TITLE(s): DOPE-DRY-HOUSE OPERATOR (chemical) alternate titles: dope-house operator helper; dry-house operator Tends machines that dry, grind, and screen materials, such as sodium nitrate, apricot pits, sulfur, and clay for use in making dynamite: Shovels or dumps materials into drier hopper and adjusts temperature of steam-heated drier to specified reading. Starts conveyors and elevators that convey materials through drier and grinder. Starts grinder and sifting screens that grind and screen materials and deposit them in bins. May drive scoop tractor to fill drier hopper. May test moisture content of ingredients, using carbide-filled jar and gauge that registers gas produced. May weigh out dried ingredients according to formula, to prepare batches for mixing with nitroglycerin. May be designated according to ingredient treated as Soda-Dry-House Operator (chemical). GOE: 06.04.19 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77 |
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DOPE-DRY-HOUSE OPERATOR (chemical) alternate titles: dope-house operator helper;
dry-house operator
Tends machines that dry, grind, and screen materials, such as sodium nitrate, apricot pits,
sulfur, and clay for use in making dynamite: Shovels or dumps materials into drier hopper and
adjusts temperature of steam-heated drier to specified reading. Starts conveyors and elevators that
convey materials through drier and grinder. Starts grinder and sifting screens that grind and screen
materials and deposit them in bins. May drive scoop tractor to fill drier hopper. May test moisture
content of ingredients, using carbide-filled jar and gauge that registers gas produced. May weigh
out dried ingredients according to formula, to prepare batches for mixing with nitroglycerin. May be
designated according to ingredient treated as Soda-Dry-House Operator (chemical).
GOE: 06.04.19 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03