TITLE(s): EXPEDITION SUPERVISOR (fishing & hunt.) Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in hunting for and capturing sea mammals for research and display: Confers with management to ascertain kind and number of animals to be captured, time and location of hunt, and mode of travel. Determines personnel, food, equipment and other supply requirements for hunt and capture of animals. Inspects equipment for adequacy and condition. Arranges for repair services and requisitions needed supplies. Maintains and repairs, or supervises maintenance and repair of equipment. Assigns workers to activities, such as mending nets and attaching floats and packing and loading food and material in carrier. Scouts ocean beaches and rookeries and stands watch on boat to locate mammals. Coordinates activities, such as catching mammals, on-site container construction, and in-transit mammal care. Performs other duties described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: V GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 79999F Hunters and Trappers |
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CODE: 461.134-010 Buy the DOT: Download
Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in hunting for and capturing sea mammals
for research and display: Confers with management to ascertain kind and number of animals to be
captured, time and location of hunt, and mode of travel. Determines personnel, food, equipment and
other supply requirements for hunt and capture of animals. Inspects equipment for adequacy and
condition. Arranges for repair services and requisitions needed supplies. Maintains and repairs, or
supervises maintenance and repair of equipment. Assigns workers to activities, such as mending nets
and attaching floats and packing and loading food and material in carrier. Scouts ocean beaches and
rookeries and stands watch on boat to locate mammals. Coordinates activities, such as catching
mammals, on-site container construction, and in-transit mammal care. Performs other duties described
under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: V GED: R4 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 79999F Hunters and Trappers
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03