685-102
Bleacher, Groundwood Pulp (paper & pulp) 533.362-010
Bleacher, Kraft Pulp (paper & pulp) 533.362-010
BLEACHER, LARD (meat products; oils & grease) 521.685-026
BLEACHER OPERATOR (chemical; soap & rel.) 558.685-018
BLEACHER, PULP (paper & pulp) 533.362-010
Bleacher, Sulfite Pulp (paper & pulp) 533.362-010
Bleaching Supervisor (leather mfg.) 582.131-010
BLEACH-LIQUOR MAKER (paper & pulp) 550.662-010
BLEACH PACKER (chemical) 558.687-010
BLEACH-RANGE OPERATOR (textile) 582.685-018
BLEMISH REMOVER (boot & shoe) 788.684-022
BLENDER (bakery products) 520.585-010
blender (beverage; can. & preserv.) 520.685-030
blender (build. mat., nec) 570.685-094
blender (chemical; electron. comp.) 550.685-082
blender (chemical) 555.685-046
blender (grain-feed mills) 520.685-106
blender (hat & cap) 680.685-062
blender (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 510.685-018
Blender (oils & grease) 529.382-026
blender (paint & varnish) 550.685-078
blender (paint & varnish) 550.585-038
BLENDER (petrol. refin.) 540.462-010
Blender (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 550.685-134
blender (soap & rel.) 550.685-010
BLENDER (tobacco) 520.387-010
BLENDER-CONVEYOR OPERATOR (dairy products) 529.685-022
blender helper (grain-feed mills) 520.686-022
BLENDER HELPER (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 550.586-010
BLENDER I (chemical) 550.685-014
BLENDER II (chemical) 550.665-010
BLENDER LABORER (tobacco) 520.687-010
BLENDER-MACHINE OPERATOR (oils & grease) 520.685-018
blender operator (any industry) 680.685-082
Blender Operator (brick & tile) 570.382-010
blender operator (chemical) 550.665-010
blender operator (chemical) 550.382-018
BLENDER, SNUFF (tobacco) 520.685-022
blending-kettle tender (beverage; can. & preserv.) 520.685-030
BLENDING-LINE ATTENDANT (tobacco) 520.685-026
Blending-Machine Feeder (nonmet. min.) 570.686-018
BLENDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 680.685-010
BLENDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (dairy products) 522.685-010
blending-machine operator (fabrication, nec) 680.685-066
BLENDING-PLANT OPERATOR (oils & grease) 520.682-010
BLENDING SUPERVISOR (grain-feed mills) 520.132-010
BLENDING SUPERVISOR (tobacco) 520.136-010
BLENDING-TANK TENDER (beverage; can. & preserv.) 520.685-030
BLENDING-TANK TENDER HELPER (can. & preserv.) 520.687-066
BLIND AIDE (personal ser.) 359.573-010
Blind Eyeletter (boot & shoe) 699.685-018
Blind Hooker (boot & shoe) 699.685-018
BLINTZE ROLLER (food prep., nec) 520.687-014
Blister-Packing-Machine Tender (any industry) 920.685-078
block and case maker (pottery & porc.) 777.684-018
Block Breaker (concrete prod.) 579.687-042
BLOCK-BREAKER OPERATOR (chemical) 555.686-010
block chopper, hand (fabrication, nec; paper & pulp) 569.687-026
Block Cleaner (clock & watch) 715.687-126
Block Cuber (concrete prod.) 579.687-042
block cutter (print. & pub.) 979.281-014
blocker (any industry) 363.685-018
BLOCKER (clock & watch) 715.684-034
BLOCKER (glass mfg.; glass products) 673.685-026
Blocker (jewelry-silver.) 770.261-010
BLOCKER (laundry & rel.) 363.684-010
BLOCKER (narrow fabrics; nonmet. min.) 689.685-014
blocker (pottery & porc.) 777.684-018
BLOCKER (tex. prod., nec) 920.685-022
BLOCKER AND CUTTER, CONTACT LENS (optical goods) 716.681-010
BLOCKER AND POLISHER, GOLD WHEEL (clock & watch) 715.381-034
blocker and sewer (fabrication, nec) 739.384-014
BLOCKER, AUTOMATIC (glass mfg.; glass products) 673.685-030
BLOCKER, HAND (optical goods) 716.684-010
BLOCKER, HAND I (hat & cap) 580.684-010
BLOCKER, HAND II (hat & cap) 580.684-014
blocker, heated metal-forms (hat & cap) 580.684-010
BLOCKER I (print. & pub.) 979.682-010
BLOCKER II (print. & pub.) 971.684-010
BLOCKER, METAL BASE (print. & pub.) 974.682-010
blocker, polishing (clock & watch) 715.684-034
BLOCK FEEDER (fabrication, nec) 663.686-010
block hacker (fabrication, nec; paper & pulp) 569.687-026
blocking-machine operator (hat & cap) 580.685-026
Blocking-Machine Operator, Second (hat & cap) 580.685-038
BLOCKING-MACHINE TENDER (optical goods) 716.685-010
BLOCK INSPECTOR (fabrication, nec) 739.687-038
block maker (concrete prod.) 575.685-014
BLOCK MAKER (protective dev.) 719.381-018
block maker (stonework) 771.684-010
BLOCK-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (concrete prod.) 575.685-014
block-press operator (chemical) 559.685-038
BLOCK-PRESS OPERATOR (chemical) 556.685-014
Block Setter, Gypsum (construction) 861.381-018
BLOCK-SPLITTER OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 663.685-010
block trimmer (leather mfg.) 585.684-010
blood-bank-booking clerk (medical ser.) 245.367-018
BLOOD-DONOR RECRUITER (medical ser.) 293.357-010
BLOOD-DONOR-UNIT ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 245.367-014
BLOOD TESTER, FOWL (agriculture) 411.364-010
Blower (can. & preserv.) 525.687-126
blower (glass mfg.) 772.381-022
blower (hat & cap) 680.685-046
blower (retail trade) 369.685-010
blower (toy-sport equip.) 731.685-014
BLOWER AND COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLER (machinery mfg.) 801.361-010
blower, blast furnace (steel & rel.) 519.132-010
BLOWER FEEDER, DYED RAW STOCK (textile) 581.686-010
BLOWER INSULATOR (railroad equip.; retail trade; wholesale tr.) 863.664-010
blower-room attendant (any industry) 950.585-010
Blow-Machine Tender, Starch Spraying (textile) 582.685-138
BLOW-MOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (plastic prod.) 556.682-010
BLOW-MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (toy-sport equip.) 556.685-086
Blow-Off Worker (chemical) 549.587-010
BLOW-OFF WORKER (furniture) 763.687-010
BLOW-PIT HELPER (paper & pulp) 533.686-010
BLOW-PIT OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 533.665-010
BLOW-UP OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 529.485-014
Blueberry Grower (agriculture) 403.161-014
Blue-Leather Setter (leather mfg.) 589.685-098
Blue-Leather Sorter (leather mfg.) 589.387-010
blue-line hanger (leather mfg.) 589.686-026
blue-line operator (any industry) 979.682-014
blue-line trimmer (leather mfg.) 585.684-010
blueprint assembler (any industry) 920.687-038
blue print control clerk (aircraft mfg.; electron. comp.) 206.367-010
BLUEPRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any industry) 979.682-014
blueprint maker (any industry) 979.682-014
Blueprint-Paper-Coating-Machine Operator (photo. appar.) 534.582-010
BLUEPRINT TRIMMER (any industry) 920.687-038
Bluer (ordnance) 599.685-026
Blue-Split Trimmer (leather mfg.) 585.684-010
bluing-oven tender (heat treating) 504.685-018
Blunger Loader (textile) 929.687-030
blunger-machine operator (brick & tile; pottery & porc.) 570.482-010

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