TITLE(s): BALANCING-MACHINE SET-UP WORKER (any industry) alternate titles: dynamic-balancer set-up worker Sets up and operates dynamic balancing machine to locate points of imbalance on engine or electric motor parts, such as spindles, impeller wheels, armatures, rotors, and flywheels: Positions bearing pedestals according to size of workpiece, installs bearings and keys on pedestal, and aligns drive motor with belt pulleys or drive adapter of balancing machine, using handtools. Adjusts stroboscope light to specified intensity and focus. Signals crane operator to position workpiece on pedestals and fastens test weight to specified point on workpiece, using hammer, pliers, and welding equipment. Starts machine to rotate workpiece. Moves controls of machine and observes dials, meters, or trace patterns on screen to determine points of imbalance on workpiece. GOE: 06.03.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77 |
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BALANCING-MACHINE SET-UP WORKER (any industry) alternate titles: dynamic-balancer set-up
Sets up and operates dynamic balancing machine to locate points of imbalance on engine or electric
motor parts, such as spindles, impeller wheels, armatures, rotors, and flywheels: Positions bearing
pedestals according to size of workpiece, installs bearings and keys on pedestal, and aligns drive
motor with belt pulleys or drive adapter of balancing machine, using handtools. Adjusts stroboscope
light to specified intensity and focus. Signals crane operator to position workpiece on pedestals
and fastens test weight to specified point on workpiece, using hammer, pliers, and welding
equipment. Starts machine to rotate workpiece. Moves controls of machine and observes dials, meters,
or trace patterns on screen to determine points of imbalance on workpiece.
GOE: 06.03.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03