TITLE(s): MANAGER, CONVENTION (hotel & rest.) Coordinates activities of staff and convention personnel to make arrangements for group meetings and conventions to be held in hotel: Consults with representatives of group or organization to plan details, such as number of persons expected, display space desired, and food-service schedule. Obtains permits from fire and health departments to erect displays and exhibits and serve food in rooms other than dining rooms. Notifies various department heads of arrangements made. Directs workers in preparing banquet and convention rooms and erecting displays and exhibits. Inspects rooms and displays for conformance to needs and desires of group. Arranges publicity, special functions, adjusts complaints, and performs other duties to promote goodwill. GOE: 11.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 21999F Meetings and Convention Planners |
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MANAGER, CONVENTION (hotel & rest.)
Coordinates activities of staff and convention personnel to make arrangements for group meetings
and conventions to be held in hotel: Consults with representatives of group or organization to plan
details, such as number of persons expected, display space desired, and food-service schedule.
Obtains permits from fire and health departments to erect displays and exhibits and serve food in
rooms other than dining rooms. Notifies various department heads of arrangements made. Directs
workers in preparing banquet and convention rooms and erecting displays and exhibits. Inspects rooms
and displays for conformance to needs and desires of group. Arranges publicity, special functions,
adjusts complaints, and performs other duties to promote goodwill.
GOE: 11.11.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R5 M4 L4 SVP: 7 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 21999F Meetings and Convention Planners
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03