TITLE(s): FABRIC-MACHINE OPERATOR I (furniture) alternate titles: link-wire-fabric-machine operator Sets up and operates link wire fabric machine to form linked wire mesh for flat bedsprings from stock wire, using work orders, knowledge of machine operation, and bending characteristics of wire: Studies work orders to determine dimensions and type of wire mesh required. Selects tool and die elements from standardized stock or requests TOOL-AND-DIE MAKER (machine shop) to fabricate necessary elements. Positions and fastens tool and die elements and cams into required arrangement in machine to cut and bend stock wire by action of sliding rams in coordinated sequence. Places coils of wire on two reels, using forklift. Feeds wire through drive wheels and between dies of slides, using handtools. Starts machine to form and link together lengthwise and crosswise lengths to produce fabric of specified dimensions. Inspects sample, using template and rule. Adjusts setup to correct dimensions of wire fabric. Gives directions to FABRIC-MACHINE OPERATORS (furniture) II. GOE: 06.02.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77 |
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FABRIC-MACHINE OPERATOR I (furniture) alternate titles: link-wire-fabric-machine
Sets up and operates link wire fabric machine to form linked wire mesh for flat bedsprings from
stock wire, using work orders, knowledge of machine operation, and bending characteristics of wire:
Studies work orders to determine dimensions and type of wire mesh required. Selects tool and die
elements from standardized stock or requests TOOL-AND-DIE MAKER (machine shop) to fabricate
necessary elements. Positions and fastens tool and die elements and cams into required arrangement
in machine to cut and bend stock wire by action of sliding rams in coordinated sequence. Places
coils of wire on two reels, using forklift. Feeds wire through drive wheels and between dies of
slides, using handtools. Starts machine to form and link together lengthwise and crosswise lengths
to produce fabric of specified dimensions. Inspects sample, using template and rule. Adjusts setup
to correct dimensions of wire fabric. Gives directions to FABRIC-MACHINE OPERATORS (furniture) II.
GOE: 06.02.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03