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CODE: 813.382-010Buy the DOT: Download
TITLE(s): BRAZER, INDUCTION (welding) alternate titles: brazer, electronic; solderer, electronic

Sets up and operates induction heating equipment to braze (bond) together metal components, according to blueprint, work order, or layout specifications: Positions and clamps fixtures and stops into machine, using square, rule, and template. Selects heating coil, or bends copper or alloy tubing or wire into coils, which outline joint to be brazed. Bolts or screws coil to electrode. Turns knobs to adjust electrical current for type and thickness of metal, as computed from data charts. Places wire, strip, or preformed piece of brazing alloy over edges of components and brushes flux along seams to be joined. Assembles and positions workpieces into holding fixture. Starts electric current in coils to heat workpiece and melt alloy. Turns off current and allows workpiece to cool, or directs stream of water or air onto workpiece, or turns handle to fill coil with water to cool workpiece. Removes workpiece, using tongs or tweezer, when brazed metal has solidified, as indicated by color. May connect holding fixture to electrode instead of using heating coil. May set timing control to shut off current automatically after specified period of time. May anneal finished workpiece to relieve internal stress [ANNEALER (heat treating)]. May dip workpiece into chemical bath to remove impurities or flux. May bond workpieces together with soft solder and be known as Solderer, Induction (welding).
GOE: 06.02.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 91708 Soldering and Brazing Machine Setters and Set-Up Operators

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CODE: 813.382-010 Buy the DOT: Download
TITLE(s): BRAZER, INDUCTION (welding) alternate titles: brazer, electronic; solderer, electronic

Sets up and operates induction heating equipment to braze (bond) together metal components, according to blueprint, work order, or layout specifications: Positions and clamps fixtures and stops into machine, using square, rule, and template. Selects heating coil, or bends copper or alloy tubing or wire into coils, which outline joint to be brazed. Bolts or screws coil to electrode. Turns knobs to adjust electrical current for type and thickness of metal, as computed from data charts. Places wire, strip, or preformed piece of brazing alloy over edges of components and brushes flux along seams to be joined. Assembles and positions workpieces into holding fixture. Starts electric current in coils to heat workpiece and melt alloy. Turns off current and allows workpiece to cool, or directs stream of water or air onto workpiece, or turns handle to fill coil with water to cool workpiece. Removes workpiece, using tongs or tweezer, when brazed metal has solidified, as indicated by color. May connect holding fixture to electrode instead of using heating coil. May set timing control to shut off current automatically after specified period of time. May anneal finished workpiece to relieve internal stress [ANNEALER (heat treating)]. May dip workpiece into chemical bath to remove impurities or flux. May bond workpieces together with soft solder and be known as Solderer, Induction (welding).
GOE: 06.02.10 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 91708 Soldering and Brazing Machine Setters and Set-Up Operators

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