TITLE(s): DIGESTER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods) alternate titles: cook; digester cook Operates battery of stationary or rotary steam digesters to cook wood chips with soda ash or acid to make pulp for use in manufacture of paper and insulation board: Signals DIGESTER-OPERATOR HELPER (paper & pulp; paper goods) 532.686-010 to charge digesters with specified amounts of chips and chemicals. Turns valves or moves panel controls to admit steam into digesters, to raise temperature and pressure within specified limits, and to start rotary digesters. Monitors temperature, flow, and pressure gauges and charts to ensure that chips are cooked according to specifications. Tests samples of digester liquid by titration or standard color chart to determine completion of cooking process. Opens valves of stationary digester to blow cooked pulp into pit, or pulls lever to tip rotary digester and dump contents. Compiles production records. May be designated according to process as Cooker, Soda (paper & pulp; paper goods); Cooker, Sulfate (paper & pulp; paper goods); Cooker, Sulfite (paper & pulp; paper goods). GOE: 06.02.14 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 78 |
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CODE: 532.362-010 Buy the DOT: Download
DIGESTER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods) alternate titles: cook; digester cook
Operates battery of stationary or rotary steam digesters to cook wood chips with soda ash or acid
to make pulp for use in manufacture of paper and insulation board: Signals DIGESTER-OPERATOR HELPER
(paper & pulp; paper goods) 532.686-010 to charge digesters with specified amounts of chips and
chemicals. Turns valves or moves panel controls to admit steam into digesters, to raise temperature
and pressure within specified limits, and to start rotary digesters. Monitors temperature, flow, and
pressure gauges and charts to ensure that chips are cooked according to specifications. Tests
samples of digester liquid by titration or standard color chart to determine completion of cooking
process. Opens valves of stationary digester to blow cooked pulp into pit, or pulls lever to tip
rotary digester and dump contents. Compiles production records. May be designated according to
process as Cooker, Soda (paper & pulp; paper goods); Cooker, Sulfate (paper & pulp; paper goods);
Cooker, Sulfite (paper & pulp; paper goods).
GOE: 06.02.14 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 78
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03