TITLE(s): SETTER, COLD-ROLLING MACHINE (machine shop) Sets up and operates single- or double-die gear roll-forming machines to rough and finish roll-forming of gears, according to design information and machine operating instructions: Mounts and centers forming dies on opposing die spindle heads, using handtools. Sets stops to control traversing of die spindle head to predetermined operating position. Adjusts each die spindle to form gears as specified and adjusts and locks phase adjustor to obtain designated rotational timing of dies with gear teeth on workpiece. Positions arbor on machine to form gears of specified diameter. Adjusts speed of arbor motor with speed of dies to ensure clash-free engagement of dies with workpiece. Mounts gear blank on arbor and starts machine to produce trial run gear to verify setup of machine. Feels and inspects gear to detect defects, such as burrs, using gauges and micrometers. Adjusts machine to correct faulty machine setup if gears do not meet specifications. Pushes buttons to start automatic operation of machine and monitors forming of gears. GOE: 06.02.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 91314 Rolling Machine Setters and Set-Up Operators, Metal and Plastic |
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CODE: 617.682-022 Buy the DOT: Download
Sets up and operates single- or double-die gear roll-forming machines to rough and finish
roll-forming of gears, according to design information and machine operating instructions: Mounts
and centers forming dies on opposing die spindle heads, using handtools. Sets stops to control
traversing of die spindle head to predetermined operating position. Adjusts each die spindle to form
gears as specified and adjusts and locks phase adjustor to obtain designated rotational timing of
dies with gear teeth on workpiece. Positions arbor on machine to form gears of specified diameter.
Adjusts speed of arbor motor with speed of dies to ensure clash-free engagement of dies with
workpiece. Mounts gear blank on arbor and starts machine to produce trial run gear to verify setup
of machine. Feels and inspects gear to detect defects, such as burrs, using gauges and micrometers.
Adjusts machine to correct faulty machine setup if gears do not meet specifications. Pushes buttons
to start automatic operation of machine and monitors forming of gears.
GOE: 06.02.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 91314 Rolling Machine Setters and Set-Up Operators, Metal and Plastic
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03