TITLE(s): HASSOCK MAKER (tex. prod., nec) Fills sewed hassock covers with precut polyfoam filler: Places filler inside tack (cover) and centers evenly between ends of cover. Places hassock in pleater and draws strings together to pleat and close ends. Attaches buttons to ends of hassock with cord and hook. May stuff filling material, such as cotton, excelsior, or kapok, into hassock cover and compress it under hydraulic press to shape and firm hassock. GOE: 06.04.34 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 93956 Assemblers and Fabricators- Except Machine, Electrical, Electronic, and Precision |
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HASSOCK MAKER (tex. prod., nec)
Fills sewed hassock covers with precut polyfoam filler: Places filler inside tack (cover) and
centers evenly between ends of cover. Places hassock in pleater and draws strings together to pleat
and close ends. Attaches buttons to ends of hassock with cord and hook. May stuff filling material,
such as cotton, excelsior, or kapok, into hassock cover and compress it under hydraulic press to
shape and firm hassock.
GOE: 06.04.34 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 93956 Assemblers and Fabricators- Except Machine, Electrical, Electronic, and Precision
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03