TITLE(s): INLETTER (ordnance) Operates multispindle woodworking machine to rout, mill, drill, and profile recesses in gun stocks to receive metal gun parts, such as barrel, breech, receiver, and trigger: Clamps gunstock blank in fixture on carriage of machine. Turns crank to feed workpiece into series of routing bits, each equipped with tracing pin. Moves dropbar to force tracing pins to follow contours of metal model in designated sequence, so routing tools will cut duplicate recesses in wooden gunstock. Turns crank to feed gunstock into horizontal milling cutter and moves dropbar that controls cutter to round off and smooth routing cuts. Verifies accuracy of cuts by fitting metal gun parts into their respective recesses and using fixed gauges. GOE: 06.02.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 92314 Woodworking Machine Operators and Tenders, Except Sawing |
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INLETTER (ordnance)
Operates multispindle woodworking machine to rout, mill, drill, and profile recesses in gun stocks
to receive metal gun parts, such as barrel, breech, receiver, and trigger: Clamps gunstock blank in
fixture on carriage of machine. Turns crank to feed workpiece into series of routing bits, each
equipped with tracing pin. Moves dropbar to force tracing pins to follow contours of metal model in
designated sequence, so routing tools will cut duplicate recesses in wooden gunstock. Turns crank to
feed gunstock into horizontal milling cutter and moves dropbar that controls cutter to round off and
smooth routing cuts. Verifies accuracy of cuts by fitting metal gun parts into their respective
recesses and using fixed gauges.
GOE: 06.02.03 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 4 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 92314 Woodworking Machine Operators and Tenders, Except Sawing
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03