TITLE(s): AIRPLANE PILOT, PHOTOGRAMMETRY (business ser.) Pilots airplane or helicopter at specified altitudes and airspeeds, following designated flight lines, to photograph areas of earth's surface for mapping and other photogrammetric purposes: Sights along pointers (window blocking) on aircraft to topographical landmarks. Adjusts controls to hold aircraft on course, to ensure required overlap with photographs taken on previous flight line, and to select landmark points as guide for next flight line. Observes dials and moves controls to hold aircraft in level flight to eliminate contour errors in photographs caused by forward and lateral tilt of aircraft. GOE: 05.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 97702C Small Aircraft Pilots |
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CODE: 196.263-018 Buy the DOT: Download
Pilots airplane or helicopter at specified altitudes and airspeeds, following designated flight
lines, to photograph areas of earth's surface for mapping and other photogrammetric purposes: Sights
along pointers (window blocking) on aircraft to topographical landmarks. Adjusts controls to hold
aircraft on course, to ensure required overlap with photographs taken on previous flight line, and
to select landmark points as guide for next flight line. Observes dials and moves controls to hold
aircraft in level flight to eliminate contour errors in photographs caused by forward and lateral
tilt of aircraft.
GOE: 05.04.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 97702C Small Aircraft Pilots
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03