TITLE(s): ALMOND HULLER (can. & preserv.) Tends machine that removes hulls and foreign matter from almonds: Starts machine and dumps almonds into hopper of machine. Moves levers to control flow of almonds from hopper to machine that agitates screens or cylinders to remove hulls from almonds. Turns valve to regulate pressure and directional flow of air that separates loose hulls, twigs and foreign matter from nuts. Observes almonds as they pass on conveyor belt from machine to ascertain that hulls are removed. Changes screens or adjusts cylinders of machine to accommodate different varieties of almonds, using wrench. May sew sacks of almonds. May nail covers on crates filled with hulled almonds. GOE: 06.04.15 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 92962 Separating, Filtering, Clarifying, Precipitating, and Still Machine Operators and Tenders |
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CODE: 521.685-010 Buy the DOT: Download
ALMOND HULLER (can. & preserv.)
Tends machine that removes hulls and foreign matter from almonds: Starts machine and dumps almonds
into hopper of machine. Moves levers to control flow of almonds from hopper to machine that agitates
screens or cylinders to remove hulls from almonds. Turns valve to regulate pressure and directional
flow of air that separates loose hulls, twigs and foreign matter from nuts. Observes almonds as they
pass on conveyor belt from machine to ascertain that hulls are removed. Changes screens or adjusts
cylinders of machine to accommodate different varieties of almonds, using wrench. May sew sacks of
almonds. May nail covers on crates filled with hulled almonds.
GOE: 06.04.15 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 92962 Separating, Filtering, Clarifying, Precipitating, and Still Machine Operators and Tenders
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03