TITLE(s): GARDE MANGER (hotel & rest.) alternate titles: cold-meat chef; cook, cold meat Prepares such dishes as meat loaves and salads, utilizing leftover meats, seafoods, and poultry: Consults with supervisory staff to determine dishes that will use greatest amount of leftovers. Prepares appetizers, relishes, and hors d'oeuvres. Chops, dices, and grinds meats and vegetables. Slices cold meats and cheese. Arranges and garnishes cold meat dishes. Prepares cold meat sandwiches. Mixes and prepares cold sauces, meat glazes, jellies, salad dressings, and stuffings. May supervise pantry workers. May follow recipes to prepare foods. GOE: 05.10.08 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 65026 Cooks, Restaurant |
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GARDE MANGER (hotel & rest.) alternate titles: cold-meat chef; cook, cold meat
Prepares such dishes as meat loaves and salads, utilizing leftover meats, seafoods, and poultry:
Consults with supervisory staff to determine dishes that will use greatest amount of leftovers.
Prepares appetizers, relishes, and hors d'oeuvres. Chops, dices, and grinds meats and vegetables.
Slices cold meats and cheese. Arranges and garnishes cold meat dishes. Prepares cold meat
sandwiches. Mixes and prepares cold sauces, meat glazes, jellies, salad dressings, and stuffings.
May supervise pantry workers. May follow recipes to prepare foods.
GOE: 05.10.08 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 65026 Cooks, Restaurant
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03