TITLE(s): DRY-HOUSE TENDER (ordnance) Tends equipment that controls moisture content of stored explosive mixtures and their ingredients, used in detonators, primers, and fuses for shells, cartridges, and bombs according to prescribed standards: Scoops chemicals from rubber containers into paper- or cloth-lined trays. Places trays on racks in steam-heated drying or humidified rooms for specified time to dehydrate or moisten chemicals. Observes recording instruments and turns valves to maintain temperature and humidity of rooms within prescribed safety limits. Records storage time to identify material of specified moisture content for further processing. Turns valves to drain explosive material from mixing-room waste collection tank into vat in which it is cooked to render it harmless for disposal. Shovels designated quantity of caustic soda and aluminum chips into vat and closes loading hatch. Turns valves to admit steam into heating coils and sets automatic timer for prescribed cooking period. Drains vat of cooked material and flushes out sediment. Cleans utensils, floors, and walls, using water hose, to remove accumulations of explosive material in accordance with safety regulations. May screen and blend materials, such as powder, shellac, and ground glass. GOE: 06.04.11 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77 |
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CODE: 559.585-010 Buy the DOT: Download
Tends equipment that controls moisture content of stored explosive mixtures and their ingredients,
used in detonators, primers, and fuses for shells, cartridges, and bombs according to prescribed
standards: Scoops chemicals from rubber containers into paper- or cloth-lined trays. Places trays on
racks in steam-heated drying or humidified rooms for specified time to dehydrate or moisten
chemicals. Observes recording instruments and turns valves to maintain temperature and humidity of
rooms within prescribed safety limits. Records storage time to identify material of specified
moisture content for further processing. Turns valves to drain explosive material from mixing-room
waste collection tank into vat in which it is cooked to render it harmless for disposal. Shovels
designated quantity of caustic soda and aluminum chips into vat and closes loading hatch. Turns
valves to admit steam into heating coils and sets automatic timer for prescribed cooking period.
Drains vat of cooked material and flushes out sediment. Cleans utensils, floors, and walls, using
water hose, to remove accumulations of explosive material in accordance with safety regulations. May
screen and blend materials, such as powder, shellac, and ground glass.
GOE: 06.04.11 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03