TITLE(s): GLASS-WORKER, PRESSED OR BLOWN (glass mfg.) alternate titles: glass technologist Performs any combination of following tasks to produce pressed or blown glassware from molten glass: Balances gather (gob of molten glass) on blowpipe, and blows through and simultaneously rotates blowpipe to maintain gather in globular form for blocking, redipping, or final shaping. Moves controls that open hinged molds to receive gather for shaping by press or attaches blower head to opening of blank-filled mold and turns valve to admit compressed air that shapes blank to mold contour. Removes glassware from mold, using pincers or fork, or catches ware from inverted molds on paddle (tray) and carries ware to reheating furnace, glazing machine, or lehr. Strikes glassware with metal bar to break (crack off) ware from blowpipe. Removes excess glass from ware, using bar, hand cutter, flame, or saw. Inspects glassware for defects, such as cracks, chips, and malformations. GOE: 06.02.30 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 93956 Assemblers and Fabricators- Except Machine, Electrical, Electronic, and Precision |
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GLASS-WORKER, PRESSED OR BLOWN (glass mfg.) alternate titles: glass technologist
Performs any combination of following tasks to produce pressed or blown glassware from molten
glass: Balances gather (gob of molten glass) on blowpipe, and blows through and simultaneously
rotates blowpipe to maintain gather in globular form for blocking, redipping, or final shaping.
Moves controls that open hinged molds to receive gather for shaping by press or attaches blower head
to opening of blank-filled mold and turns valve to admit compressed air that shapes blank to mold
contour. Removes glassware from mold, using pincers or fork, or catches ware from inverted molds on
paddle (tray) and carries ware to reheating furnace, glazing machine, or lehr. Strikes glassware
with metal bar to break (crack off) ware from blowpipe. Removes excess glass from ware, using bar,
hand cutter, flame, or saw. Inspects glassware for defects, such as cracks, chips, and
GOE: 06.02.30 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 93956 Assemblers and Fabricators- Except Machine, Electrical, Electronic, and Precision
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03