TITLE(s): RADIOGRAPHER (any industry) alternate titles: industrial x-ray operator Radiographs metal, plastics, concrete, or other materials, such as castings, sample parts, pipes, and structural members for flaws, cracks, or presence of foreign materials, utilizing knowledge of radiography equipment, techniques, and procedures: Aligns object on stand between source of x rays and film or plate; or aligns source of gamma rays, such as cobalt or iridium isotope and film or plate on opposite sides of object, manually or using hand or electric truck, chain hoist, or crane. Masks peripheral areas with lead shields. Selects type of radiation source and type of film, and applies standard mathematical formulas to determine exposure distance and time, considering size, mobility, and strength of radiation sources in relation to density and mobility of object. Verifies radiation intensities, using radiation meters. Adjusts controls of x-ray equipment on console or exposes source of radioactivity to take radiograph. Removes and develops film or plate. Monitors working area, using survey meters, to protect personnel area. May replace radioactive isotope source in containers by manipulating tongs from behind protective lead shield. Marks defects appearing on film and assists in analyzing findings. May specialize in x-ray work and be designated X-Ray Technician (any industry). GOE: 05.03.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 83002A Materials Inspectors |
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RADIOGRAPHER (any industry) alternate titles: industrial x-ray operator
Radiographs metal, plastics, concrete, or other materials, such as castings, sample parts, pipes,
and structural members for flaws, cracks, or presence of foreign materials, utilizing knowledge of
radiography equipment, techniques, and procedures: Aligns object on stand between source of x rays
and film or plate; or aligns source of gamma rays, such as cobalt or iridium isotope and film or
plate on opposite sides of object, manually or using hand or electric truck, chain hoist, or crane.
Masks peripheral areas with lead shields. Selects type of radiation source and type of film, and
applies standard mathematical formulas to determine exposure distance and time, considering size,
mobility, and strength of radiation sources in relation to density and mobility of object. Verifies
radiation intensities, using radiation meters. Adjusts controls of x-ray equipment on console or
exposes source of radioactivity to take radiograph. Removes and develops film or plate. Monitors
working area, using survey meters, to protect personnel area. May replace radioactive isotope source
in containers by manipulating tongs from behind protective lead shield. Marks defects appearing on
film and assists in analyzing findings. May specialize in x-ray work and be designated X-Ray
Technician (any industry).
GOE: 05.03.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R4 M4 L4 SVP: 5 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 83002A Materials Inspectors
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03