TITLE(s): HARDENING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) alternate titles: hardener; Tends machine that agitates fur felt hat cones to mat together interlocking fibers and harden cones preparatory to forming into hats: Wraps wet cones in burlap and wrings or places cones in extractor and starts machine to remove excess water. Wraps cones in woolen cloth and places cloth containing cones on rollers of hardening machine. Pulls handle to lower upper rollers onto cones and simultaneously start timed rollers that agitate cones and tighten fibers in tip of cones. Removes cloth containing cones and repeats operation to tighten fibers in brim area of cones. May inspect cones and work fibers into holes and thin spots, using fingers, to repair damaged cones. GOE: 06.04.16 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77 |
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CODE: 586.685-026 Buy the DOT: Download
HARDENING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) alternate titles: hardener;
Tends machine that agitates fur felt hat cones to mat together interlocking fibers and harden
cones preparatory to forming into hats: Wraps wet cones in burlap and wrings or places cones in
extractor and starts machine to remove excess water. Wraps cones in woolen cloth and places cloth
containing cones on rollers of hardening machine. Pulls handle to lower upper rollers onto cones and
simultaneously start timed rollers that agitate cones and tighten fibers in tip of cones. Removes
cloth containing cones and repeats operation to tighten fibers in brim area of cones. May inspect
cones and work fibers into holes and thin spots, using fingers, to repair damaged cones.
GOE: 06.04.16 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03