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CODE: 813.684-014Buy the DOT: Download
TITLE(s): SOLDERER-ASSEMBLER (welding) alternate titles: production solderer; returned-goods

repairer Solders together components to assemble fabricated metal items, as specified by work orders, diagrams, or layout, using soldering iron: Aligns and clamps parts together, using rule, square, or handtools, or positions items in fixtures, jigs, or vise. Dips parts in cleaning solution, or brushes or sprinkles flux along seams. Heats soldering iron in gas flame or electric induction coil, or plugs iron in electrical outlet. Plunges tip of iron into cleaning compound and rubs tip onto specified tin alloy to clean and tin tip. Guides tip along seam to heat workpiece to bonding temperature and dips bar or wire of specified soft solder in seam to solder joint. May dip workpieces into molten solder or place solder strip between seams and heat seam with iron to sweat items together. May clean workpiece, using file, handbrush, or grinder. May grind, cut, or bend edges to fit fabricated parts together, using power grinder and handtools. May use hand torch to solder joints inaccessible to hand iron. May solder broken parts or cover holes to repair leaks. May melt and separate soldered joints, using hand torch, iron, or furnace, and remove and straighten components and resolder joints to repair misaligned or damaged assemblies and be designated Solderer, Assembly Repair (welding).
GOE: 06.02.22 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 93917A Solderers

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CODE: 813.684-014 Buy the DOT: Download
TITLE(s): SOLDERER-ASSEMBLER (welding) alternate titles: production solderer; returned-goods

repairer Solders together components to assemble fabricated metal items, as specified by work orders, diagrams, or layout, using soldering iron: Aligns and clamps parts together, using rule, square, or handtools, or positions items in fixtures, jigs, or vise. Dips parts in cleaning solution, or brushes or sprinkles flux along seams. Heats soldering iron in gas flame or electric induction coil, or plugs iron in electrical outlet. Plunges tip of iron into cleaning compound and rubs tip onto specified tin alloy to clean and tin tip. Guides tip along seam to heat workpiece to bonding temperature and dips bar or wire of specified soft solder in seam to solder joint. May dip workpieces into molten solder or place solder strip between seams and heat seam with iron to sweat items together. May clean workpiece, using file, handbrush, or grinder. May grind, cut, or bend edges to fit fabricated parts together, using power grinder and handtools. May use hand torch to solder joints inaccessible to hand iron. May solder broken parts or cover holes to repair leaks. May melt and separate soldered joints, using hand torch, iron, or furnace, and remove and straighten components and resolder joints to repair misaligned or damaged assemblies and be designated Solderer, Assembly Repair (welding).
GOE: 06.02.22 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 4 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 93917A Solderers

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