TITLE(s): FARMWORKER, RICE (agriculture) Drives and operates rice-farm machinery to prepare land, till soil, build ditches and levees, and harvest rice crop: Hitches farm implements to tractor, and drives tractor along existing swaths and contours of rice field to plow and level fields and build or shore up ditches and levees of flood-irrigation system. Plants rice seed, or soaks rice seed in water and loads germinated seed onto airplane for aerial seeding of field. Loads fertilizer and weed killer into airplane, and stands at edge of field or positions markers indicating field pass by airplane to prevent overlap and gaps during aerial spraying. Drives tractor with harrow attachment over aerially seeded fields to cover seeds with dirt. Sets mowing controls and drives combine through fields to cut and thresh rice, stopping to adjust controls when amount of grain observed in chaff and amount of chaff observed in grain hoppers exceed allowable amounts. Transfers grain from combine hopper to grain truck, using transfer auger. Patrols irrigation ditches to detect obstructions and earthen deterioration, and removes debris and shores-up levees and ditches with shovel to ensure complete flooding of fields. Starts irrigation pumps, removes levee gates, and breaks apart levees to flood or drain field sections as directed. Performs miscellaneous duties, such as cleaning and lubricating farm equipment, loading and unloading trucks, and repairing buildings and fences. GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 79021 Farm Equipment Operators |
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FARMWORKER, RICE (agriculture)
Drives and operates rice-farm machinery to prepare land, till soil, build ditches and levees, and
harvest rice crop: Hitches farm implements to tractor, and drives tractor along existing swaths and
contours of rice field to plow and level fields and build or shore up ditches and levees of
flood-irrigation system. Plants rice seed, or soaks rice seed in water and loads germinated seed
onto airplane for aerial seeding of field. Loads fertilizer and weed killer into airplane, and
stands at edge of field or positions markers indicating field pass by airplane to prevent overlap
and gaps during aerial spraying. Drives tractor with harrow attachment over aerially seeded fields
to cover seeds with dirt. Sets mowing controls and drives combine through fields to cut and thresh
rice, stopping to adjust controls when amount of grain observed in chaff and amount of chaff
observed in grain hoppers exceed allowable amounts. Transfers grain from combine hopper to grain
truck, using transfer auger. Patrols irrigation ditches to detect obstructions and earthen
deterioration, and removes debris and shores-up levees and ditches with shovel to ensure complete
flooding of fields. Starts irrigation pumps, removes levee gates, and breaks apart levees to flood
or drain field sections as directed. Performs miscellaneous duties, such as cleaning and lubricating
farm equipment, loading and unloading trucks, and repairing buildings and fences.
GOE: 03.04.01 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 79021 Farm Equipment Operators
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03