TITLE(s): FIREWORKS DISPLAY SPECIALIST (chemical) alternate titles: setter-off; setter-up Assembles and sets off fireworks displays at fairs, expositions, or celebrations, according to picture programs or diagrams: Advises committee as to distance audience should be from setoff site of display, according to wind direction and velocity, considering fallout of sparks and acid, and types of fireworks used. Lays out setoff arrangement. Directs workers to set mortars (pipes used to fire aerial shells) apart from ground display, and places barrier of sandbags, railroad ties, or boxes of gravel between mortars to avoid detonating shells from sparks. Assembles framework and affixes display to framework, using hammer, saw, nails, scissors, and twine. Ties fuses of components to lead fuse to create simultaneous fireworks display. Determines appropriate time for setting off of display, according to environmental conditions. GOE: 05.10.06 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77 |
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FIREWORKS DISPLAY SPECIALIST (chemical) alternate titles: setter-off; setter-up
Assembles and sets off fireworks displays at fairs, expositions, or celebrations, according to
picture programs or diagrams: Advises committee as to distance audience should be from setoff site
of display, according to wind direction and velocity, considering fallout of sparks and acid, and
types of fireworks used. Lays out setoff arrangement. Directs workers to set mortars (pipes used to
fire aerial shells) apart from ground display, and places barrier of sandbags, railroad ties, or
boxes of gravel between mortars to avoid detonating shells from sparks. Assembles framework and
affixes display to framework, using hammer, saw, nails, scissors, and twine. Ties fuses of
components to lead fuse to create simultaneous fireworks display. Determines appropriate time for
setting off of display, according to environmental conditions.
GOE: 05.10.06 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03