TITLE(s): WELDING-MACHINE OPERATOR, ELECTRON BEAM (welding) Sets up and operates electron beam welding machine to join metal workpieces according to specifications, applying knowledge of electron-beam welding: Cleans and assembles part, using solvents, degreasing equipment, and press or oven. Checks part for magnetic field, using Gauss meter, and places part on automatic demagnetizer. Selects holding fixture according to size and type of workpiece and installs fixture into welding position. Selects target block and fastens block to fixture to make beam adjustments and prevent damage to equipment. Turns on power supply and water cooling and air pumping systems. Closes chamber door and activates pumping stages to create vacuum. Reviews specifications or examines sample parts to determine equipment settings, applying knowledge of electron-beam welding and metal characteristics. Adjusts current setting to heat filament or cathode and adjusts high voltage setting on anode. Aligns target block in horizontal and lateral directions, using hand and foot controls. Rotates polarized filter to darken image in optical viewing system. Activates beam and adjusts anode voltage and beam current to regulate depth of weld. Adjusts current to magnetic lens to focus beam in specific positions. Moves workpiece under electron beam during welding, using handtools. Turns off beam, opens chamber, and removes target block. Inspects section of workpiece for depth of weld penetration, width of joining cracks, holes, and inclusions, using microscope. Performs mechanical strength tests and records results. Cleans weld chamber and replaces filament, using handtools. GOE: 06.02.19 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 91702 Welding Machine Setters and Set-Up Operators |
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Sets up and operates electron beam welding machine to join metal workpieces according to
specifications, applying knowledge of electron-beam welding: Cleans and assembles part, using
solvents, degreasing equipment, and press or oven. Checks part for magnetic field, using Gauss
meter, and places part on automatic demagnetizer. Selects holding fixture according to size and type
of workpiece and installs fixture into welding position. Selects target block and fastens
block to fixture to make beam adjustments and prevent damage to equipment. Turns on power supply and
water cooling and air pumping systems. Closes chamber door and activates pumping stages to create
vacuum. Reviews specifications or examines sample parts to determine equipment settings, applying
knowledge of electron-beam welding and metal characteristics. Adjusts current setting to heat
filament or cathode and adjusts high voltage setting on anode. Aligns target block in horizontal and
lateral directions, using hand and foot controls. Rotates polarized filter to darken image in
optical viewing system. Activates beam and adjusts anode voltage and beam current to regulate depth
of weld. Adjusts current to magnetic lens to focus beam in specific positions. Moves workpiece under
electron beam during welding, using handtools. Turns off beam, opens chamber, and removes target
block. Inspects section of workpiece for depth of weld penetration, width of joining cracks, holes,
and inclusions, using microscope. Performs mechanical strength tests and records results. Cleans
weld chamber and replaces filament, using handtools.
GOE: 06.02.19 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 91702 Welding Machine Setters and Set-Up Operators
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03