TITLE(s): FISHER, POT (fishing & hunt.) Fishes for marine life, including crab, eel, or lobster, using pots (cages with funnel-shaped net openings): Ties marker float to line, attaches line to pot, fastens bait inside pot, and lowers pot into water. Hooks marker float with pole and pulls up pot. Reaches through hinged door of pot to remove catch or dumps catch on deck. Measures catch with fixed gauge to ensure compliance with legal size. Places legal catch in container and tosses illegal catch overboard. Places peg in hinge of claws to prevent lobsters, in container, from killing each other. May rig and lower dredge (rake scoop with bag net attached), drag dredge behind boat to gather marine life from water bottom, and hoist it to deck by hand or using block and tackle. May be designated according to type of marine life fished for as Fisher, Crab (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Eel (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Lobster (fishing & hunt.). May work alone or as member of crew. GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: V GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 79999E Commercial Fishery Workers |
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FISHER, POT (fishing & hunt.)
Fishes for marine life, including crab, eel, or lobster, using pots (cages with funnel-shaped net
openings): Ties marker float to line, attaches line to pot, fastens bait inside pot, and lowers pot
into water. Hooks marker float with pole and pulls up pot. Reaches through hinged door of pot to
remove catch or dumps catch on deck. Measures catch with fixed gauge to ensure compliance with legal
size. Places legal catch in container and tosses illegal catch overboard. Places peg in hinge of
claws to prevent lobsters, in container, from killing each other. May rig and lower dredge (rake
scoop with bag net attached), drag dredge behind boat to gather marine life from water bottom, and
hoist it to deck by hand or using block and tackle. May be designated according to type of marine
life fished for as Fisher, Crab (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Eel (fishing & hunt.); Fisher, Lobster
(fishing & hunt.). May work alone or as member of crew.
GOE: 03.04.03 STRENGTH: V GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 79999E Commercial Fishery Workers
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03